Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 893

"At least now...I will guard you," Rubia didn't look back, but her voice seemed to make them feel at ease.

"It's really reliable, then I can't fall behind," Fijana smiled softly, and a fan appeared in her hand, "All the treatment is given to me."

"That's right!" Night Eclipse's eyes lit up, holding the Demon Demon Sacred Sword, he didn't care whether the shelling of the quiet fortress behind him would hit him and rushed directly up, "I didn't specifically blast you directly, at least I will enjoy it!"

"Don't underestimate people!" Lian Ashbel grinned and greeted him.

Over time, the Sword of Penetrating Reality collided with the Sword of Demon Demon once again.


There is no doubt that the night eclipse, which has an absolute advantage in all combat values ​​of speed, strength, and endurance, directly cut Lian Asupel into the air.

"Wind--" Alice waved the wind-wing spear in her hand, and a whirlwind dragged the chopped lotus.

"The wind is not so useful!" The Eclipse took a step back, and a whirlwind rolled on the Demon Demon Sword, "Wind, roar!-Wind King Hammer!"

Now he can use part of the contract object's abilities at will even if he doesn't enter the posture of the instructor!

The violent hurricane was condensed into a bunch and blasted towards Alice.

"It's useless!" Numerous ice arrows fell from the sky and shot towards the hurricane, and then were easily swept into the group by the wind, but the next moment an incredible scene appeared.

The ice arrows did not break, but collided with each other and condensed, and the hurricane forcibly destroyed them from within.

"How many times do you think Miss Ben has eaten this trick!" Lin Silei shook her hair with a bow in one hand. "The way to crack it has long been found!"

Sorry-Altria's voice rang in the night eclipse's mind.

It's okay, it should be said that I am very happy—Night Eclipse chuckled.

"You can grow to this point!" Night Eclipse exhaled, and the cross golden pupil exhaled a scorching high temperature, "Then the difficulty should be raised."

"Come!" Lian Ashbel, who had just landed on the ground, narrowed his eyes and rushed directly up, and a dark thunder light burst out from the sword of reality that reflected the dark light.

[Declaration of death and dark thunder] This move was used by the strongest sword dancer to kill countless elf envoys in a second, almost invincible, this time just to stop everyone's footsteps.

"Not enough!" Night Eclipse's eyes condensed, and a golden thunder burst from the left arm and wrapped around the Demon Demon Sacred Sword.

Going to fucking uncle!


The holy sword and the magic sword collided once again, the golden thunder and the dark thunder light swallowed each other and finally splashed around.

"Not enough! Keep fighting!" Night Eclipse bent Lian Ashbel's body without any pressure. The physique of the godslayer had restored him to the most perfect posture at the moment of his battle, silent dragon blood. The long-lost beginning to boil.

"Help!" Lian Ashbel blushed, holding a sword in both hands to resist the brute force of the night eclipse.

"I'm here!" Alice just thought about taking a step forward and a cannonball blasted at her and forced her back.

"Did I allow it?" Vercelia's cold voice came from the Silent Fortress, "Let me see your chivalry!"

"Trouble," Claire bit her nails anxiously, and now Vercelia is relying on the night eclipse to be an avant-garde, no one can break him, so An Xin is a guard behind and bombards wildly, even if Linsele can sniper. Blocking, uh, but it's too much!And Vercelia hadn't used the high-condensed divine power bombardment that lifted the roof of the Church of Death.

"It's okay. Leave the defense to me. You just have to do your best," Rubia said softly, "There is me in front."

Claire froze for a moment, then chuckled lightly, "Hmm!"

"It's great~" Fijana smiled, "Then I will do my best, and I will guard you behind!"

The silver long sword penetrated the ground, [Queen's Holy City] unfolded!

"Start attacking!" Kreil waved the whip in his hand.

"Don't order me!" Linselei opened the ice bow in her hand and aimed it at Night Eclipse's wrist.

The night eclipse raised his brows, and the black flames ignited around them and turned into a wall of fire, blocking the route supported by Alice and blocking Linsley's vision.

"You really don't let any water go!" Lian Ashupel blushed and held the sword, and the floor under her feet cracked due to the force exerted by the night eclipse.

"No, I have already put a lot of water." Compared to the hard-working Lian Ashbel, the night eclipse looks very calm here, not only suppressing Lian with one hand, Ashbel can also block the path of others. .

"Really! I'm going to be a little clever!" Lian Axiubel grinned, the sword of reality in his hand disappeared abruptly, and the Demon Sword slashed to the ground, and Lian Axiu Bell also took the opportunity to step on the sword of the Demon Demon Sword, stretched out his right hand, and the sword of reality appeared in her hand again.


The locks of the sky entangled in the night eclipse lifted up and intertwined and locked the sword of reality.

"Is your cleverness at this level?" The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth raised.

"The flame that makes everything return to the sky, its name is-[End Yan is really red]!"

With the solemn chanting, the black flames released by the night eclipse were gradually replaced by the red lotus fire. No, it should not be said to be a replacement. The burning red lotus fire swallowed the night eclipse flame.

"Kleier!" Lian Ashubel's eyes lit up.

"Have you finally awakened your aptitude?" Ye Eclipse lifted up his right foot with a chuckle, and kicked Lian Axubel directly on the belly of Lian Axubel without any intention of pitying Xiangxiyu.


Lian Ashbel screamed directly through the wall of fire and smashed into the ground.

"What other trump cards are used?" Night Eclipse raised his hand with a wave, and the red lotus fire released by Claire vanished in an instant.

"Otherwise, you have no chance of winning."

Author's message:

PS Anniversary standings first is not the full level, what are you guys doing!

Chapter 111 The Sun Comes

it hurts!

The rib must be broken!

Lying in the pit, Lian Ashbel covered the position of her ribs in pain, and the constant sting made her unable to faint.

Her battle should have ended here, but the collar on her neck exuded a soft light to disperse her pain, not a self-deception illusion, she could clearly feel that her broken ribs were miraculously recovering.

Can't win...

Lian Asupel stood up with the sword of piercing reality, smiling bitterly at the unscathed night eclipse.

Do you want to give up?

This is Restia's voice ringing in her mind.

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