Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 955


Two meteors crossed the sky and smashed into the building.

The night in Dongmu City is still so nuclear.

"Hiss...even up and down," Night Eclipse struggled to get up from the gravel pile, and the evil spirits on it were automatically recovered after resisting the explosion of the golden thunder. "But your state should be Just like me."

"Of course," a hand pierced through the smoke, toward the night eclipse.

"Unharmed!" Ye Eclipse grinned and grabbed Ye Eclipse's wrist and leaped back and smashed the windows of the building.

As soon as Dark Night Eclipse's eyes condensed, he stretched out another hand to hold the night Eclipse's collar and pressed him heavily on the glass. For a time, countless slags of glass reflecting moonlight were swayed in the air.

"It hurts!" Ye Eclipse's grinning head slammed into the bridge of Ye Eclipse's nose, and slammed him into the sky as soon as Ye Eclipse released his hand because of the pain.

"Gate of Babylon!"

Dozens of golden ripples appeared behind him, all of which were A-level treasures shooting into the sky like machine gun bullets.

"Tsk," Dark Night Eclipse frowned, twisted his body in the air, reached out his hand to catch the hilt of the sword that reached him first, and cleaved the treasure immediately behind.

"Roar~ You'll take it all to me!" Night Eclipse revealed a bloody smile, and the golden ripples of the King's Treasure behind him appeared at an extremely fast speed and the treasure disappeared and reappeared.

The Dark Night Eclipse exhaled a breath of turbid breath, and the golden pupils of the cross radiated a dazzling light, so the treasures that were bounced off by him and the treasures that were flying towards him all became extremely slow.

"" The cross golden pupil quickly turned to confirm the location of the surrounding treasures.

"It can be done!"

Night Eclipse spins on a twisted long sword and uses it as a pedal to jump up, jumping to the position of another treasure.

"Use my treasure as a moving prop? Interesting," Eclipse snapped his fingers, and all the surrounding treasures were taken back as the King's Treasure.

Even the dark night eclipse didn't react and just lost balance.

"So you can't escape," Night Eclipse showed an extremely cold smile, "Smash him to me completely! Zhanshan Sword!"

Golden ripples far beyond the previous scale appeared in the sky, and the huge blade of one of the double-edged blades that was said to have been used by the Sumerian God of War hit the night eclipse.

"It's really troublesome!" Dark Night Eclipse frowned, and hurriedly caught the Slashing Mountain Sword empty-handed, but the huge appearance and weight of the Slashing Mountain Sword itself were extremely small in front of Dark Night Eclipse without any surprises. The dark night eclipse was smashed directly from the sky.

"Goodbye~" At the moment the eclipse fell from the side of the eclipse, the eclipse smiled and even waved his hand.


The impact of the moment the huge mountain-cutting sword hit the ground blew away the surrounding vehicles, and the concrete floor was lifted to reveal the hidden water pipes.


The chains exuding a faint halo gathered in mid-air and entangled the body of Night Eclipse, slowly placing him on the ground.

"Ah~Fortunately, it's not really in Dongmu City, otherwise the natural gas won't be enough for several times," Night Eclipse stretched out a hand and dripped water on his palm, "it's raining?"

"No, the water pipe burst," the huge Zhanshan Sword slowly lifted up and smashed aside heavily, not knowing which hapless car was directly smashed.

"Oh, don't you look so calm anymore?" Although the clothes and hair on your body were so uncomfortable to get wet and glued together, the night eclipse smiled because the person in the pit was abnormally embarrassed.

Dark Night Eclipse's body was covered with the product of a mixture of water and mud, and his hands shook weakly in front of him as if they had taken out bones.

"It looks so painful," Night Eclipse did not rush to attack but looked at him quietly, "It looks like you and I have taken a different path from here, and..."

From beginning to end, Dark Night Eclipse didn't show any abilities about other heroic spirits. Even if bombarding the King's Treasure from beginning to end, it only used the same ability as before to evade, and even counterattack was impossible.

"No progress... you want to say that, right," Dark Night Eclipse smiled a little hard, even if the shattered bones are rapidly regenerating, but the pain can't be avoided, especially the cold water makes him The boiling blood began to cool, the secretion of adrenaline began to decrease, and the pain began.

"Yes, you got everything here," Dark Night Eclipse slowly walked out of the pit and came to the hilt of the Sword Mountain Sword, "I got nothing, and I lost my only treasure. ."

Night Eclipse's eyes shrank, and the words of the person named Qilin in the long-lasting memory once again appeared in his mind.

[You forcibly came to the Holy Grail to absorb the evil of this world in order to balance the power of your body, and then...]

[Because your confidence has lost the most important thing.]

"You..." Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes.

"Ah~ you know at this time, the unicorn has reminded you," Dark Night Eclipse moved his soft arms, and the shattered bones were almost regenerated. "It's great... you can choose, but I am complacent. I think it can resist everything."

"You regret it?" Night Eclipse lowered his eyes.

"Isn't this of course!" Dark Night Eclipse, who had maintained a calm posture, roared, and directly grabbed the hilt of the Sword Mountain Sword.


The earth cracked, and the huge Mountain Slashing Sword was abruptly lifted by the Dark Night Eclipse and swung toward the Night Eclipse. The wind pressure entwining the huge sword directly dissipated the water droplets that fell around it.

"Burn everything to Shulshagana!" Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes, and the huge weapon no less than the sword of the mountain fell into his hands.

"Accept the move!"

The arm muscles bulged, and the night eclipse held Shulshagana and slashed towards the mountain cutting sword. The flames entwined on it instantly turned the surroundings into a sea of ​​fire, and all the water was evaporated.


The two blades that belonged to the Sumerian God of War slammed together in midair.

"I regret wanting to commit suicide! I keep questioning myself!" The muddy water on the body of the Dark Night Eclipse dries up and shattered quickly under the high temperature of Shulshagana, even the hair on his head began to curl, and the sword of Shanshan was warm in the collision with Shulshagana. Ascending rapidly, white gas visible to the naked eye emerged from the position held by the dark night eclipse, but he still firmly grasped the Sword Sword and refused to let go.

"What the hell did I do!"

"What kind of punishment did that confidence get me!"

"Her smile...her tenderness..."

"All gone!"

"So I want to..."


Chapter 3 This is determination


The cracks began to spread around the intersection of the two treasures.

"It's really not a decent cry!" Night Eclipse forcefully cut Shulshagana down, and the Zhanshan Sword broke on the spot. Night Eclipse was shot directly into the ground after breaking one or two telephone poles.

"However, it is because of me that makes such an undecent cry." The Eclipse glanced at the broken Shulshagana in his hand and threw it aside, slowly walking towards the Eclipse, carrying a light blue light. The wind began to gather on him, "But it is precisely because of this that I must defeat you with all my strength! Because I know..."

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