Deer Demon Race

Chapter 342: make a living

When the donkey demon and his party entered the grass market, most of the shops were closed.

Seeing them walk in, a little demon quickly ran to the front: "The distinguished guest wants to find a place to live?"

The grass market has a large area and many shops, and there are no traces of large scales for the time being.

The little demon in front of him should be a rabbit demon, with an eager look on his face.

Jian Ju asked him: "Can you still be a livelihood in the animal collection shop today?"

The rabbit demon smiled on his face: "It's already closed, and you will sell it tomorrow!"

The donkey demon was a little wary of the little demon who leaned on his own initiative. Since he couldn't sell it as a beast, he wanted to find the big monster first.

Ask the little demons to take care of the beasts, and the donkey demons take the lead.

The rabbit demon chased after him, chattering endlessly: "If the distinguished guest wants to find the female bodhisattva, Huanghua's family is the best! If you want to save elixir, the returnees of General Jiugao's home will be cleaner than other homes!"

The donkey demon didn’t talk to each other. The rabbit demon understood that he was on his guard, and explained: "Oh! Don’t worry, you can rest assured that I was born as a wild little demon, and I came together with Yuzhu, Dawei, and Sancai in Doufengling. I was afraid that I couldn’t compete with another one, and there were few magic medicines, so I switched to the back door of Hua, lost the opportunity to pick Japanese flowers and learn magical powers, regretted breaking my intestines, and now I am all focused on making flesh and blood to make a living, which is useless. All of the male demons have been dismissed, and only our wild little demons are left. Because they are really free, they came from Wanhua Valley to be a broker, with clean roots and feet, and the most sincere guarantee!"

While the rabbit demon was chattering, Jian Ju had already seen the little demon under Damen’s door looking somewhere, he rushed over: "Brother Damen?"

The little demon was waiting for him, and he was relieved when he saw him, and shouted, "I'm waiting for Chome when I'm returning to the guest!"

Just as he was going to return to the guest, the rabbit demon behind who was the broker stopped immediately, his red eyes rolled, and he followed behind.

When he reached the door of the guest house, the rabbit demon took the lead, jumped inside first, pointed at the donkey demon who entered the door and introduced to the owner of the Jiugao family: "This is the guest I brought!"

The donkey did not deny too much, but the rabbit demon got mixed up with a little demon's object as a middleman, and went happily.

The big dogs and others have been sold first, but the return of customers is so wide that the unsold beasts can also be placed.

Jian Ju and the shopkeeper talked about the half-day price, confirmed to stay for three days, included two meals a day, and the donkey demon took the little demon under the door. A total of two non-influenced plants were collected. Animals also entered the shop.

The shopkeeper: "I don’t want to accept anything when I bring a few beasts with my own house, but if the middleman leads in, I’m not allowed to forgive it!"

Jian Ju knew that he was still begged by the rabbit demon.

After the hot water and the soft animal skin mattress were really comfortably settled down, I felt that the two plants were worthwhile if they didn't flow, but that little demon's body was a bit wronged.

When he got up early the next day, the bull demon told him not to rush. He had to wait for the gathering of Japanese flowers and the magical powers on the driving range to finish, and the illustrious demon would fly down the mountain and the grass market would be lively. The shopkeeper who collects rare beasts, no matter who is on duty, will open the door after having breakfast.

The nine-headed beast is the hope of this trip. Before selling it, the donkey demon unintentionally went out, so Da Yao asked a little demon to stay and lead him to sell it later.

Dayan and others used premature food, so they went out to occupy a stall, prepared to sell the goods they brought, took the time to visit the grass market, and negotiated to buy back the goods that were sold to the human land.

The donkey demon made up his mind and went back to open the mountain field to take orders when the goods were sold out.

After three poles in the sun, you will see it when you come back.

It was just that the little demon was not in a hurry, and after a while, he led him out to find the animal shop to make a living.

The owner of the animal collection shop is a burly man. When the donkey demon entered the shop, he half-squinted and leaned back on his chair.

Although there are a lot of monsters who make a living for rare beasts, they are not counted even if they are spread out every day. This shop looks cold and cold.

Seeing half-squinted dozing off is actually the origin of supernatural powers. When a customer comes in, the shopkeeper puts away his homework and gets up to look.

The shopkeeper didn’t talk nonsense. He took a look at the rare beasts that Jian Ju had brought, and said, “A pair of quagga, three copies of yellow undergraduates; one female clouded leopard, one copy of yellow undergraduates; this little leopard cub belongs to the golden leopard. Kind of, I'm afraid it's the monk who secretly replaced the clouded leopard cub. It's not worth the price to cheat you!"

That little clouded leopard, somehow spent three non-inflowing plants when it was purchased, and how much effort was spent taking care of it on the road. The quagga eats grass, but its mother and child eat meat! Jian Ju couldn't believe it: "Does the shopkeeper look bad? Then I changed it. I can't see it. The female leopard can't even admit it!"

Along the way, when there is no demon pressure, the female leopard is very concerned about the leopard cubs, it is hard for Jianju to believe that they are not mother and child!

The burly man sneered and said, "Isn’t the monks allowed to do some tricks to lie to the female leopard? My old bear is a demon of Dufengling, and he speaks well. In order to open this shop, the ancestors who are familiar with him have specially given the magical power of'recognition'. How could you read it wrong? This female clouded leopard, there must be a real cub, but it is ignored by the unconscionable monk, and it is faked first, and it can be sold again afterwards! There have been so many things in recent days, and you are the only one. , It’s not too bad, there is a hapless one who bought seven little jackals and sent them, but they were all fakes, so they cried on the spot!"

If the other party collects beasts all the year round, he should not deceive himself on this matter!

Is that really being pitted?

