Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 891

The dark miasma is still eroding everything around, and Lian Ashubel is still roaring, but the sword of reality is firmly fixed in front of the eyes of the night eclipse, as if nothing can shake it.

"Enough, this is enough, worthy of my girl."

The night eclipse took a step back, making a fist with his right hand, and the light golden light slowly gathered.

"You should have disappeared from the unsightly undead, they have nothing to do with the past, don't destroy their happiness!"

Night Eclipse slapped a punch, and the translucent dragon head passed through Lian Ashbel's body, and the dark miasma disappeared in an instant.

Chapter 108 Hope in Despair

The wind pressure sweeping the entire space carried a faint golden light, the dark miasma was dispelled, and the flames ignited by the appearance of the god-killing flame were dispelled together.

Lian Ashupel blinked in confusion and didn't seem to be able to react.

"It's time to recover," Night Eclipse directly squeezed Lian Ashbel's cheek and pulled it up, "Also, what the hell was that sword dance just now, are you disgusting me!"

"Sorry!" The memory of running away came to my mind, recalling the violent sword dance she had just done, Lian Ashubel lowered her head in shame.

"How...maybe..." Rubia stared at Lian Ashbel, who had nothing to do with her, "I have awakened and become a demon king, why has she changed back."

"The reason is simple," Lian Ashupel lifted his chin triumphantly.

"Because she is my slave," after the night eclipse, he unceremoniously pointed at the back of Lin Ashbel's head.

"Excessive! You obviously didn't say that just now!" Lian Ashubel held the back of her head with tears in her eyes.

"No, that's your illusion," Ye Eclipse shrugged, "As a slave, you must have the consciousness of a slave, what you should do and what you should not do."

"If this is the case... then let you awaken again!" Rubia gritted his teeth and raised the magic sword in his hand. "The devil's factor is still in your body now. If she falls asleep, I will let you She wakes up again!"

"It's a pity that you will never be able to do it," Night Eclipse stretched and patted Lin Axiubel on the shoulder, "Go tell her why."

"Okay!" Lian Axubel nodded heavily, the sword that penetrated the truth in his hand began to change, the strange appearance began to recover, and finally changed back to the sword that Lian Axubel held three years ago. "I won't lose this time, I can hear Restia's voice!"

There are people looking forward to me behind me!

"It wasn't you who did it yourself," Rubia showed a calm smile, "Then the ending is doomed."

"That's right! The ending is doomed!" Ren Ashubel raised the sword of reality in his hand, "Although I don't know why you can have such a strong power as a witch, I am the strongest sword dance. Ji, I will show you beyond now!"

"It's not ashamed!" Rubia's eyes condensed and squeezed the magic sword in his hand and rushed towards Lian Axubel. The flames of the god-killing flames and the blue flames were mixed and entangled on the sword.

"Too much time has been wasted, so let's end this trick!" Lin Axiubel exhaled a sullen breath, and Rubia put her under pressure no less than when Gravas made the final form. The pressure that brought her, because of this, she could use this trick.

Seeing a ray of light from the desperate darkness and holding it firmly, a sword that opens up the future.

"Don't underestimate people!" Rubia raised up the magic sword in his hand and slashed towards Lian Ashbel.

"Its name—"

A bright light flashed through the dark magic sword, and Lian Ashubel greeted Rubia with the sword that penetrated reality.


The strongest flame element demon outfit and the sword that penetrated the truth slammed into each other, and the impact caused the surrounding rubble.

"Type of light!"

The blue flames and the flames of killing the gods dissipated in an instant, Rubia looked at the magic sword in his hand in disbelief, cracks were all over the strongest flame magic sword.

"It's you Rubia who is underestimating people," Lian Ashupel slapped a sword dashingly, "You don't see me as an opponent at all in your eyes."


The magic sword in Rubia's hand was completely shattered and turned into a sea of ​​fire and rolled around.

"It shouldn't be like this! You have such a powerful power. If the Demon King has such a powerful power, how could I, who possess the power of a saint, be no match for you!" Rubia knelt on the ground holding his heart.

"The saint of salvation, that's it, this is more interesting than I thought," Night Eclipse walked to Rubia and looked down at her. "The saint is destined to defeat the devil, so the devil is the stronger the saint The strength will also continue to increase, and it is not surprising that Ji Miko, who is obviously not good at fighting, can display a sword dance that is comparable to the strongest sword dance girl."

"It turned out to be like this! I thought you were really that strong! It turned out to be cheating! No wonder you, who have never received training in swordsmanship, can catch my attack so easily!" Lian Axiubel's eyes widened. , "The previous sword dance doesn't count! I didn't lose!"

"Then...what the hell is this power!" Rubia cried out in pain and unwillingness, "Isn't it obtained by the power of the Demon King!"

"It really belongs only to the strongest sword dance girl——Len Ashbel's sword dance," Night Eclipse raised his right hand, "If you want to ask why..."

"She's not here anymore!" Lian Ashubel pointed to her chest, "The Demon King you expected, or the Dark Elf King-Lian Ashodor has disappeared."

"How is it possible! That is the power of the Elf King! How is it possible... Is it! Did you do it!" Rubia looked at the night eclipse in despair, "Why!"

"Because you are very contradictory," Night Eclipse yawned, "It keeps saying that it is necessary to create a world without elves, or to rely on the favor of the Elf King, but in the end..."

Night Eclipse lowered his eyes.

"You don't want to use the power of the Dark Elf King to kill other Elf Kings."

"In the end, you still can't do without the power of the Elf King, the stupid witch Ji. This is the despair that gives you."

"Why...this...I just want the world, from the Elf King who has gone mad," Rubia curled up in pain, and big beads of sweat fell on the ground, blood running along. Her arms fell to the ground.

"You..." Ye Eclipse looked suspiciously at Lian Asupel.

"It's too much! I just caused a mental shock to her!" Lian Axiubel waved her fist in dissatisfaction.

"It really has nothing to do with her," Rubia looked pale and raised his head, "It's just that the time has come, and the soul of purgatory has come to claim my soul."

"Huh?" Lian Ashbel blinked her eyes with a dazed expression.

The next moment Lian Asupel understood what she meant, and the scattered flames gathered together again, but this time they pounced on Rubia.

"What the hell!" Lian Ashubel narrowed his eyes and opened the flame with a sword, but the flame that had been opened seemed unwilling to spin around as if looking for an opportunity.

"Why does your flame attack yourself!"

"Because of that..." Rubia laughed bitterly.

"Not my flame."

Author's message:

PS theoretical mechanics is so difficult!

Chapter 109 Fire!

A huge hand came out in the void and fumbled aimlessly, as if looking for something.

"It's quite big," said Night Eclipse earnestly with his arms around his chest.

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