Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 889

"It's all because you showed such nasty expression," Linselei let go of her bow and arrow.

"I have always trusted you," Fiana still smiled.

"Although I really want to spit out a few words, the enemy has come," Lian Axiubel sighed helplessly. The rising temperature around all proved one thing.

That person is here.

Once the strongest witch in the mainland, the fanatic who snatched the flame of the god-killing from the hand of the elf king of fire, the woman who caused the disaster was called the witch of disaster-Rubia Elstein.

"It seems that you don't intend to hide your identity at all," Lian Axiubel looked at Rubia, who was slowly walking towards them, as if bathed in a sea of ​​fire.

"Things are no longer needed at this point," Rubia looked at Lian Ashbel coldly, "Len Ashbel has time to wake you up."

"Fiyana, you first go find Claire and give it to me," Lian Ashubel held the Sword of Penetrating Reality and looked at Rubia solemnly.

To be honest, even now she is not absolutely sure to win the Rubia in front of her.

Knowing that they were dragging their feet, Fijana and the others nodded and turned and ran towards the stairs.

"The beauty of thinking!" Rubia frowned and waved in the direction of Feyana and the others, and a flame rushed towards them.


A pitch-black magic sword stood in front of the flames and cut it open easily.

"Don't underestimate people, standing in front of you is the strongest sword dancer——Lian Ashbel," Ren Ashbel waved the sword that penetrated the truth.

"You fake!"

Author's message:

PS is not afraid of the liver emperor, nor the krypton gold emperor, just afraid that the krypton gold is covered with liver, and the ranking of Benghuai III is too terrifying!Boss, are you still alive?

Chapter 106: Two People with Strong Will

"Dead? No, escaped?"

The sharp shadow blade stagnated in front of Shela's neck, and the girl's beautiful head would fall to the ground as long as she stepped forward.

Eclipse walked up to Xuela and looked down coldly, she was kneeling on the ground and her eyes were absent, as if she had her soul drawn away.

"As a result, you are just a clown like Herzog." Eclipse raised his finger and lightly touched Sheila's head, "occupying other people's bodies and escaping faster than anyone else."

Sheila's body fell softly to the ground, and if it weren't for her chest's ups and downs, no one would think she was still alive.

Now hers is no different from the breathing doll. If you are lucky, you may be able to regain your consciousness, if you are not lucky, you will die slowly like this.

The value of even killing is gone...

"The ability to be self-righteous and to escape is superb." Eclipse glanced at the back of Sheila, who fell on the ground, and looked blankly at the Church of Death behind him, where fire broke out from the window from time to time.

"When there is a conflict of ideas between two people who firmly believe that they are right, the best way to persuade is to be violent. It's really ironic," Ye Eclipse sighed and put his hands in his pockets and slowly moved towards the Church of Death. Walk to the top floor.

"Who is right and who is wrong, just use your sword dance to prove it."


"It's really troublesome!"

Lian Ashupel moved on the ceiling in a way that completely violated the rules of physics. Fireballs with scorching temperature exploded behind her. At first glance, she was very cool and free, but only she knew the truth.

She was suppressed, as the strongest sword dancer-Ren Asupel was being suppressed by a witch who was theoretically not good at fighting.

Even the maiden Ji, who is known as the strongest in the mainland, is only the strongest in the ceremony, and it is impossible to be very outstanding in the sword dance. However, Rubia in front of her is equal to her in the sword dance, even Vaguely suppressed her.

Strong is simply unreasonable...

"You can feel it too, my formidable outrageous power," Rubia said while using various flame magic to bombard Lian Axiubel.

The plain tone is not like showing off, more like stating a fact.

"Really! This is really enviable!"

Lin Ashupel wiped the fireball and came to Rubia's face, and the sword of reality in her hand pointed directly at her chest.

"Do you really think so?" Rubia raised his hand, and the pale blue flame quietly struck Lian Asupel, "For this desperate reality."

Facing the blazing lotus, Ashubel subconsciously wanted to use Zhanyan to cut it away, but a very unnatural feeling made her hesitate.

Why is there no temperature?

Compared with the flames released by Rubia before, the temperature of the blue flame in front of him was really weird.

Avoid it!

Lian Asupel resolutely gave up the attack, and directly reversed his body in midair, but was still hit by the blue flame in his arm.

At this moment, Lian Asupel was very fortunate that she obeyed her instinct and did not attack Rubia, nor did she try to resist.

Being rubbed by the flames did not burn, instead a layer of frost spread over her, completely violating the law of elemental spirits and appeared in front of her.

"There are really a lot of dangerous things in your hands," Lian Axiubel glanced at her right arm. The clothes on the entire arm had become ice scum, exposing her white arm.

"Even time is frozen, the karma fire of absolute zero-freezing lotus," Rubia raised his hand, and the blue flame burned in the palm of her hand. "This is the blood of the Elstein family. The original fire inherited is a true flame not under the jurisdiction of the five elven kings."

"It's really a troublesome thing, but don't underestimate me," Lin Axiubel took a deep breath, her eyes became extremely firm, "As long as you don't get hit, all attacks have no meaning, as long as you speed Faster..."

"It's great, the more you fight, the faster the Demon King in your body will awaken, and I almost hear the roar of the Demon King," Rubia raised his hand and waved forward, and the flames of the red lotus were like a tsunami. Pounced on Lin. Asupel.

"It's a coincidence that I also heard the sound, the sound of your defeat," Lian Ashubel raised the sword of reality in his hand, and gently brushed his left hand on the sword. "Darkness, turn it into the power to swallow the flames." ."

Cut it off--

Lian Asupel rushed straight towards Rubia, and smashed the sea of ​​flames with the sword of reality.

"It's useless," Rubia shook his head, and blue flames swept across.

"I told you..." Lian Axiubel didn't care that a sword pierced Rubia, and the blue flame was swallowed by darkness the moment it touched the sword of reality. As a force that devours flames."

Rubia's eyes narrowed. Obviously, she didn't expect Ren. Asupel to break through her frozen lotus, so she could only jump back hastily, but she was still cut through the clothes on her chest by the sword of truth. Showing alluring skin.

"I really underestimated you," Rubia quickly jumped back a few steps and looked down at the clothes that were somewhat empty. It didn't matter if there were only women here.

"Cut! Almost," Lin Asupel stared at Rubia not far away with a reconciled look, "Next time..."

"No next time," Rubia raised his hand, "I will let you feel the strongest God-killing flame. If you can't awaken, then just die like this!"

"It's a pity that I choose not to awaken to blow you up!" Although Lin Axiubel looked relaxed, her eyes became extremely solemn.

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