Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicated Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 910

"It's really ugly," Grevas propped his chin, "Sure enough, Fiana shouldn't have stopped the night eclipse."

"What prevents?"

"Frozen all the royal family of Odesia."

Author's message:

PS I finished watching Amazon's theatrical version... The first part, Uncle Ren is really miserable, and the second part is really miserable.

Although PS is still dark, but at least everyone has an ending.

PS It is ridiculous that Uncle Ren's family can be reunited only after death, which is really cruel.

Chapter 128 Are You Going?

"It's really a nice place with a sunny day~"

Facing the night eclipse of the Kyria Mountains in front of the beautiful territory of Lauren Frost, he stretched and said lazily.

"It would be great if there were no such heavy snow and steep snow-capped mountains here," Lian Ashubel shrank her neck and let out a sigh of relief.

"This...this is an accident! Just walking through here will definitely make your eyes shine! Definitely!" Lin Silei lowered her head dodged.

"It feels like walking through it will be very troublesome. As a daughter of this territory, there is no one to meet you?" Ye Eclipse rubbed his eyes and raised his legs. The snow on the ground directly passed his calf. And like this kind of heavy snow, I am afraid that the footprints will disappear after a few steps. God knows if I get lost in it, I can go back alive.

"No, I always go back alone," Lin Silei said naturally, shaking her hair.

"Always alone..." Lian Ashupel's mouth twitched.

The eldest daughter of the famous Lauren Frost family with a long history is not only omnipotent in housework, she hates bullying others by power and protecting civilians as the criterion, and every time she goes home, she walks through the snow-capped mountains alone without anyone picking up. Take an oil bottle with you.


If all the nobles were the same as Linsley, let alone this world must be wonderful.

"Your family's heart is really big," Night Eclipse scratched his face, telling the truth that even without this blizzard, it would be extremely dangerous for an underage girl to pass through the steep snow-capped mountains alone, and Lin Si Lei actually Every time I travel by myself, maybe I have to bring an oil bottle.


"As an aristocrat, shouldn't you lead by example?" Lin Silei said with her hands on her hips, "I don't like discrimination based on status."

Just for discriminatory treatment, all talents will break their heads and betray their dignity and want to be nobles.

He stayed in places like the empire a lot, and he saw it better than anyone else. In order to become a master, he could say that other people stepped on it, even if he didn’t climb up, at least he was taller than the one just now, disgusting, but true. .

As long as there are more than five nobles like Linselei, there will be no revolutionary army... No, it is impossible. The people in that place are more terrifying than anything. Cover all kinds of charges for deprivation of status, life is better than death.

Night Eclipse exhaled and raised her hand and rubbed Lin Silei's head with a soft smile, "You are right, the world is really beautiful because of you."

"Wh...what, I won't be happy to say this suddenly!" Linselei's snow-white skin was quickly covered with blush, and the naked eye steamed from her head, Linselei circled her blonde hair. He lowered his head.

"Then what about me!" Lian Axiubel leaned over unwillingly.

"Well, you~" Night Eclipse deliberately pulled into a voice, and flicked her forehead under the expectant gaze of Lin Ashbel, "Guess~"

"So cunning!" Lian Ashubel yelled dissatisfiedly, covering her forehead.

"In short, since I'm here, I don't have to do extra things to go through here," Night Eclipse snapped his fingers, huge golden ripples appeared in the sky, and the radiant Vimala was slowly falling, "Go straight through here! "

"It's really convenient, it's nice not to have to cross here," Lian Ashupel exclaimed from the heart.

"What? It's not as exaggerated as you said," Lin Silei curled her lips, but she sat on Vimala honestly.

Just kidding can fly over safely, why do you have to cross the snow-capped mountains in heavy snow.

"Safety first~" Lian Ashubel smiled awkwardly.

"Relax, only safety is absolutely guaranteed," Ye Eclipse sat on the throne of Vimana and raised Erlang's legs.

"But it is said that monsters frequently appear in the mountains. We flew over so brightly that we won't be attacked," Lin Selei was a little worried.

As a person who often traverses snow-capped mountains home, she knows what kind of monsters are hidden in the mountains here. If she flies directly over, she might be treated as a provocation and be besieged.

"No problem, who would dare to attack us!" Lian Ashubel wrapped her hands around her chest.

See who is here?

The strongest sword dancer-Lian. Asupel.

The girl who was blessed by the Water Elf King-Lin Silei.

Super invincible boss-night eclipse.

Dare to attack them and look for death!

Although a group of people had dared to attack the college when they knew they were all there.

"I always think that someone will attack you when you say that," Night Eclipse sighed.

"It won't be a coincidence!"

However, as if to tell Lian Ashbel that it was such a coincidence, the blizzard hit them, and then a huge black shadow broke through the clouds and appeared in front of them.

"Isn't this... a person," Lian Ashupel stared at the huge creature in front of her blankly.

The sharp claws were covered with ice-like scales all over the body, and its crimson-colored eyes firmly shrank Vimana.

"Ice Dragon!" Lin Silei subconsciously took out the fairy magic outfit.

"What? Are you the monster that Grevas mentioned?" Eclipse sighed with disappointment and waved his hand with disgust.

"I've seen you and you can go."

Perhaps it was the arrogant attitude of the night eclipse that angered the ice dragon, and the cold and hideous family screamed toward the night eclipse.

"Don't go?" Ye Eclipse raised his brows, and a golden ripple appeared on Ye Eclipse's hand, "Then you can die for me."

There was no time for the ice dragon to react at all, a ray of light struck the sky, and the ice dragon, which had lost its head, fell from the sky into the white snow mountain.

"It seems that my reaction was too much," Lin Selei lifted the elf magic outfit somewhat embarrassed.

Being stared at by an ice dragon in a blizzard can be said to be an extremely terrifying thing. Although the ice dragon is a medium-sized elf, it is completely unaffected by the blizzard. It is absolutely irrational to fight against it in a blizzard. Eclipse staring can be said to be the most desperate thing.

"Well, we will definitely arrive at your hometown in peace and rescue your sister!" Lian Ashuper gave a thumbs up.

"Well, yes," Linselei nodded.

Just as they were talking, six ice dragons surrounded them.

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