Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 887

"It's really scary." She had recovered her strength and Restia had returned to her side and cut off Alice's wind blade very easily.

"Huh, hum, Master Lian Axiubel is really bad, relying on her own strength to do whatever she wants," Feyana's head came out.

"Fiyana, did you have your clothes turned translucent because your hair came out without wiping," Lian Asupel unceremoniously exposed Fayana with her arms around her chest, "You must be because of your underwear. Dare to come out!"

"I..." Fayana narrowed her eyes and smirked, "How could I care about this? It's not because there are still men. As a witch, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of purity."

"Obviously, the ceremonies you prepare yourself don't use much fabric," Lian Ashubel vomited.

She still remembers the piece of cloth that she pulled out of the pile of ritual utensils because of her curiosity. Can it really be called a dress!In other words, she couldn't even imagine it, but Fijana could take it out directly!

"Isn't this to cater to the hobby of the elves!" Fayana defended her hardly.

"Such an elves might as well be hacked to death," Lian Ashbel curled her lips.

"Anyway, let your clothes dry first," Night Eclipse lifted its foot forward and stepped on a heat wave to the eldest ladies, almost instantly evaporating the water stains on their hair and clothes.

"This control is too terrifying for you," Lian Ashbel was taken aback by the sudden operation of the night eclipse.

"It's a fuss, I just distinguish between what should be killed and what should not be killed," Night Eclipse rolled his eyes, "This is a basic operation!"

"I want this basic operation too!"

"Can we set off?" the elf girl asked cautiously.

Just now, she thought that she would be steamed to death by the heat wave, but only a warm blast of hot wind swept across her face. It seemed that she was divided into something that didn't need to be killed.

"Let's go and save your companions."

Chapter One Hundred and Four

The uppermost floor of the Church of Death.

"It's almost time..." Rubia closed the door of the room, and Claire's struggling figure gradually covered by the nether could be vaguely seen.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to hold that time anymore," Sheila walked slowly out of the darkness, her eyes like a sly snake that made her hair fall down.

"Witch, you have a lot of nonsense, I know my body better than anyone else," Rubia looked at Shera coldly through a bright red mask, "Do you want to try it?"

"It's really scary, but I'm not talking about this," Sheila squinted her eyes and smiled coquettishly. "I'm talking more directly."

"Say," Rubia had a cold attitude. In her eyes, the witch was just a temporary ally, and then she and the forces behind her were also one of the objects to be purged.

"That man has come," Sheila licked her bright red lips.

"Huh?" Lubia raised her brows, and the only man she could think of in this abandoned city was Night Eclipse.

"Ahhh~ what should I do? That man is still following those little girls, I'm afraid he is here to take back your sister," Shera seemed to hold her chin in distress, "Your plan shouldn't end here? ~"

"Pay attention to your words, the failure of my plan is equivalent to your failure," Rubia raised her right hand, and the black flame burned in her palm.

"Ah, it's my fault~ what should you do?" Shera raised her hands like a surrender.

Rubia looked at Shira silently, her deal with Night Eclipse was really like a plea, praying that Night Eclipse would not hinder them, and it was Night Eclipse unilaterally deciding whether to obey, and she went with the Elf King and the Elves. The relationship between Ji is the same.

If the eclipse is in a good mood, nothing will happen, but if the eclipse is in a bad mood, everything will be finished. However, what she is doing now will not make the eclipse in a good mood, maybe it will directly irritate him.

"Then I order you as an ally to stop them!" A light flashed in Lubia's eyes under the scarlet mask.

"Okay, of course," Shera snickered. "I just wanted to try something sent from my motherland, so please go and train your baby sister with peace of mind."

After speaking, Xuela turned and walked along the stairs towards the bottom of the tower.

"Then go and give it a try," Rubia coldly looked at Shela's back, as if watching a fool who was heading toward death.

She had confirmed just now that the Shera in front of her was no longer the Shera before.

If it was the previous Xuela, the one who saw the sea of ​​stars breaking through the sky like her, would definitely not agree to stop the night eclipse so easily, and even dared to speak wild words to try new things.

"A witch who thinks she is playing with others, you will soon pay the price for your arrogance," Rubia sneered.


"This door..." Lian Axiubel stared at the large and illegal door door blankly, "Super big!"

Alice on one side didn't even think about it and hit the wind-wing gun directly on the door, but it had no effect except for a few sparks.

"The material of the door is made of magic silver, and it also has troublesome magic attached." As the witch of Ji, Fei Yana was very helpful and interpreted the carving on the door. "It seems to be from the ancient magic. , Can bounce off the power of the elves."

"Then what to do?" Alice unwillingly knocked on the door with the wind wing spear, but still only produced a few sparks.

"Let me interpret this magic," Fijana took a deep breath. This is something that only she can do.

"No need," Ye Eclipse rubbed his wrist and walked directly to the door, "Leave it to me."

"Yes! You seem to have the ability to eliminate abilities!" Fijana's eyes lit up.

"How can we not knock on the door when we come to visit," Night Eclipse raised his fist and banged against the huge door without warning.

"Open the door! The guest is here!"


The deafening roar resounded through the sky, and the whole Church of Death was trembling, giving people a feeling of collapse at any time.

However, the Death Church of the Dark Elf King did not collapse in the end, but the huge door that blocked them disappeared, only the broken wall proved that it had been there.

"The door is open," Ye Eclipse shook his hand with a calm expression.

"What is the look in your eyes that did a very ordinary thing! Are you telling them that we are here!" Alice grabbed the night eclipse's clothes with some irritation.

"Please, I'm all at the door of the house, do you think they don't know? And if they survive, what are we afraid of three people!" Eclipse raised his left hand and pinched Alice's cheek.

"But if you save Claire quietly... well, it looks like it has been discovered," Feiyana held her forehead helplessly.

A large group of demons descended from the sky and surrounded them slowly.

"Look at me for seconding them," Lian Ashubel frowned and raised the Sword of Reality.

"Wait a minute," Night Eclipse raised his hand and pressed Lian Ashbel's sword down, "Leave it to me here, and you will save Claire."

"But..." Lian Ashupel hesitated.

"Hurry up, even if you are not the god of early wind, the person Claire is looking forward to is still you, and the three of you will also go in. Your companions will be rescued by yourself," Night Eclipse directly took Lian with a tough attitude. Shuber and others were thrown into the Church of Death, "Leave the rest to me."

"Ye...Okay!" After hesitating for a while, Lian Ashupel bit her lip and nodded heavily, and then ran towards the stairs of the Church of Death without looking back.

Alice, Fiana and Linsele also followed after looking at each other.

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