Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 898

"It's a pity that you guessed wrong~" [Len Ashbel] turned his head and licked his lips, revealing a charming smile that Ren Ashbel would never show.

"Witch! You dare to appear in front of me!" Rubia unceremoniously grabbed [Lian Asupel] by the collar, raised his right hand, and the blue flame burned on it. .

"Hey hey hey! I'm your ally! Take that dangerous thing away!" [Lian Axiubel]'s appearance disappeared in the midst of the situation, and Sheila, pale, appeared in front of Rubia.

"Ally! Do you dare to mention this word!" Not to say it, it's okay. When it comes to ally Rubia's anger, he doesn't care about the assassin who is still not far away, so he directly held his right fist and wanted to move Give Shela a look on her face.

"Wait a minute! I am really on your side now! I have also been betrayed!" Shera desperately leaned her head back for fear of being wiped by the frozen flame lotus flower wrapped in Rubia's right fist.

"Huh? You are the witch before," Lubia was taken aback.

"Yes, that's right, I was occupied before!" Xuela nodded quickly.

"So it seems that I am not the only one who has been betrayed," Rubia squinted and let go of Shera. "Then my ally can trouble you to drive these guys away."

"It's chasing away, not killing, you are really a naive woman," Sheryl managed a somewhat messy collar, "but it's easier to just chase them away than kill them."

"Oh, after all, you can't completely imitate Lian Ashbel, it's just a fake," Rubia stepped back with her arms around her chest.

"It's too much, but I have a better imitating object here," Sheila licked her lips, "——The weakest and the strongest, listen to my call and reveal yourself!"

The snow-white mask appeared in Sheila's hands, and her figure immediately twisted like a mirage.

Rubia's eyes narrowed, and what appeared in her vision were flying black hair and twinkling golden crosses, like a natural disaster walking on earth.

The dark shadow blade shot out and swept toward the thirteen assassins. They were swept along the passage before they could react.

Immediately afterwards, the Shadow Blade immediately penetrated the surrounding wall and stirred frantically, and instantly collapsed the passage and blocked the assassin's way to attack again.

"Sure enough, I can only replicate this level, no! All I can touch is the heel of that adult's power!"

The night eclipse's figure was distorted again, and Xuela, flushed, appeared in place.

"Ah~ sure enough, he should be the king of this world," Xue tightly hugged her arms and moaned like a climax.

"Witch, your brain is okay," Rubia frowned, always feeling that Sheila's head was caught by the door. Not only was she talking nonsense, but her emotions were a bit too exaggerated.

"Of course no problem! I am more awake than ever before, and I also understand how stupid I was before," Sheila clutched her chest, "He is the only light I have in despair, and it is he who has driven away the darkness that envelops me! "

"So he saved you," Rubia looked weird.

"Of course, that's why I decided to help you deal with those stupid guys!" Shera snorted disdainfully.

"So happy to cooperate," Rubia squinted and stretched out his hand to Xue.

"Huh, don’t get me wrong, it’s just easy to help you," Xue stretched her hand and held Rubia’s hand. "Now I will take you to find that mao girl and Lily, I have arranged for them to go to another place, although It took a lot of talking."

"Witch, I have changed your mind," Rubia raised her brow.

"Everything is for the king!"


The waste city, the seal of the Water Elf King.

"Hey--" The inexplicable night eclipse has a hairy feeling.

"What's the matter, I am inexplicably moved back to the old place," Lian Axiubel looked curious.

"Don't be poor, take care of your neck," Ye Eclipse rolled his eyes.

"Night eclipse, can we really unlock that kid's seal?" Lin Silei looked at the night eclipse expectantly.

"Trust me," Night Eclipse patted Lin Silei's head and then looked towards the dark passage.

"Don't hide, I have seen you."

Chapter 116: Unblocking the Water Spirit King

"Since you are here, don't hide it, otherwise I will think that you have no good intentions," Ye Eclipse stared at Isalia, who was shrinking behind Linsley and was stuffing muffins in her mouth, with a dissatisfaction. It looks like the last dinner, at least I will wait for you to finish before sending you on the road."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Isalia's eyes narrowed, her face flushed rapidly, and then she tapped her chest quickly.

Well, I was choked--

"Huh~ don't always scare this kid," Linselei patted Isalia's back helplessly.

"Almost dead," Isalia looked scared after she finally swallowed the muffin.

"Water... Elf King..." Restia's mouth twitched and looked at Isalia, who was almost choked to death by a muffin.

Once the sword of truth penetrated through the chest of the water elf king, she knew very well that the little power in front of her was a little oppressive, and the cute elf was really the water elf king, one of the five kings of the world.

And just now, the Water Elf King was comforted by the very cheap muffins, and he almost choked to death by the muffins!

"If all the Elf Kings were as squishy as her...cough, it would be nice to talk," Alice gave a light cough.

"Alice was disrespectful just now, it's not like what a knight should say," Night Eclipse glanced at Alice sideways.

"Cough, cough, cough," Alice coughed a few times with a flushed face, "I serve the chivalry I believe in!"

"Can't you have some respect for the Elf King?" Fayana was a little broken, even if she had been expelled from the Divine Court, but the things carved in her bones would not change.

Use the highest etiquette with the Elf King!The best offering!

"Are there any muffins left?" Isalia licked the residue on her fingers and looked at Lin Si Lei longingly.

"Okay," Linsele touched Isalia's head and picked up the raw materials.

"You must have...respect..." Fayana's mouth twitched, can you give the Elf King some face!

"It's okay, I'm just an elf who doesn't remember anything except the name Isalia," Isalia shook her head, "There is no need to serve me as an elf king."

"But..." Fayana looked tangled, Isalia's current appearance can be regarded as a high-level elf for the time being, it is second only to the existence of the elf king, even if they are angry, it will bring disaster.

Being trained as a witch, she knows exactly how difficult these elves are...

"It looks so fragrant," Restia, who has always maintained her graceful posture, stood uncharacteristically next to Linselei and stared at the muffins gradually forming inside.

Wait on...

"It looks good," Esther regained his human form and stared at the muffin, biting his thumb.

Wait on...

"A muffin can be passed! What is the meaning of the things I made before!" Fayana collapsed.

"The kind of thing you made is just a poison used to forcibly repatriate the elves, don't look like the previous hard work was useless," Claire snorted with her arms around her chest.

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