Dedicated to the infinite world

Dedicating the Emperor to the Infinite World Chapter 956

The white and blue armor condensed in the wind, the holy sword exuding golden light fell into his hand, and the huge holy spear was carried behind him.

"You want to destroy my determination to have everything!" The Eclipse held the holy sword in both hands and raised it over the head. The pale golden light began to gather on the sword, "I want to protect everything I have!"

As if in response to the words of the night eclipse, the light on the holy sword skyrocketed into a huge golden cross.

"Trouble..." Dark Night Eclipse sat up, drew out the silver sword and nailed it into the ground.

"Even if the opponent is myself, I will all annihilate you!" Night Eclipse condensed his eyes and waved the holy sword in his hand.

"Excalibur Morgan!"

"Protect me! Devil-ridden!" The Eclipse narrowed his eyes and turned the silver sword in his hand. Scarlet rays of light erupted from the cracks under him, and a huge figure drilled out of the ground and opened his arms to cover the night eclipse. The black scalp numbing viscous liquid overflowed from Tyrande's body and enveloped the night eclipse.

The next moment the light bombarded Tyrande who was covered by the viscous liquid.

The pitch-black liquid immediately boiled when it hit the light, as if it had encountered a natural enemy, and more liquid gushed out to resist the dazzling light.

"Disappear!" Night Eclipse roared and increased its magic output.


For a moment, it seemed that the beam of light illuminated at night would penetrate Dongmu City.

"Huh..." Night Eclipse released the holy sword, and the armor on his body began to dissipate. There was a straight road ahead of him, and Night Eclipse was no longer in place.

"It's not dead..." Night Eclipse waved his hand and walked along the road.

He knew very well that the dark night eclipse could not die. This world that hadn't disappeared was the best proof. He was just blasted further back by him.

"Goodbye Dongmu City~"

As the night eclipse progresses, the surrounding environment begins to be distorted, like a mirage about to dissipate, and a vast and boundless ocean appears instead.

"Just treat it as a small topic after dinner," Night Eclipse looked at the night eclipse standing not far away except that the clothes were a bit messy, and there was no injury at all. "How did you solve that jealous Super Saiyan? Dropped."

"Kill the moment he appeared in front of me," Dark Night Eclipse calmly watched the night eclipse, but the ocean under his feet was not so peaceful, a huge whirlpool appeared under his feet, and a dark shadow hovered inside. "Because of the possibility of danger."

"Are you already so cautious at that time?" Night Eclipse raised his hand towards the sky, and a simple long spear like a tree branch landed in his hand from the sky.

"Isn't this of course?" Dark Night Eclipse raised his hand and pressed it in the direction of Night Eclipse, "Get in the way, kill! Enemy, kill!"


The huge waves lifted and pressed against the night eclipse.

"The power to control the ocean!? I don't remember that such a god of disobedience has appeared!" The Eclipse squeezed Gangneil in his hand, and a golden arc burst out on his arm, with golden lines engraved on it. On the spear, "Did you do anything!"

Night Eclipse swung the spear in his hand, a golden thunderstorm erupted in front of him, and in a blink of an eye the upper part of the tsunami was scattered.

"I killed Poseidon and gained the power to control the ocean," Dark Night Eclipse stretched out his hand toward the sky, and the visible dark clouds began to gather. "I killed Zeus and gained the power to control the sky."

"Then you don't mind answering me how you called them out," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes. Zeus and Poseidon are not third-rate gods, but they are real master gods, in his memory. These two guys never showed up on their own initiative, so they had to be forced to call through rituals.

But the god of non-obedience does not mean that it can be summoned by summoning. There are so many things that are needed. The most important thing is the witch with spiritual vision and more than one, and those committees and the like will definitely think of ways to stop, other The godslayers of this group will also be attracted by the breath of the god of disobedience, and they may be led by someone with a heart. It is too difficult to kill a main god and take away his power, let alone two.

"Find someone," Dark Night Eclipse snapped his fingers, and a thunder fell from the sky towards Night Eclipse, "Then summoned."

"Really simple!" Eclipse's eyes jumped and waved the spear to split the Thunder.

He didn't plan to ask anyone who was in the way anymore, because other godslayers didn't say that the old guy and the guy with a lack of brains would definitely follow, and there was no need to ask about the result.

