Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 894

give up?how is this possible!I must respond to his expectations!

Lian Ashbel coughed a few times, and walked out of the pit with the sword of penetrating reality.

I'm a little jealous, but since it's Lian you want to do, then I will help you achieve it and use me to pierce the engraving of the fire spirit on the back of the little girl's hand.

Eh?Lian Ashubel was stunned for a moment without responding.

Trust me!I will explain everything to you afterwards!

"I believe in you!" Lian Ashbel clenched the Sword of Penetrating Reality in her hand, turned and rushed towards Claire.

"Huh? I don't know what you want to do, but it's a fight! Wouldn't you act wantonly because I would watch you!" Night Eclipse raised his hand and waved, "Vulcelia, shoot!"

"Lian Ashbel!"

With the angry roar of Vercelia, all the gun barrels on the Silent Fort radiated a scorching light.

"Use this trick as soon as you come up!" Lian Ashbel's eyes narrowed and directly rushed to Claire, and at the same time shouted loudly, "Crael believe me! Point the back of your right hand at me!"

"Yeah!" Without even thinking about it, Claire pointed the wizard imprint, which may be more important to the wizard than life, to Lian Ashbel.

"Go to Restia!" Lian Ashubel raised the sword of reality and stabbed the engraving of the spirit on the back of Claire's hand.

At this time, Vercelia's energy accumulation had been completed, and dozens of divine beams swept towards them.

"——You are the leader who leads the brave warriors on the battlefield."

"--You are the loyal servant of Destroying Blazing Flame, the executioner who caused the foolish enemy to fall into eternal doom."

"Its name—"

"Burning Silver Warrior Girl——Auding Lingdi!"

Countless fragments flooded into Claire’s mind, and at the same time, a figure wearing a red lotus became clearer in her mind. When she saw the figure thoroughly, Claire called out her first name.

Scarlett’s petite body was completely covered by the red lotus flames and disappeared completely, replaced by a slender girl, whose violent flames turned into a long skirt on her body, with red lotus hair exactly the same as Claire. A pair of cat ears popped out of it.

"Master, you finally called my name," the girl raised her hand and waved, several red lotus fire pillars and light pillars collided, and finally disappeared into the air together.

"Really surprises," Night Eclipse raised his eyebrows. From the first meeting, he knew that Scarlett was hiding a powerful force, but he lacked the key to unlock. Now the key is there, the power of silence. It's time for liberation.

"Scarlet... I'll order you under Odin's real name!" Claire was stunned because of Scarlet's appearance, but quickly reacted and gave the order.

"Down with the enemy!"

"Understand, my master!" Scarlett raised his hand and shook it towards the void, and the red lotus flame burst out in her palm and turned into a huge sickle.

"Vilcelia, you can retreat. The battle below is too difficult for you, just watch it by the side," Night Eclipse shook his left hand and pinned the Demon Demon Sword back to his waist.

"I see," Vercelia replied unwillingly.

Although she can easily defeat demon-level elves, the power of high-level elves with the human form is not comparable to that of the former, not to mention that she has long heard that Scarlett is a powerful elves whose real name has forgotten in ancient times. , Now that her real name is called up, even she can't be her opponent.

"Now it has become seven-on-one, but why do I feel more panicked?" Lian Ashubel swallowed, and now their camp can be said to be able to sweep all other teams.

The strongest Sword Dancer—Len Ashbel, and the strongest Ji Miko—Lubia, second only to the strongest Ji Miko but Fayana who can unfold the fairy costume, and the awakened Scarlett.

But their opponents do have a completely unimaginable night eclipse. As their strength increases, the difficulty of his strategy will rise wildly.

"Then just play a little trick," Night Eclipse opened his hands, Gilgamesh appeared behind him, the next moment it turned into a light and dissipated, and at the same time, the gold armor covered the night Eclipse body, gold His cross pupils were dyed scarlet, and a red magic pattern was attached to Night Eclipse's neck.

