Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 883

Just when Night Eclipse was about to blast a straight road with his fist, a voice with a slightly uncertain tone rang in his ears.

"Huh? Linselei? Why are you here?" Night Eclipse raised her brows, lowered her fists and looked at the blond lady who poked her head from the left passage.

"It's really you! How did you find me!" Lin Silei's eyes lit up and walked out a little happily. At first, she was a little worried about whether she was from another team, but after seeing some familiar movements Only then tentatively made a sound.

"By chance, but who is the guy next to Linselei?" Night Eclipse narrowed her eyes and looked at the girl in witch costume standing next to Linselei, "You don't have a human breath."

"This child is an elf..." Lin Silei blinked and looked at the girl beside her, "He is my good friend, can you tell him your name?"

"Hmm... Is this man with fierce eyes really your friend?" The elf girl was silent for a while before speaking slowly.

For a while, the eyes of the night eclipse became extremely fierce, and the elf girl was scared to step back a few steps, feeling like she would turn her head and run away in the next second.

It should be said that if it hadn't been for Linselei, she might have run away.

"Why...night eclipse, don't scare her," Linselei puffed up her cheeks with dissatisfaction.

"It's a pity that I am a man with fierce eyes!" Ye Eclipse's hands ringed his chest with an unhappy expression.

"My name is Isalia Xiwa," the elf girl shrank her head in fear.

"Eh... the Water Elf King," the corner of Night Eclipse's mouth raised, and a light flashed in his eyes.

"Hey!" I don't know what seems to be felt, the ordinary elf girl turned her head and ran towards the passage.

"Huh!" Lin Silei looked confused and obviously didn't understand what happened.

"Run? Did you run away!" The eclipse's knees tilted and bounced out like a cannonball, and his left hand directly grabbed the elven girl who had fled hastily.


It is true that the elf girl ran quite fast, but in front of the speed of the night eclipse, it was no different from the pause. As a result, the girl was very sadly pressed by the night eclipse and buckled directly into the ground.

"Dare to run?" Ye Eclipse directly sat on the elf girl's waist without pity Xiang Xiyu.

"Don't run! Don't run!" The elf girl shook her head like a rattle.

"Yeah! What are you doing in the night eclipse!" Lin Silei screamed and grabbed the night eclipse's arm and pulled it up, trying to pull the night eclipse up, "how can you do this!"

"I didn't do anything, she ran first," Ye Eclipse patted the elf girl on the head with the other hand with an innocent look.

"Right? The Water Elf King?"

Chapter 100 The Sleeping Princess Expects to Be a Prince

"Boom boom boom..."

The impact of metal reverberates continuously in the space.

"I think I can explain," the eclipse raised his hands like a surrender, "so can you stop knocking."

"No! How can you treat this child so rudely?" Linselei puffed her cheeks while holding the pan and knocked on the night eclipse's head, "this child brought me out of the maze!"

"That's it, thank you," Ye Xi looked sincerely at the elf girl who was shrinking aside.

"I'm sorry, this is what I should do!" The girl held her head and shrank like an ostrich when she saw the night eclipse. Obviously, she was originally afraid of life after being treated so crudely by the night eclipse. Become autistic.


"Why... are you really thanking you!" Lin Silei threw the pan aside with her hands on her hips with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Yes," Night Eclipse nodded seriously.

"That's good," the kind-hearted lady believed the words of the night eclipse very easily.

"Then it's time for torture!" Eclipse pulled the chain in his hand and looked at the elf girl, showing a brutal smile.

"Yeah!" The elf girl shrank directly into a group.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Silei opened her hands and stopped in front of the night eclipse.

"I said, this guy said that he is the Water Elf King, don't you think there is a problem?" Night Eclipse sighed helplessly.

"Even so, this child is definitely not a bad person," Lin Silei said seriously, and the elven girl on her was moved.

"Okay, okay, I'm just joking," Eclipse spread his hands and looked relaxed.

"The look in your eyes just wasn't like a joke at all," Linselei stuck out her tongue.

"Hmm," the elf girl nodded seriously, hiding behind Linselei.

"Well, anyway, I'm just a man with evil eyes," Ye Eclipse was full of black lines.

"Sorry, she didn't mean anything, your eyes just look scary, but it's actually a way of your gentleness," Lin Silei said softly.

"Hey, don't say anything. Gentle words don't match me." Night Eclipse scratched his face and looked at the elf girl behind Linselei, "Hey, you water elf king, if you have Whatever crooked thinking, I will make yours into several sections, and it is the kind that can't be put together anymore."

"I know, I know," the elf girl nodded desperately like a chicken pecking at rice.

"This kid won't hurt me," Linselei waved her fist in dissatisfaction.

"That's the best," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "You'd better meet Claire and the others, I have eliminated them all from the Knights of the Holy Spirit, and only the purgatory apostles are left. You are too alone. It's dangerous. Only when you get together can you exert your greatest strength."

"So fast!" Lin Silei's eyes widened, "I just got out of the maze!"

"It's a pity," Night Eclipse spreads out, "Your chances of playing are running out."

"Don't underestimate this lady!" Lin Silei waved her fist unwillingly.

"Miss, please continue to cheer," Ye Eclipse shrugged and put his hands in his pockets and turned and walked towards the stairs.

This place that arouses people's curiosity becomes dull in such a short time, because the hidden secret is directly hit, and it is really a boring secret.

"Where are you going?" Lin Silei subconsciously stretched out and grabbed the hem of the night eclipse dress.

"Of course it's going to hang out, don't say anything together, I'm your opponent anyway," Ye Eclipse rolled her eyes and blocked Lin Silei's next words.

"Okay," Lin Selei lowered her head somewhat disappointed.

"Don't show such an expression, I really look forward to the sword dance you will show me," Night Eclipse patted Lin Silei's head and chuckled.

"Yeah! Just wait and see!" Lin Silei tossed her hair and returned to her former domineering look.

"Come on," Ye Eclipse waved his hand and walked up the stairs into the darkness.

"Um..." Not long after the night eclipse was gone, Lin Silei lowered her head somewhat disappointed.

"What's wrong with you," the elf girl pulled Lalinsilei's clothes curiously.

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