Get in the way... kill!

And I'm afraid it will not give any room to kill with all your strength. If it will be resurrected, then stay there and kill once, if it can be cured, then it will beat you to fly ash all at once.

"I'm afraid that the last king doesn't even have a chance to appear," Ye Eclipse sighed, looking for the mouth pressure of the night eclipse will not give the witch a chance to do things.

"I let him out because his power is useful," Dark Night Eclipse shook his hand, "Because he will increase his power according to the number of godslayers, so I prefer to exclude other godslayers, and then relax. kill him."

"Sure enough..." Night Eclipse held his forehead, "Sorry for asking the boring question."

"Anyway, you have already guessed the answer." Dark Night Eclipse raised his hand to the Ocean Void Grip, and along with the continuous bubbles, a vein was abruptly drawn out, and then turbulent flames emerged from Dark Night Eclipse's palm and covered it. Mineral veins, with the passage of time, a spear exuding heat appeared in his hand, "This is the power gained from Hephaestus, the god of fire. Although it is not comparable to the Gangnir in your hand, it is enough. It's pretty good."

"You have enough weird powers in your body," Night Eclipse grinned, and the fiery red flowing clouds covered his body. The next moment he turned into a streamer and rushed towards the Night Eclipse, "But! The battle between them is not all based on the amount of power!"

"I know," The Eclipse's eyes condensed and followed the night eclipse that turned into a streamer at the same speed.

"Feng? Well, it seems that the military god was killed by you in the first place," Ye Eclipse grinned.

"They were accidentally killed after being hit hard."

Author's message:

PS feels that the king is okay in this episode. The beginning of Oda Nobunaga is a foreshadowing foreshadowing that King Tanli will be killed by his loyal subordinate Zio (self-thinking), and then Zio will become the real king, the same sentence in the trailer The times don't need two kings to be extremely aggressive.

PS As for the hunting armor...emmm...obviously Ma Shuai said before that he didn’t want to take care of others, and didn’t want to wear armor. Later I saw that the optimized body went faster than anyone else. After an eagle commander came out, there were all kinds of dissatisfaction. In short, the plot It is still very fascinating. It was clear that the first few episodes had a one-to-two victory, and as a result, he ran into a mob that was just born and was beaten. He was also robbed of the head. Ying Shuai also blew up a cadre as soon as he appeared!(Then the old boss and the bat optimization body said that the foreshadowing to stimulate brain energy is gone? It's a scream after seconds!)

Armor Warrior...Don't shoot anymore.

Chapter 4 and will definitely go on

What kind of existence does the Godkiller exist?

Killing the gods, taking away the power of the gods and acting arbitrarily on the earth, they only see other godslayers of the same kind, and the gods who are regarded as prey. This world is just a hunting ground for them. .


The huge island floated under the mighty force that humans could not imagine, and then smashed down.

"Whose power is this again?" Night Eclipse sighed helplessly while looking at the shadow that enveloped itself, a golden ripple appeared behind him, and a treasure with a spiral sword body came out, "It's quite scary. But it's useless."


The spiral sword emitted a dazzling light and penetrated the island at an extremely fast speed. The next moment countless rays of light emitted from the island, exploding into countless fragments on the spot.

"Forget," The Eclipse calmly raised his hand, the storm gathered behind him, and thunder jumped in it. "The mixed version of the power of the wind and the power of thunder, let's feel it."

"Do you think I will let you finish?" Night Eclipse snapped his fingers, and the Treasure of the King who had driven the Night Eclipse into desperation appeared again.

But what was unexpected this time was that the Dark Night Eclipse still stood in place and watched the Night Eclipse's King Treasure unfolding without any intention of avoiding it.

"If you think I'm the same as before, just give it a try."

"Really an arrogant tone," Night Eclipse narrowed his eyes and replaced all the treasures he was about to shoot with those with demon-breaking properties.

"It's just a statement of reality," Dark Night Eclipse spreads out his hands, as if intending to resist a wave of King Treasure shooting.

"Then let me see if your reality is a delusion!" Eclipse raised his hand with a wave, and countless treasures with demon-breaking attributes shot towards Eclipse.

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