Deer Demon Race

Chapter 343: 1 year effect

Driving to the top of the mountain, the Seventeen Niangs are seeing off the Sixteen Niangs with the Deer Demon.

After spending a year in the Doufengling to collect Japanese flowers, this sister is going to go back to the Dragon Palace to get married.

The gift given by the Bailu Demon couple was already hidden in her pouch. It was the demon king-level moon-moon rhino horn that was originally given by the Holy Ape. In addition, nuts, honey and other mountain products also filled her with a few hundred treasure bags. Since a month ago, the Little Demon was called by the Seventeenth Lady, and almost every Caopu's specialty products were bought.

The two dragon girls held hands, and the Sixteenth Mother hummed: "My sister is getting married, and my brother-in-law will be busy for a drink!"

The demon Bailu nodded, and then turned to the seventeenth mother: "After that, we will marry one another, and each will be the mountain demon and the sea demon. I don’t know how many years before we can meet each other. The silly sister take care! If my sister is not there, please pay more attention, don’t turn. My head was taken by my brother-in-law, and the price of the dragon girl fell by a mile!"

When Seventeen Niang nodded with a blushing face, she nodded to Qingluo and Zixia behind the station, and said, "Well, let's go!"

But after she said this, Niu Niu, who was standing side by side with her husband-in-law in the distance, was talking to Dajiao, her sister-in-law, and shouted: "Two sisters, the younger sister also said something to her brother-in-law!"

Sixteen Niang glanced at her, pulled Seventeen Niang to the side of the female monster and the female ghost, carefully instructing them both, to help the master grandma defend the man, and be ready to rescue them at any time.

Qingluo couldn't laugh or cry. The female ghosts who love to oppose her are all controlled. The master can't resist a little bit. She wants to stop the master from getting close to her grandma. Can you stop it?

Niu Niu ran to the demon Bai Lu, and said with a flattering smile: "Brother-in-law is good at it, but the concubine can't distinguish too much!"

The Bailu Demon asked: "What is this?"

She replied: "We are not as lucky as the twenty brothers. The Dragon Palace does not allow the spot to be occupied, so let's walk away! Are you still hiding the gift of the sixteenth sister's wedding?"

The deer deer sneered: "That was originally the item of the seventeenth woman. She voluntarily sent her sixteen sisters to her body. What's the matter with my old deer? The old deer only gave some mountain products, and nothing else!"

Ninety Niang Jiao said, "I know that my brother-in-law is not present, but my sister is in the White Lion Valley, and she is not blind! She raised the four Mochizuki Rhinoceros Kings, saying they have re-grown horns, and often give them to the rhinoceros. The demon will give the elixir, not for him to wait for the promotion? My sister is no better than the sixteen sisters, but if a new role comes out for decades, there should be a sister and a brother-in-law?"

I got along for a year, and I knew the nature of the nineteen women. Bai Lu Yao didn’t want to deal more with her. He didn’t talk nonsense with her. He asked bluntly: "Where is this? Each is a householder. My family's affairs depend on you. branch?"

The nineteenth mother showed the appearance of crying, "If you say that you are so unfeeling, do your relatives ignore it? The sister is not for nothing. When the fifteenth sister gets married, the gift given by the brother-in-law is one thousand and two yellow top grades, and the rhino horns are on duty. This relative price, if there are new ones, we will buy it at this price!"

The Bailu demon couldn't help but laughed angrily: "Oh, the price is set for me? My old deer's avenue has nothing to do with your family. Would you like to sell rhino horns?"

After being beaten and sent away in Doufengling for a year, Ryuba Lang was beaten and sent away to keep her down. He didn't dare to make trouble to collect Rihua. He was about to return to the Dragon Palace at this time. "A family, the broken bones are still connected to the tendons! The girl didn't know the matter at first, so she said hard, but fortunately, my aunt came here in a reasonable manner. She was unmarried again. It happened that she contributed to this matter, and now she is pregnant. Didn’t you delay your brother-in-law’s Avenue? She is your brother-in-law’s own sister, and my couple should get some light! My brother-in-law does big things and measures a lot, so he cares more about your sister?"

Listening to her, is that no brainer? The deer demon can only shake his head: "I have so many rhino horns, but I also exchanged them for Lao Taishan and Lao Taishui. The Nineteenth Sister has the ability, so I should ask them for it!"

When the rhino horn arrives in the Dragon Palace, I don’t know how many distinguished people are waiting. The ancestors want them. If there are not dozens of them, which round will I get this concubine?

The demon Bailu didn’t get oil and salt, and it’s not easy to really tear her face, she gave up all hope, and the nineteenth mother stomped her feet and said some less serious angry words: "The fifteenth sister is always a prostitute, and it’s not her turn to get married. Such a gift! Brother-in-law is waiting, and the rhino horns are produced, and my sister must invite her to ask for it!"

