Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 886

"Coming out! Coming out!"

A crisp voice came from the darkness, and soon a girl in a witch costume ran out of the darkness.

"It's a pity," Night Eclipse withdrew his hand.

"It's not a pity!" Lin Silei glanced dissatisfiedly and took the hand of the elf girl after the eclipse.

"Um... why is it six after three?" The elf girl hid behind Linselei and looked at the night eclipse timidly.

"This is what you care about!" Lian Ashbel's face collapsed.

"Because I am willing," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "Where you are obviously already, why don't you come out directly."

"Because there are people you don't know, and..." The elf girl shrank her head, "Your eyes are fierce, I'm afraid."

Obviously she is a high-level humanoid elf. According to common sense, every elf envoy should treat her respectfully. However, after being frightened by the night eclipse, she quickly became an autistic girl without the majesty that any high-level elf should have. Not at the beginning, so that Lin Silei subconsciously put her on the spot as a weak girl.

"This is the key," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

"Who is she," Lin Ashbel asked quietly, approaching the night eclipse.

"She? An elf who claims to be Isalia Xiwa," Night Eclipse puts her hands around her chest.

"" Lian Ashubel frowned, and her head was aching at the moment she heard the name. This should be impossible, because the name is so familiar.

"The Water Elf King!? No, shouldn't she be off the court?" Alice was surprised.

"That's why I think there is a problem. An elf who claims to be the water elf king suddenly appeared, and said that he has amnesia," Night Eclipse snapped his fingers, "Sure enough, I should torture first."

"I really don't remember anything, I only have this name in my mind," the elf girl shrank in fear.

"This kid must be harmless!" Lin Silei said seriously.

"Then that's what she said," Night Eclipse spread his hands.

"I feel... this kid shouldn't lie," Alice nodded after watching the elf girl for a while.

"Anyway, whether she lied or not, let's skip it first," Eclipse snapped his fingers. "Now they need your help."

"That's it..." Lin Silei explained the current situation in as much detail as possible, and the elf girl nodded.

"I see, the place you are going to is the Church of Death," the elf girl showed a simple smile at Linselei, "I can take you there."

"Thank you so much, do you want to eat muffins?" Linsele took the elf girl's hand.

"Okay!" The elf girl's eyes lit up.

"It's that simple," Fayana asked with a full face, offering sacrifices to elves is a very common thing. As a witch, she knows how difficult it is for high-level elves to serve, but she was the first to hear of one. A high-level elf that can be solved by muffins, and her appearance is obviously the kind of extreme satisfaction!

"Do you look down on muffins!" The elf girl puffed up her face in dissatisfaction.

Chapter 103 Basic Operations


The sound of running water rushing through the body reverberated continuously in the space.

God knows that there is a hot spring in the depths of the underground labyrinth, and it is also a natural hot spring formed by a volcano, but this is also good news. Scarlett uses the power of flame here to restore his strength, and the girls can improve their state through bathing.

Eclipse closed his eyes and leaned against the rock wall, waiting for the girl's bath to end.

"In fact, you don't need to close your eyes, you can't see it here," the ethereal voice rang in the ears of Night Eclipse.

"I know, but why aren't you together?" Eclipse opened his eyes and looked at the girl standing in front of him.

"Is this...I don't need it in particular, and they look at my expression..." Lian Ashubel stuck out her tongue.

If you dare to be together, you will be killed. No, you are Lian. It is an honor for Ashubel to bathe with the strongest sword dancer. What's wrong!What a mess!

Such an expression.

"Where is the child named Muya? Hasn't she been pestering you all the time? Why is it gone," Ye Eclipse tilted his head.

"Muya, she..." Lian Ashubel smiled bitterly, "She gave me the magic stone and eliminated herself. She clearly said it doesn't matter."

"You are really a bad guy as always," Eclipse held his forehead helplessly.

Obviously, she was still chasing and killing them not long ago, so she turned around and forgave her, or maybe she didn't hate her from the beginning.

"Oh hey," Lian Ashbel raised her right fist and pressed it to her head, showing her tongue sticking out.

"It's almost the same as an illusion before seeing how you are okay now" Night Eclipse glanced at Lian Axiubel.

"Ah... I was discovered by you," Lian Ashubel scratched the back of his head, showing a silly look like Feng Zaoshen, "It doesn't matter that it's just an illusion."

"Then... what do you think of the name [Isalia Xiwa]?" Ye Eclipse showed a playful smile.

" are really a wicked person," the tingling in the brain made Lian Asupel subconsciously raise his hand and hold his head.

"Hidden from the master is not something a slave should do." Eclipse raised his finger and pointed to the dark collar on the neck of Ashbel. "Whether you are a squandered wind early god or the strongest sword Dancing Jilian Ashbel, you are my slave."

"Yes," Lian Asupel raised her fingers and stroked the neck, which can be said to be a very eye-catching collar. "There has been a voice in my mind lately, and Restia is thinking about it, but it is definitely not her voice. "

"Huh? As my slave, shouldn't your mind keep circulating my teachings?" Night Eclipse frowned dissatisfiedly.

"It's weird what you care about!"

"Anyway, you just had the auditory hallucinations because you missed Restia too much. Now that Restia is by your side, what are you worried about?" Night Eclipse pointed to Lotus. Ashobel's waist was real. The sword.

"No, that voice will only disgust me, and Restia hasn't talked to me until now," Lian Ashupel stroked the mark on the back of her left hand. "The only thing I know is that Restia By my side."

"Isn't that enough?" Night Eclipse chuckled and raised his hand and pressed it on Lian Ashbel's head. "Now, as long as you think about what you want to do, leave the rest to me."

"Well," Lian Ashbel blushed and lowered her head.

"What are you doing! What do you mean by entrusting everything to you!" Linselei and Alice, whose hair was still dripping, sprang out.

"Although there is a subtle difference in your wording," Night Eclipse pointed to the chests of the two young ladies, "it is not a wise thing to wear clothes without drying your hair."

The two eldest ladies looked at each other and lowered their heads to look at their chests. Water droplets dripped down their hair on their chests. The original white uniforms turned directly into translucent, revealing strange colors.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The two eldest ladies turned around and hugged their chests while squatting down with a shy cry.

However, the part that becomes translucent because of the wet hair is not only their chests, but also their backs.

"Cough cough cough, your back, um, Alice, what you wear is really as mature as ever," Lian Axiubel coughed slightly and said in a strange tone.

"Hmm! Don't say it! I'm going to make you double-cooked meat!" Alice, who was extremely ashamed and angry, threw her most powerful elven magic directly at Lian Ashbel, and the violent wind blade slashed directly at it. The head of Lin Axiubel.

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