Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 885

"Look at you admitting it yourself!" Lian Ashupel completely disregarded the friendship of the past and pursued the victory.

"Woo...Don't look at me like that!" Alice looked at the night eclipse with tears in her eyes, "Do you think I am a shameless woman."

"No, no, I didn't think about anything," Night Eclipse waved his hand, "Anyway, I knew what you were wearing when I first met."

"Eh? Eh eh eh! Did you see that at that time! It's a lie!" Alice blinked first, and fell directly on the ground with a loose wind wing spear, and then sat on her knees with her face covered. On the ground, "Uhhhhh..."

"What did you do!" Lian Ashbel was dumbfounded.

"Huh? Well, Alice kicked me with her foot when we first met," Night Eclipse spread her hands, "Then I blocked the attack."

"It's that simple?" Lin Axiubel looked confused.

"It's that simple!" Alice shouted, blushing, "Are we going to save Claire?"

"That's right! The important thing now is to save Claire!" Lin Axiubel patted her face, "but we don't even know where she is."

"Then we have to ask her," Ye Eclipse pointed to Fiana, who was awake, but looked embarrassed and didn't know how to speak.

"Cough cough cough, I will explain some things on the way. I still have some clues about Claire's position, but there is a problem," Fiana said in a deep voice, "time may not be enough."

"Don't worry, time is definitely enough," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes, "You now try to do what you can do."

"I see! Lin Selei give me the props for the ceremony!" Feiyana nodded and stretched out her hand to Lin Selei.

Linselei nodded, Fenrir next to her opened her mouth, and the huge ceremonial props fell on the ground.

Just as Feiyana was performing the ceremony with a serious expression, Lian Ashupel quietly walked to the night eclipse.

"What to do?" Lian Axiubel asked in a low voice.

"What to do? Is it possible that you still intend to lie to them for the rest of your life," Night Eclipse knocked on Lian Ashbel's head.

"I'm just worried they won't be able to accept it," Lian Ashupel grumbled as she touched the spot where the night eclipse had been knocked.

"Trust your companions as they trust you."

Chapter One Hundred and Two: Three is six, six is ​​nine

"This is!" Fayana looked at the flames stagnating on the water tray with some astonishment, "Is Scarlett you? But this distance!"

"Have you found it!" Lian Ashbel clenched her fists.

"But this is too far," Fijana pressed the water tray with an ugly expression.

"No, it is possible," Night Eclipse glanced at the water tray.

"Yes, as long as you go from wherever you go," Lin Silei nodded in the same way.

"What are you talking about?" Alice blinked in confusion.

"Take you a shortcut," Night Eclipse gave a mysterious smile.


"Is it really possible to get there in such a gloomy place?" Alice shivered and walked slowly towards the depths of the stairs.

"Aren't you scared?" Lin Silei turned her head with a weird look.

"!" Alice retorted angrily.


Lin Ashbel, who was walking behind Alice, quietly leaned to Alice's ear and blew a breath.


With a mournful cry, Alice directly drew the knight sword from her waist and slashed it with her backhand sword.

"Hmm! Don't swing your sword around here!" Lian Ashbel's eyes shrank and hugged her head and squatted down. The shimmering knight sword struck her head and slashed straight on the wall almost in seconds. , The huge power directly caused the sharp knight sword to cut into the wall.

"Hey! If I couldn't escape just now, I would have been beheaded by you!" Lian Axiubel stood up a little frantically, "I'm just kidding."

"Is this the time to make a joke!" Alice drew the sword from the wall and shouted angrily.

"Yeah, is this the time to make a joke?" A pair of hands stretched out from behind Lian Ashbel's back and pinched Ren. Ashbel's white face pulled hard, "I almost thought I was going to be cracked. !"

"Yes... I'm sorry!" Lian Ashbel cried her face, she almost forgot that it was the night eclipse standing behind her. If the sword hit just now, it is estimated that the chest of the night eclipse will be cut directly, of course, the premise is this knight. The sword is so sharp.

"We're here," Lin Silei sighed and let the light elves in her hands spread out to illuminate the surrounding space.

"Lin Si Lei, how do you go this way?" Lian Axiubel looked at the dark passage.

"Well, I think it must be possible," Linselei looked confident with her hands on her hips.

"Wow, that sounds super unreliable!"

"Hmph, you can just watch Miss Ben's performance." Linsele snapped her fingers, and Fenrir jumped out of the void and opened her mouth. What appeared from the storm was a pan, eggs, flour and milk. ...

"I don't think it's time for dinner yet," Lian Axiubel looked serious.

"Are you trying to use food to lure her out," Ye Eclipse raised his brows.

"What is yin! I just want to tell her I'm here," Linselei waved the pan with a dissatisfaction.

"It's simple, I have a faster way," Night Eclipse shook his hand and looked towards the dark road. "I know you can hear it. If I count to ten, I will fill the maze if you don't come out."

"!" Lin Si Lei grew her mouth. It was obvious that she didn't even think about it that the better way for night eclipse would be this.


There is no response in the dark passage, as if there is really no one.

"Two." Ye Eclipse looked indifferent.

However, there is still no response in the dark passage.

"Look! She is really angry!" Linselei puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"Three," Night Eclipse raised his hand and pressed it on the wall, the sky lock on his body was directly nailed into the wall, and a visible ripple swept the entire maze.



There was a crash in the dark passage, as if something had fallen to the ground.

"Nine! Enki flattened the entire maze for me, I don't think she can come out!"

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