Mentor-the oldest king mode.

"Since you like playing with fire so much," Ye Eclipse breathed out, "then I will play with you."

Scorching white gas gushed out from the gap in the armor, and the night eclipse raised his right hand. Three small suns appeared above his palm. The armor on his body began to deform and patterns that flowed like magma appeared.

"Sure enough, it's stronger than just now!" Lian Ashubel looked at the night eclipse with a solemn expression. If she was able to lean against the night eclipse and be smashed by the two swords just now, now she is even close. Not anymore.

The high temperature emanating from the night eclipse made the surrounding space visibly distorted, and the floor made of elven ore that had not even been ignited by the flames of killing the gods had begun to melt.

"Then use the absolute zero that comes with the magic ice bullet to open up a path for you!" Lin Silei shook her hair.

"It's useless, your ice will disappear before it approaches," Rubia shook his head, raised his right hand, and the blue flame burned. "It should be possible to open up with my frozen flame lotus. the way!"

The frozen flame lotus, which is itself a flame, is naturally impossible to disappear due to the high temperature, and its characteristic of not burning but freezing can also have a good effect.

"Hmm...then please," Although Lin Silai won't admit defeat in character, the facts are in front of her, and she is not the kind of stubborn person, Lin Silai stepped back a little unwillingly .

"Even time is frozen, the karma fire of absolutely zero degrees, —— [Frozen Lotus]!" Rubia pressed the right hand wrapped in the blue flame to the ground, and the flame that violated the law instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Pounced on the night eclipse.

"It's a pity, your flame can't freeze the sun."

Chapter 112 The Cold Frozen Together with Hope

"Impossible! My frozen flame lotus is so easy..." Rubia stared blankly at what was happening before him.

Her flame was divided into several beams as soon as she leaned into the night eclipse and then sucked into the sun in the hands of the night eclipse.

Then it's gone...

"This difficulty has been increased too much, right!" Alice yelled unwillingly, and now she can't even participate in the battle.

"Since you have the desire to achieve, then try to cross me." Night Eclipse lowered his right hand, and the three suns floating in the air slowly floated and stopped behind him, "Or you gave up. , Don’t worry, I won’t be dissatisfied with it, you guys have performed well enough."

"Don't be kidding, how could you just give up like this if you have already reached this point," Lian Axiubel gritted her teeth, "I will walk to you even at this temperature!"

As if to prove that he was not joking, Lian Ashbel directly raised his foot and walked towards the night eclipse.

"God!" Claire clenched her fist, "You must win!"

"Ah, of course!" Lin Ashubel turned her head and showed a hearty smile, "Scarlett will win!"

"What an idiot," Rubia sighed and raised his fingers and gently touched the arm of Lin Axiubel that had been exposed by her flame before.

Lian Ashubel's eyes shrank, and the hot flames rushed over her body, and her heart was burning like a furnace.

"This is [Phoenix Blood]. Only the highest-ranking witch Ji can be allowed to sing the healing magic, the unique healing magic in the world," Rubia fell feebly, but was caught next to him. Claire held on in time, "Although I still don't think you can win, but at least it is too ugly to let you not lose."

"It's really a lucky blessing," Lian Ashubel clenched her fists, the scorching fire of purgatory rushed through her body, and the violent power that was about to run away filled her whole body.

"Then I'm leaving!" Lian Ashbel clenched the sword of piercing reality in his hand and slowly walked towards the night eclipse waiting for her quietly.

"I'll go with you," Scarlett followed Lian Ashbel with the huge sickle, "Don't worry, I am the spirit of Yan, the higher the temperature, the stronger I will become."


"Then the battle begins." The Eclipse raised his hand, dozens of golden ripples appeared behind him, and a weapon emitting a cold light came out. The scorching heat made their sword blades instantly enchanted. Turning red, "Show me your shining battle."

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