Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 897

"You see, they won't let you liberate you obediently, otherwise, what are you doing to me," Night Eclipse spread out.

Lian Asupel nodded helplessly.

"If they resist, it will be very troublesome, so I must first make them lose the ability to resist," Night Eclipse squeezed his fists and smiled maliciously. "Then I can't solve all the problems by beating them. ?"

Lin Asupel was speechless for a while, and even Restia on the side looked weird.

It seems that there is really no problem.

"We are going to assassinate the Elf King," Lian Ashbel said cautiously.

"Then it won't be a problem anymore. I just dragged five of them off the throne and pressed them to the ground and beat them to death. It won't be over with a single punch," Night Eclipse promised, patting his chest.

"No such guarantee! You can just touch it with your omnipotent right hand!" Lian Axiubel grabbed the night eclipse's right hand with a full face to please "I beg you, my master, you Can you just stop making noise."

God knows what horror things will happen when they get in and out when there are five more corpses inside. It is very troublesome for at least five Elf Ji to hear the voice of the Elf King no longer.

"Hey, that's boring," Ye Eclipse curled his lips, "and how can you be sure that I won't erase the five elf kings directly with such a touch."

"" Lin Ashbel looked at Restia on the side as if asking for help.

"It seems...really..." Restia's mouth twitched. "The Elf King was not interfered by others, but was infected by the darkness of another world. The miracle power that can realize his wishes also comes from another world. The darkness."

The night eclipse raised his brows. The term "Darkness in the Other Realm" was a bit ambiguous. It was obviously the existence of the third realm that did not belong to the Elemental Elf Realm and the Human Realm. This made him subconsciously think of Pingma, but he quickly overthrew it. This idea.

Because if it were them, it would be impossible for the demon king to fight the saint.

That guy... will definitely give priority to annihilating Pingma...

Then the rest is really as simple as the darkness from the third realm.

Probably it is the same as the evil of this world.

"If the darkness of the alien world is eliminated, maybe the Elf King will be eliminated along with it," Restia looked at the night eclipse, "If we can clearly distinguish between reality and fantasy, probably It can be eliminated accurately, but..."

As a former emperor sword, Restia knows exactly what kind of power the power that resides in the night eclipse's right arm, and she also understands that if she is judged as a fantasy, she will be erased indiscriminately.

And this judgment is completely dominated by the will of the night eclipse.

"It's a pity that the existence of the Elf King is too humble for me, so humble that I am too lazy to distinguish between them," Eclipse flicked his nails, "Of course, if you can bring out the darkness of the alien world, I won't have to go. Erase the Elf King."

"Get it out... You said that it's as easy as squeezing out toothpaste," Lian Ashbel grinned.

"Maybe it's really possible, Ren, you only need to make that wish like three years," Restia narrowed her eyes. "[Assassinate the Elf King]!"

"But..." Lian Ashupel hesitated.

"Don't worry, I won't let you be unprepared," Night Eclipse showed a deep smile, "Now I will show you a clear path, which will increase your probability of success."

"Eh! Would you be so kind?" Lian Ashupel looked suspicious.

"Well, it seems that the education for you is not in place," Night Eclipse raised his hands, "Just keep your neck like this for a month."

"Sorry! I was wrong, please don't do this!"


"am I wrong……"

In the secret passage of the floating island, Rubia helped the wall and walked slowly forward.

"No! I just want to save the world," Rubia held his head and knelt on the ground, her ruby-like eyes dimmed, "I just want..."

"It's just saving the world..."

Now her body was uncharacteristically healthy, and her life that was alive by the power of the saint was strongly saved by the night eclipse, and the curse that was engraved all over her body to make a contract with the strongest flame elf disappeared.

However, her heart was lost.

"call out--"

There was a sudden sound of breaking through the air in the silent passage, Rubia's eyes shrank and rolled to the side, and an assassination knife was nailed to the wall.

"Who is it!" Rubia raised his hand, and the pale blue flame turned into a wall of fire and surrounded her.

However, no one answered her, but their figures were illuminated by the light of the flame.

Thirteen girls wearing bright red uniforms and white masks on their faces slowly surrounded Rubia.

The 115th chapter is full of personality even if the person is absent!

"It's a bit troublesome," Rubia watched warily at the thirteen girls in front of her. Now that she has lost the contract elves, she can't perform the magic of fire, and the only thing she can rely on is frozen flame lotus.

However, the frozen flame lotus is obviously not enough to escape. Now that the [Devil King] has disappeared, the power of [Holy Woman] is gradually disappearing.

Just like the stronger the demon king, the saint will also become stronger. If the devil disappears, the saint will lose the meaning of existence. She is no longer the existence that can compete with the strongest sword dancer.

She was just a witch girl without the power to bind a chicken.

"Who ordered you to kill me," Rubia narrowed his eyes.


No one responded to her, and the thirteen girls arranged in a formation very tacitly.

"This formation!" Rubia's eyes shrank, and his face instantly became gloomy. "It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect you to do it before I did it! [Snake]!"

She has seen this formation, no, it should be said that she is very familiar with it. She had seen it when the teaching institute was annihilated. It was a formation used to enable non-elf envoys to defeat high-level elf envoys.

After that, she spent a long time gathering the assassins who had escaped from the teaching institute. This was a secret weapon she had prepared, but now it seemed to be a wedding dress.

The loyalty of the assassins is absolute, so as long as their will is washed away, their loyalty will naturally disappear with them. Rubia’s impression is that he is best at doing this kind of thing, and most likely to do it, only by being The Order of the Snake.

"It seems that I am going to die here, I am really unwilling," Rubia took a step back.

Even the strongest witch Ji could not fight against a group of specially trained killers without losing the contract elves, not to mention the fact that the other party directly used the kill formation.

As if seeing Rubia's current situation in the outside world, thirteen assassins directly threw their daggers at Rubia, and at the same time spread out and rushed up the rock wall towards Rubia using weird movements.

"It's over!" Rubia's eyes narrowed.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out to block Rubia's body, and the dark magic sword drew a perfect semicircle in midair.


In an instant, the thirteen daggers in the air were cut off at the same time, and the assassin who was running on the wall stopped quickly because of the sudden appearance of the figure.

"Lian Asupel..." Rubia looked at the black-haired girl standing in front of him in disbelief.

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