Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 909

"Oh! Lord Isalia!" Lin Silei jumped across the table and hugged Fenrir.

"As expected to be the King of Elves, I really can't do this operation like drinking black tea with my nose," Ye Eclipse clapped his hands with admiration from the bottom of my heart.

Obviously, you should pay attention to it when you drink it. In the end, you have to finish the black tea.

"Well, it doesn't matter what the Elf King does," Restia nibble on the muffin and turned around.

When she thought that this idiot who was choked by black tea turned out to be the Elf King and the Water Elf King, she felt that everything was dull.

A piece of muffin can be summoned casually, simply losing the face of all the elves.

Well, this muffin tastes so delicious...

Author's message:

PS Whenever the holiday is about to end, I think, why not a meteorite hits it...

Chapter 127 It's just a little bit of snow at an unlucky time

"Do you know where you are going next?"

Lian Ashbel, carrying a huge package, looked strangely at the night eclipse wearing short sleeves and breathing.

"Lin Silei's hometown," Ye Eclipse blinked.

"It's the territory of Lauren Frost there!" Lian Axiubel's eyes widened.

"What's the tone, what a terrible place is my hometown!" Lin Silei pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction, "My hometown is a nice place with a sunny day! Isn't it Fenrir? "

Fenrir, who had recovered his respect, quickly nodded. Although Lin Silei has always emphasized that it is a wolf, it looks like a dog who has always been obedient.

"Miss, can you really touch your own conscience to say that?" Lian Axiubel wrapped her hands around her chest.

"Well... it's just a little snow at an unlucky time!" Linselei blushed and dodged her eyes.

Well, it looks like an extremely harsh environment...

"Rest assured that the temperature difference has no effect on me. I can directly change the geographical structure when necessary!" Night Eclipse gave a thumbs up.

"Please do not do such dangerous things!" *2


"You are going to Lauren Frost's territory?" Grevas put down the documents in her hands.

"Yeah," Ye Eclipse nodded, "Go and unblock her sister, and take a look at the scenery by the way."

"You can't see any good scenery there," Grevas twitched. "There is nothing but white snow. If you are not careful, you will be completely lost in the snow-capped mountains."

"Isn't that good, you can only find fun in danger," Night Eclipse's eyes lit up.

"Well, I almost forgot that it was you," Grevas held his forehead helplessly.

"By the way, I recently discovered that there is an inexplicable extra space under my house," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes. "I hope to investigate it during my absence."

"Hey, it's really interesting, especially when I'm not far from overwork and death," Grevas dropped the papers in hand.

"Then you work hard," Ye Eclipse curled his lips and stood up and walked to the door.

He will respect every death from overwork.

"By the way, I will tell you a good news," Grevas narrowed his eyes. "The territory of Lauren Frost has not been very peaceful recently, and heavy snow has fallen there. Although it is a common occurrence, the empire has acquired the elves. Wang Enhui’s situation is very unreasonable."

Night Eclipse frowned. It seems that this is the problem of the Elf King, but now that all Elf Kings have been stabbed, there should not be a runaway, and the only one who can drop heavy snow is the one that was choked by black tea yesterday. Stupid guy.

But how could her love for Linsley bring disaster to Linsley's hometown, Lauren Frost.

"There is also a small piece of news that there has been a monster in the Kyria Mountains, which may be related to the legendary guardian spirit of Lauren Frost [Guinetra]."

"This is not good news for ordinary people," Eclipse pushed open the door.

"Isn't that good news for you? At least it won't be boring, right," Grevas said with a deep smile.

"Nothing to do is the worst news for me," Ye Eclipse smiled and closed the door.

"Doesn't you mean to deny?" Grevas took off the glasses on his face. "People with power always think differently from those of us mortals, right? Your Excellency Wei Lei~"

"This kind of question came out from the mouth of the strongest elf in the mainland, and it is really against the peace," the closed window was pushed open and a young girl turned in.

This guy is the twelve cavalry who is in charge of protecting Luliye and is also a member of the Anbe.

"Is it against the peace? I think it should be right." Grevas took out a crystal from the drawer under his chin and put it on the table. A video appeared and projected in the air.

"After seeing such a scene, do you still think what I said violates?"

It was just a few minutes, but it was enough to break everyone's common sense.

Is everything that seems to freeze the world really the power that humans can have?Isn't this really the Water Elf King's visit?

Anyone who has read this record will think so, and the record in Gravas' hands is directly obtained from the hands of the Shenyiyuan without any cover.

Even if it is a film, when the cold current sweeps over, there is still a sense of fear from the depths of the soul.

When the night eclipse was about to smash the vortex in her hand, Wei Lei turned her head subconsciously, but Grevas still watched with relish.

"It is precisely because of the constant face of fear that human beings have the motivation to become stronger," Grevas re-stuffed the crystal into the drawer. "Every time I read it, I have a kind of myself, but I just found myself A strong starting point."

"It is precisely because of this that I think that you claim to be a mortal against you," Wei Lei laughed mockingly. "At least mortals will only want to escape in the face of natural disasters."

"It's not like what a twelve rider said," Grevas stretched and said lazily. "At least a little confident."

"Yes, yes, my predecessor," Wei Lei patted her forehead helplessly. "This is not the original era. Not every twelve riding general can fight."

"At least courage is required," Grevas spread out her hands, "Then what is your real purpose this time?"

"As expected to be an old man, this time my apparent purpose is to protect Luliye and observe Lian Axiubel," Wei Lei said with a relaxed expression, "The actual purpose is to measure the purpose of the night Eclipse, by the way Investigate you."

"That's it, I was incidental, this feeling of being looked down upon is the first time, unexpectedly uncomfortable," Grevas blinked, "Then what did you investigate?"

"Nothing, nothing except the inflow of funds from the academy from unknown sources," Wei Lei shrugged helplessly, "but this is not the scope of my investigation."

"That's really thankful. Everyone has their lasting difficulties." Grevas leaned on the back. "Then what is your main purpose? What has been measured?"

"Not at all," Wei Lei smiled bitterly. "He doesn't belong to any forces but has the power to subvert everything. Fortunately, he is still on Alicia's side. The meaning of over there is to win him as much as possible."

"I dare to win him without knowing his true purpose," Grevas laughed playfully. "The royal family is really anxious."

"It will only be more urgent than you think," Wei Lei sighed, "fetters, affection, desire, use everything to tie a person."

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