Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 895

Like a meteor of flames, the weapon ejected from the golden ripples burst into the air with sparks and shot towards Lian Ashbel and Scarlett.

"Absolute Sword Skill-Breaking Style!"

Lian Ashubel took a deep breath and rushed up to the shooting star-like shooting. The slash that looked like a flower petal bloomed away all the attacks, and she came to the night eclipse in a blink of an eye.

"So that's the trick," Ye Eclipse raised his brows, "but you dare to rush into here directly, are you stupid?"

The scorching, almost substantial heat flow swept across Lian Ashbel, and as a result, an ugly burn appeared on the beautiful face, but the next moment it was restored by the power of the collar and the blood of the Phoenix.

"Ah, I am the biggest idiot in this world!" Lian Ashbel grinned and lifted the burnt red penetrating truth sword to the night eclipse. "If you want to laugh at me, just laugh. Anyway, you keep Are laughing at me."


Eclipse raised his left hand and pinched the tip of the sword of truth, "Reassure, I will laugh at you as much as I can after winning."

"Really? But be careful of overturning!" Lian Ashbel raised her voice.

Scarlet, bathed in flames like the sun, appeared behind the night eclipse, and the huge sickle in his hand slashed towards the neck of the night eclipse.

"Impossible, I will never lose!" Even Eclipse raised his right hand and held the sickle behind him without even looking at it.


Like a sickle forged from purgatory, it was easily squeezed into fragments, and the falling fragments turned into sparks.

"It's time for the finale," Night Eclipse raised his eyes, and the three suns behind him disappeared abruptly, as if the heat of purgatory on earth disappeared in an instant.

"This is!" Lian Ashbel's eyes shrunk, and the penetrating truth sword in her hand disappeared, and she quickly stepped back. She wouldn't think that the night eclipse was going to let them go, and that after the desperate flames What is it?

Feel it--

This is the cold that freezes together with civilization.

Scarlett seemed to notice something and backed away several steps, the cat ears on top of his head trembled frantically.

"You can't avoid it," Night Eclipse exhaled a white breath, and the flowing lava-like pattern on the gold armor was replaced by ice blue.

"It's over, you have done a good job."

The cold current vortexed in the palm of the left hand of the night eclipse, and even Lin Silei, who was accustomed to the cold, couldn't help but shiver.

"It's really desperate, but!" Lian Ashupel exhaled a sullen breath, her eyes condensed, "Because of this, I can touch the only hope!"

"Absolute Sword Skill-Type of Light!"

Lotus Asupel rushed towards the night eclipse like a sharp arrow, and a stream of light passed through the reality in his hand.

"Unfortunately, this is the power that can freeze together with hope," the night eclipse crushed the vortex in his hand.

A cold current swept across the space.

Everything is frozen, no matter the ancient flame elves or the devil ice elves living in the cold, no one can escape without exception.

"Your hope ends here," Night Eclipse lowered his left hand, "but it must be praised."

The Sword of Penetrating Reality covered with a layer of frost stagnated in front of his neck, and would be stabbed if it was a short eclipse.

"You really responded to my expectation," Night Eclipse chuckled lightly, raised his right hand and placed it on the top of Lian Ashbel's head, "This is a reward."

The pale golden light slowly dispersed, and the surrounding ice shattered as soon as it touched the light.

"Kang Dang--"

The pitch-black magic sword hit the ground heavily.

"Ah autumn!" Lian Asupel squatted on the ground with her arms in her arms when she was thawed, shivering, and sneezing cutely from time to time.

The others also hugged each other tremblingly to keep warm, and the arson sisters, Claire and Rubia, became their hope.

The worst one should be Vercelia, who froze indiscriminately and swept her in as she was standing behind watching the battle. Now she is so cold that she can only die with her arms around her chest and her face, and she can’t pull her face down to the heat. .

"I won, hand over the magic stone!" Night Eclipse lifted the mentor state and stretched out his hand to Lotus Asupel.

"Wait, I'm a little shivering now, I'll give it to you right away," Lian Axiu Belha breathed and kept rubbing her hands.

"Well, victory is doomed anyway," Eclipse shrugged.

The voice just fell, one magic circle appeared at everyone's feet.

Author's message:

The challenge of PS Anniversary is really difficult. It’s only 33,000 until now, and then I took a look at the leaderboard, Ma Ye all started at 567, the highest is 59,000, and then look at the level...emmm... Although I didn't look down on low-level players, but you are a level 20 or 30... I took another look at the comments, all of them were incense, and I instantly understood!It's dead!!!!

The 113th chapter actually lost!Shady!

"I declare that the winning team of this Elf Sword Dance Festival is [Scarlet Team]!"

The fire spirit Ji, who seemed to be a younger generation of Feiyana, looked at the trembling people holding each other with a smile.

However, her face froze the moment she saw Lian Ashbel in the crowd.

The same story happened in another room, but the water wizard was not as lucky as the fire wizard, the person who received it was very talkative.

"You say it again," Eclipse stroked the sharp blade of the Demon Demon Sacred Sword in his hand and looked at the Elf Ji who was shaking like a sieve in front of him without expression.

"Hmm!" The Water Elf Ji squatted on the ground with her head in her arms, "Your sword dance makes the Elf King very happy, so you directly declare that the sword dance is over! Because the Scarlet team holds the most magic stones, so Judge them as winners."

The corner of Night Eclipse's mouth twitched. That's right, he never snatched anyone's magic stone from start to finish. Even if the Holy Spirit Knights smashed with a hammer, they patted their butt and left. It is estimated that Ren Axiubel must It was shameless to take their magic stones as their own.

In addition to Muya and her own, there are more than seven magic stones in her hands alone.

Their winning team has only five in total...

Logically speaking, they did lose, but...

"I have knocked all of them down. All that is left is to harvest the magic stones, and then you will send us all back and declare that I have lost!" Night Eclipse showed a terrifying smile, "Don't be kidding, you have Shady!"

"The rules of the Sword Dance Festival are determined by the Elf King. The Elf Kings declared that Team Scarlet won, and they won," said Water Elf Ji cautiously.

She should be respected by everyone as the Elf Ji who served the Elf King, however!

In the finals of the sword dance festival, their Shenyiyuan is monitored throughout, so whether it is the appearance of the evil spirit Ji Lubia, they know that the strongest sword dancer Jilian Ashbel and others suddenly appear.

And they also know the power of the night eclipse that seems to be a natural disaster.

Is that the Elf King?

At the moment when the world seemed to be frozen, someone couldn't help muttering like this.

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