Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 892

"This is the body of the Flame of Killing God!" Lian Ashubel held the sword in both hands and looked at the huge hand nervously. Compared with the battle of the elves, there can be no sloppy fighting with the elves, not to mention this in front of you The demon god in the true sense of the teaching institute was destroyed.

"This is just a part of the flames of killing the gods," Rubia smiled bitterly. "It is looking for the price of the contract. As long as I sacrifice my life, it will probably return to its original place."

"Hey hey hey! There are still people waiting for you! Don't just die to death!" Lian Ashupel shouted in dissatisfaction.

"No one will wait for me," Rubia lowered his head.

"Isn't there? Your sister has always believed in you and has been waiting for you!" Lian Ashbel raised her voice.

"Anyway, I'll kill the eye-catching elf in the future." Night Eclipse twisted his neck, "Rubia let it out."

"Huh?" Rubia was dumbfounded.

"Let it out, otherwise it's meaningless to just break one of its hands," Ye Eclipse stretched out her right hand to Rubia, grabbed Rubia's wrist, and picked her up, "Forget it, it's me. Come on, this is what you have maintained the contract with it."

The loose sleeves slipped directly to reveal Lubia's white arms and the curse outfit on them.

"Now it's gone," Night Eclipse tightened his right hand, the pale golden light slowly scattered, and the curse costume imprinted on Rubia's body was directly erased like a joke.

At the same time, the shackles that bound the strongest flame elf were also wiped out. Now it is coming to take away, it should have been taken away a long time ago, but the price that has been owed.

The temperature began to rise at a very exaggerated speed, and the huge palm movement that was originally slowly groping in the void began to become rough, more flames condensed into its arms, and the giant-like elves formed at an extremely fast speed.

"You..." Rubia's eyes narrowed, she had no time to care why her body was not destroyed by the side effects but started to recover.

"The Flame of Killing Gods?" The Eclipse loosened Rubia's wrist and slowly walked towards the strongest Flame Elf. "At this level, I dare to call God Killing!"

"Ah Qiu! It's cold," Lian Ashubel sneezed a little cutely, and subconsciously rubbed her hands, but she was immediately stunned.

Why did she feel cold when the strongest flame elf appeared?

"Crack, click—"

As the night eclipse progressed, the frost exuding bone-chilling frost began to cover the entire space, and the flame ignited by the flame of killing the gods skipped the process of extinguishing and was directly frozen.

"Feel it, this is ice that can freeze together with civilization."

Night Eclipse stopped in front of the Flame of Killing God.

"But it seems you can't speak anymore," Night Eclipse raised his head, standing in front of him is a huge ice sculpture.

"But it's really ugly," Night Eclipse raised his hand and gently tapped on the ice sculpture. "It will disappear quickly."

In an instant, countless cracks covered the entire ice sculpture, and the night eclipse yawned and turned and walked towards Lian Asupel. What exploded behind him was the flower of ice and fire surrounded by flames in every piece of ice. .

"It's so beautiful..." Lian Ashbel's gaze was firmly attracted by the intersecting flower of ice and fire behind the night eclipse, and she couldn't help but admire.

Rubia looked bloodlessly at the approaching night eclipse, only she knew the horror of the God Killing Flame, and it was frozen into dregs before it even had time to resist.

"The thing that got in the way has disappeared, it's up to you," Night Eclipse shook his hand, "The disgusting sword dance just made me very upset, now fight me!"

"So anxious!" Lian Ashubel swallowed and took a step back with consciousness underwater.

"Enough is enough," Night Eclipse drew out the Demon Demon Sacred Sword from his waist, "Now is the best opportunity. It's time to put a rest on this performance, but it depends on your sword dance whether everyone is happy or not. ."

"No! It's our sword dance!"

Claire rushed out, wearing a cumbersome witch costume. She was still following Linsele, Fiana and Alice.

Team Scarlet, everyone here!

"Claire..." Rubia opened her mouth and looked at Claire, who had recovered her sanity, not knowing whether she should be happy or regret it.

But the demon king has been eliminated forever. Now that the Dark Elf Ji has no meaning, she should breathe a sigh of relief as an older sister.

"Sister, let's fight together!" Claire smiled and reached out to Rubia.

"Want to fight me in a group, although I don't care at all," Ye Eclipse raised his chin indifferently, "but this is a team battle!"


As if in response to the night eclipse, two burning rays of light completely cut off the top of the Church of Death, and the sky full of stars fell on them.

"So slow," Ye Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Who knew you would be here, I came here without stopping," a man landed from the sky beside the night eclipse, blond hair fluttering in the wind.

Vercelia is here!

"Sister..." Alice squeezed the wind wing gun in her hand.

"So six to two, the absolute strength is poor," Night Eclipse opened his hands, "Let me see how you can cross us!"

"It's really touched to count me," Vercelia pulled the collar around her neck, and then she saw Lian holding a black magic sword. Ashbel was stunned.


"Don't look, she's the real thing," Night Eclipse patted Vercelia on the shoulder.

"No, the purgatory's apostle is a fake, but where is she hiding?" Vercelia counted the heads in confusion, and then she found something terrifying!

"One less person!"

"It's almost there," Night Eclipse pointed to Lian Ashbel, whose face was shaking uncontrollably from the beginning, and apparently enduring something.

"Liar! The strongest sword dancer-Lian Ashbel is the early wind god man! That shameless early wind god man!" Vercelia's eyes widened as if he heard something incredible The thing is so common, no less than telling her that the sun actually rises from the west.

"It's too much! What does it mean to be shameless!" Lian Axiubel waved his fist in dissatisfaction.

Is it just to hold the big thigh?Is it embarrassing to hold the big guy's thigh!

"It turned out to be you!" Verseria took a few steps back with an injured face. After hearing the tone of this attribute and seeing the iconic black collar on her neck, she confirmed it, and then The heroic image collapsed three years ago.


Chapter One Hundred and Ten

Without any sign, the huge fortress descended under the starry sky, dozens of gun barrels were quickly turned to the Scarlet team, shining with chilling light.

"Send artillery fire for this sword dance!"

Eclipse opened his hands, and countless shelling bursts from the silent fortress behind him to the Scarlet team.

"Evasion! No! Can't avoid it!" Fijana narrowed her eyes and wanted to get away, but the intensive artillery fire was not only an offensive, but also blocked their way of retreat.

"No, it's time," the long red hair fluttered in Fijana's vision, and the burning red lotus industry cremated into an absolute shield and swallowed all the shelling.

"Sister!" Claire reached out to Rubia who was standing in front of them.

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