The pheasant demon and tiger demon of the dog day deceive me? Or was he also deceived by the monks?

In the White Lion Valley, the price is not based on the size, but only counts. If you lose a clouded leopard cub, you will lose a yellow product!

I just said that the good master of the mountain is not proper, and he is very busy to run and make a living!

When the donkey demon gritted his teeth and resented, Da Feng pointed to the remaining five birds and said: "A lot of the demon find it difficult, and they don't want to bear the birds to sell. A few days ago, my master just issued an order to raise the price! You! This is in line with the mile, a single yellow product and six non-influential ones, four pairs of yellow products! You passenger pigeon, a pair of white fools, and a single head of an ibis, you can get a good price!"


Turns around like this?

Unexpectedly, because the little demon under his family suffered hardships, he would lose the fake clouded leopard cub this trip, and instead... earned the elixir?

The donkey demon hadn't figured out how much he had earned. The shopkeeper took out the elixir box from his pouch. Three quagga, one clouded leopard, and four passenger pigeons were counted to one side.

This bear demon, like his own, is not good at settling accounts, how can he be the owner of the shop?

It seemed to be dreaming, but the other six of the thirteen yellow products that were in hand were not influential, but they were really real!

After retracting the elixir box, the bear demon shop owner walked out and rushed to a nearby deer demon and shouted, "Come on, and talk to the golden striker, and ask his little demon to come and lead the beast!"

When the little demon ran away, the bear demon came back to the store and said to Jian Ju: "My master, the mountain master also ordered, the store will also accept the rare tree species in the future, or only the living ones, ten seeds. The seedlings are exchanged for a plant that does not flow; you must have the ability to harvest waste immortal seeds, which are more valuable, and you will give a yellow middle-grade one for one!"

The donkey demon was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and was stunned when he heard the words.

What kind of fairy is so expensive?

If you don’t understand, ask: "Waste Immortal Seed? What is that?"

The shopkeeper waved his hand and said, "My old Xiong can't understand it. You can just spread the word, but you don't really look for it. The monks understand it, and if you are willing to sell it, you will have it for you!"

He called the donkey demon speechless. I accidentally picked a fake clouded leopard before. I have never heard of this kind of abandoned fairy, and I don’t know it before. I really want to buy it and sell it, and I don’t know how much I will be deceived by the cunning monk. !

Holding the elixir in his hand, the donkey demon shook again.

It is really hard to run for a living, and there are gains and losses, but when I started the mountain, I only got seven or eight inferior products in one year. I haven't made a lot of money unilaterally this time, so I really want to not run in the future?

If he is willing to endure hardships, he can only turn around in four months. If his luck is not too bad, he can change the yellow middle grade to replenish the evil spirit and increase the speed of promotion!

Comfortable, comfortable and less dangerous mountain master!

A long-distance, high-risk but high-profit business!

Which one to choose?

More importantly, when will the Saruyama gambling and fighting be able to win the quota of Sunhua?

The donkey demon hesitated very much.

But other things, the little demons who are willing to work hard, are the heroes who earned the elixir this time, and they must be rewarded!

No matter what the final choice is, the intimate little demon is indispensable!

"The shopkeeper, maybe you can change something with me?"

Take out two Huangxiapin, Jianju will ask the bear demon to replace it with scattered ones.

The bear demon replied: "The exchange is exchangeable, just to say goodbye to you, in this shop, one yellow product can be exchanged for twelve non-inflowing plants, no need to add a head! I have disabled demon to check before closing this evening. Counting, the elixir has a fixed number, so I dare not change it more!"

Jian Ju hurriedly withdrew the elixir, and said with a smile: "Then I look for another place to change it!"

Of course it is looking for a replacement for thirteen uninfluenced plants!

The flower needs to be spent, the province needs to be saved!

When I left the store, I went to the stall to find a big dog and so on. I asked him to find a familiar one. The two yellow underpins were replaced with 26 uninfluenced plants, plus his original part, and each little demon under the door won three prizes. Strain.

After a lot of hard work, I was able to get three uninfluenced plants. The coolie little demon was happier than the donkey demon imagined. He wanted to run again. One of them called: "Master, I will sell the groceries soon and take the goods back. Hurry up, maybe you can run more!"

Jian Ju responded with a wry smile, and took him back to the stall occupied by the big gang. Furniture, seats, ironware, etc. were all sold out.

The local mountain owners have a good way of making money. Although the stall fee is not as expensive as the shop, they also have to deliver the elixir. Each stall has one yellow product a month, and the big dog is only rented for three days. I handed it in for him first, and after hearing that, Jian Ju hurriedly paid it back to the big dog.

These objects are all ordinary things worthless elixir, tell the little monsters to look at the street stalls, he first went to the grass market, and the raw materials for the refining were not available, see if there are other ways The livelihood.

Before I knew it, I decided to continue to run for a living.

After only strolling for a while, the little demon came to call him back. The owner of the animal collection shop came to the street stall again, and there were a few buckets of night pearls in front of him.

When Jianju arrived, the owner of the bear demon was yelling in the center surrounded by the stall owners: "You wait for the trip! The North Sea Dragon Palace needs to clear the inventory. These night pearls, one plant will not enter the market for three, and ten yellow top grades are good. For another fight, we know what our ancestors have inquired about, the boundary of the monk, one is worth nothing!"

The sea area occupied by the monks is also vast, but the demon slaves are not enough to use, and most of them are only used to mine more valuable resources. These small lighting objects are not willing to work hard, but are scarce. The monks' land borders are inevitably expensive.

Just as Jian Ju's heart moved, the demon bear took out a plum core and a peach core, and shouted: "My lord, I must teach you to identify the waste immortal species, so as not to be fooled by unscrupulous monks! "

ps: There is one more chapter, but it's too late

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