Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 911

Lin Selei and Lin Axiubel turned their heads and glanced at the surrounding ice dragon and then turned back.

"You can't go away," Eclipse held his chin and buttoned his nails.


"I see." The eclipse yawned.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo--"

The six ice dragons that lost their heads returned to Daxue's embrace.

Author's message:

In PS, Wang Erqi’s shape is really like that of Yeqi. In the early stage, his attitude towards the main rider is also, shouldn’t the last two riders transform themselves with the watch of the main rider~

Chapter 129 The maid just needs to be cute!

It took several days to complete the journey. It took less than a few hours in front of Vimala's ability to completely ignore the complicated terrain. As for the blizzard... just hit it!

Although there were several waves of ice dragons on the way, the night eclipse, without exception, brought them back to the embrace of nature.

"This is Wintergrave City? What about the unexpected simplicity," Night Eclipse looked down at the city under Vimala with his arms around his chest.

"Because this is a fortress to defend against the enemy, too much luxury has no meaning," Linselei touched Fenrir's head, "Go to the people in the city to call out."

Fenrir nodded and let out a wolf howl towards the sky.

"After all, do you want to be a guest or not to put on a high attitude," Night Eclipse snapped a finger and Vimala fell slowly toward the ground.

He is still curious about the family who can educate Linsley, who can be called a model of nobility, and has a good impression.

"Eh, it's surprisingly very polite~" Lian Axiubel poked Night Eclipse's arm, "I and you have nostrils up to the sky like Grevas."

"Believe it or not, I kicked you out of here," Night Eclipse gave Lian Ashbel a glance.

"Don't! It's still quite high here," Lian Ashupel immediately sneered and grabbed Night Eclipse's arm for fear of being kicked down.

Lin Silei glanced at Lin Axiubel with some envy.

"Not high, not high," Ye Eclipse smirked and stood up and hugged Lian. Ashobel and Lin Si Lei ran forward a few steps with their waists and jumped up, and Vimona immediately melted the moment he left. A little bit of light dissipated.


Fenrir's wolf howled and jumped out with the eclipse.


The two girls who didn't react at all hugged Night Eclipse's arms tightly and screamed as they felt the constant fall.

"Hahahaha, it's really not a decent voice," Night Eclipse laughed and adjusted its posture in the air and stepped on the ground.

The smooth landing seemed to be like jumping off a ladder, but in fact they fell from a height of tens of meters.

"You can let go, really, it's someone who fought with me anyway, shouldn't you face it with a smile at this level?" Night Eclipse smiled helplessly.

Although the soft feeling on the arm is quite refreshing...

"I...I'm just cooperating with Linselei," Lin Ashubel flushed and loosened the arms of the night eclipse. As a battle-tested assassin, she screamed in fear because of this level. What a shame.

"Cough cough cough, I just didn't react because what happened was so sudden!" Lin Silei also loosened the night eclipse arm and turned her head over, but her red ears and smoking head still exposed her truth. heart.

"Fenrir's performance is good, come and touch your head," Night Eclipse smiled and bent down and stroked Fenrir's furry head.


Fenrir sat on the ground, squinting his eyes and enjoying the touch of the night eclipse, his hairy tail swaying behind his ass.

"Lin Selei, is your Fenrir really a wolf?" Lin Axiubel leaned close to Lin Selei and whispered.

"Of course...Yes," Linsley raised her voice, but she unconsciously dropped her voice after seeing Fenrir's performance, her tone was not so confident, "It's just our Lauren Frost family education It’s better."

Listening to Linselei's weak defense, Lian Ashbel stuck out her tongue, "The biggest difference between a wolf and a dog is that the dog has been tamed by humans?"

"Um..." Lin Silei's face stiffened.

Can't explain!

"It doesn't matter," Night Eclipse squeezed the trembling ears on Fenrir's head.

"Of course there is so-called! Dignity! It is a matter of dignity!" Lin Silei flicked her hair and took out the family crest of the Lauren Frost family. "The white wolf on this is our pride. No one is allowed to call it. It's a dog!"

"At this moment, I assumed the posture of aristocracy," Lian Axiubel sighed helplessly with one hand on his waist, "clearly there is no such dignity problem in other places."

Traveling and lodging are required to oppose differential treatment like everyone else. The only thing that looks different from others is that she brought a maid. But no matter what the look of that useless maid looks like Lin Selei is worried that she has to take care of her. privilege.

"The only thing the nobles need to care about is this inherited glory!" Lin Silei straightened her chest.

It's no wonder that every time Claire says that the family crest in Linselei's hands is a dog, she can irritate Linsley 100%.

"Clarier, whose family crest is a fire lion, doesn't care if she doesn't use an elf with a fire cat." Lian Ashupel spread her hands.

"Uh... that's because Scarlett's real name is missing," Linsele turned her head slowly.

"No, it's just that the guy doesn't care about that at all." Eclipse stood up and patted Fenrir on the head. "It doesn't really matter what Fenrir is, it's irreplaceable for you. Companion and pride will do."

Lin Silei was stunned, and then smiled, "That's it."

"Turning the topic very cleverly, he is really a cunning person," Lian Axiubel curled his lips.

At this moment, the closed city gate was also pushed aside, and several rows of guards walked out in an orderly manner, in order to greet their daughter.

"Sister! It's really a sister!"

A petite girl in plush clothes ran out and pounced on Lin Selei, her golden hair being unusually conspicuous in the snow.

"Really Mi Liu is really rude," Lin Silei said, but she opened her hands to embrace Mi Liu and gently stroked the same blonde hair as her.

"But I was taken aback. I didn't expect my sister to come back suddenly. How did you walk through the mountains, sister? There was a blizzard," Mi Liu said curiously, raising his head.

"Flying here," Ye Eclipse leaned over, raised his hand and poked Mi Liu in the face, "Long time no see."

"Hehehe, it's been a long time since I saw Big Brother Ye Eclipse," Mi Liu grinned and held Ye Eclipse's fingers.

"It feels like I'm being ignored," Lian Ashbel leaned over unwillingly.

"Uh... Brother of God... Sister Lian?" Mi Liu looked at Lian Axiubel with a distressed expression, seeming to be entangled in what to call.

"You can just ignore her," Ye Eclipse said quietly.

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