Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 890

The Flame of Killing the Gods, the strongest flame elf in the legend that the elves of calamity has taken away from the king of flames.

A tornado of flames appeared in front of Rubia. The scorching heat would ignite the ceiling, and as time went by, a huge human-shaped demon with red lotus fire appeared.

"It's a lie... it's..." Lian Axiubel swallowed. This elf was not the first time she had seen this elf, but it changed her destiny.

"You should be familiar with it. It used to destroy the teaching academy. It is amazing to say that our destiny has been intertwined since that day." Rubia raised his hand, and the huge elf began to slowly Disappeared, a bright red magic sword fell into her hand, "This is the strongest flame-attribute elf magic outfit——"

"Magic Sword [Levadin]!"

"Now I can't stop it! If you can't awaken, just die like this!"

Author's message:

PS Gundam watched it, and 2000 times the man not only spoke but also opened the body, and then...if you don't change the screenwriter, don't shoot.

Chapter 107 Don't destroy their happiness anymore!Undead!

"Ah-super troublesome!" Lian Ashbel gritted her teeth and once again cut away the flames.

Since Rubia summoned the magic sword, the originally only vague disadvantage was directly magnified.

Every time Rubia wielded the sword, the fire wave was enough to burn her to death. When she approached Rubia, she would be directly chopped off by the opponent with amazing power. The unscientific plot of Qiang Sword Dancer has been performed many times, and...

Sign a contract with me——

You cannot be her opponent now, but as long as you sign a contract with me, you are the strongest——

The voice that resembled Restia echoed in her ears like a demon tempting to fall into the abyss.

"What's the matter, Lotus Asupel! Don't you want to hear the voice of my defeat! There is no possibility of victory in you now!" Rubia frowned, and she could clearly feel Lotus Asupel It was only a step away from awakening, but something restrained her.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up! I have the expectation that I have to respond, you let me obediently get out of it!" Lin Axiubel screamed and rushed directly to Rubia.

"It seems that you can only stop here, the strongest sword dancer," Rubia shook his head somewhat disappointed, and directly waved the magic sword towards Lian Axiubel.

The scorching heat caused Lian Ashbel's soft black hair to curl up a bit. At this moment, her black pupils shrank, and the feeling of death once again fell on her body.

That way, as long as you sign a contract with me, you can respond to his expectations——

A voice similar to Restia once again rang in Lin Ashbel's ear.

Can you respond to his expectations?

Yes, as long as you sign a contract with me, your wish will come true——

who are you?

My name is Lian Ashodor, the Dark Elf King——

The pitch-black wings were completely unfolded, and the countless black feathers completely concealed Lian Ashbel's consciousness.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The roar resounding like an evil spirit echoed throughout the space, and the magic sword that was about to chop Lian Ashbel's head was forcibly suppressed by the black miasma that kept emerging.

"Finally awakened! Let me see it!" Rubia's eyes condensed, and the blue flames directly involved Lian Ashbel.

The flame of Absolute Zero almost instantly iced Lin Axiubel together with the dark miasma on her body.

"Crack, click—"

But in the next second, countless cracks were like a spider's web, covering the entire block of ice. Dark miasma spewed from the cracks and corroded the surrounding ice.


The pitch-black thunder light burst from the sword of piercing truth that was already full of unknown aura and completely shattered the ice.

Lin Ashbel, who was enveloped in black mist, rushed towards Rubia at the moment he landed, and waved the sword of reality in his hand without any means.

Rubia's eyes condensed. Although Lin Ashbel has no skills at all, the speed and power of terror and the corrosive dark miasma have made her troublesome.

"Well, you are going to end my life," Rubia quietly looked at the sword of reality that infinitely approached her forehead, without a trace of fear of death on her face, "Well, Claire will inherit from me. Will, you won this sword dance, devil!"

"It's a pity that this disgusting sword dance is temporarily stopped."

The sharp blade was still in front of Rubia's eyes, not because Ren Asupel had regained her senses, but just a hand holding the sword of piercing truth that was wrapped in the dark miasma.

"It was very dissatisfactory from the beginning, but in the end, it was directly insatiable," the hot cross golden pupil glared at Rubia.

"I think this sword dance is very exciting, what I hoped has happened," Rubia smiled relaxedly.

"It is true that Lian's sword dance is wonderful, but the sword dance she launched to save her companion has met you who are insincere," Ye Eclipse glanced at the dark miasma that tried to erode his left hand and ignored it.

"Not to defeat her, but to make her look like this ghost. It's a pity that Rubia, you are not qualified to trade with me," Night Eclipse stared at Rubia indifferently.

"I am doing this for righteousness..." Rubia rolled his head.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~" As if being irritated, Lian Ashbel frantically pulled up the sword that penetrates the truth, and the dark thunder light shot everything around him indiscriminately.

"Ah~Do you still want to fight?" The Eclipse loosened the body of the sword that penetrated the sword of truth and flicked its forehead against Ren Asupel.


The huge impact directly drove Lotus Asupel into a pile of rocks not far away.

"Don't use my slave's mouth to make such a harsh sound," Night Eclipse twisted and twisted the right hand of the pale golden dragon head slowly to form, and slowly walked towards the struggling lotus Ashbel, who got up and roared from the ground." It’s really an eyesore, now I’ll break your ugly look."

"It's useless," Rubia said softly. "Her awakening is irreversible. She will just growl like this until she succeeds in revenge against the Elf King."

"Really? Then I can only say don't underestimate people," Ye Eclipse smiled disdainfully, letting go of his right hand, and opened his hands towards Lian, who seemed to have lost his mind. "Come on."


Lian Ashbel, who was entangled in the black mist, roared and threw at the night eclipse, the magic sword in his hand pointed directly at the center of the night eclipse's eyebrows.

"Sure enough, it is hard to see the extreme sword dance," Eclipse sighed disappointed as if the sharp point of the sword of truth could not be seen.

"Are you crazy! Hurry up!" Lubia's eyes shrunk behind Ye Eclipse and pulled Ye Eclipse's clothes from behind to push him away, but Ye Eclipse still stood still on the spot.


The Sword of Penetrating Truth steadily stopped in front of the eyes of Eclipse. This time no one was grabbing the sword, but the person swinging it stopped by his own will.


A drop of tears ran down Lian Ashbel's right eye across her face and fell on the ground.

"Come down..."

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