Bai Lu Yao sneered and replied: "I invite him, it really disturbs my old deer's brain, and he just fights out like a pharaoh. Is it possible that Lao Taishan has come to ask me for a crime?"

This servant is also thick-skinned, the nineteenth mother can't take him, bitterly turning to Wuxie's side, cursing: "Go! Rilong bag!"

Say hello to Dajiao at will, her couple flew away first.

The Sixteenth Niang said to the deer demon: "You have to be tough with her, but if you are a little softer, she must be entangled enough for you. The Seventeenth Niang was so cold that she was always entangled, and you deserved it. !"

There are more than 200 people who have to go to the Dragon Palace this time to pick up the demon of Nikka, and they have all flown away. It is not good to let the gull who is going to be pressed to wait for a long time. Let me say a few words. , Shouting: "My sister is also leaving!"

When she flew to see her, the seventeenth mother felt a little sad, because she said, "From now on, we will marry one of the other parties, and each will be a mountain monster and sea monster. I don't know how many years before we can see each other."

The White Deer Demon took her hand: "Return to Miles!"

Dajiao is pregnant. Seventeen mothers named Qingluo and Zixia take care of them. She let him take the lead and fly down the mountain. After landing, she asks: "Doufengping, are you free today?"

In the past year, in addition to various efforts to improve one's own skills, the rare beasts collected must also be reproduced. The White Deer Demon is even more busy.

The White Deer Demon thought about it, and replied, "It's really free today, but you are not allowed to use magic!"

Seventeen Niangbai glanced at him, and said with an aura: "Then you are not allowed to use the magical powers of the Demon King!"

Lu Yao posted a lot of elixir to purchase endangered animals. Although the elixir of the warehouse has shrunk a little, it also reaped a surprise. In order to make profits, the monks have begun to protect or breed certain species. In a year, the white deer demon inexplicably won the blessings of heaven and earth three times. Although he did not do it by himself, the gods recognized him as the leader and produced the elixir. However, the monks for profit are working together with many families to restore the endangered situation of a certain creature. Judging from the amount of fortune in the world, it seems that it has not been divided.

In just one year, the breeding and breeding of endangered species in the White Lion Valley has not yet taken effect, Mochizuki Rhinoceros has not increased, and the great demon generation has not yet been born. I do not know that it is a giant manatee.

No matter how many elixirs are spent, they will be worthwhile. Many elixirs paid for this are worth it to the Bailu Yao!

Nowadays, the magic weapon has given birth to the magic weapon of spiritual generation, and the white deer is still not available, so every time he receives the blessing of the heaven and the earth, he only generates one kind of magical power of the demon king level, and the remaining amount is all added to the word "瑞".

Refined the eyes of Shura, learned King Shanyang’s "Dongtian", Twenty Lang’s "Exorcism", and the "Shifting Stars and Fighting" taught by the Sea Monster King, and selected three powerful Monster King magical powers. The origin of success, "the world is in the same sorrow", is too late to learn.

Demon King-level supernatural powers are actually not easy to learn. Except for the "evil-shielding" that has promised Twenty Lang not to spread, other things, regardless of origin, as long as you have read them once, Bailu Demon will be taught in the Tulou according to the understanding, but Including Seventeen Niangs, every Demon King who had heard of trying to get started was not as easy as he did, at least it took a long time.

Shichiniang now feels that "moving stars and changing fights" can come out, but it will take at least seven or eight years. She is not in a hurry to look for the extra eyeballs, she only asks Dragon Palace to pay attention to it. In the future, I have to spare time to regenerate the "dongtian".

You can't find the eyeballs, and the idle miles of "Heaven and Earth are in the same sorrow", each time is not short!

The White Deer Demon has successfully developed three things within a year. In other words, it is still relying on the help of the fortune of the world!

In addition, he deliberately kept his hands, and the unpopular "flashing" of the demon general level learned by the stubborn place has not been widely spread, and can overcome the "hidden introduction" of the dragon girl, and the pre-judgment of "eliminating evil spirits". It's not easy to get away from the distance and play the "Drunk Fairy Song" steadily!

And in the past year, the real ambergris has been consumed widely, the deer demon consciousness has improved rapidly, and the time of resisting "Drunken Immortal Song" is getting longer and longer.

The dragons are born with a strong body, but Shi Niang is not very fond of hand-to-hand combat.

It's really the scene where the flesh and blood fly all over the place, fists to the flesh, it's too ugly!

In order to keep the distance, she can only use the magic weapon of pressing the bottom of the box!

And now, Seventeen Niang finally realized that Mrs. Xiwang sent a tattered bell as a meeting ceremony, but publicly declared that after her husband was tempered by Xinghui, her magic weapon was stronger than the others.

Before setting off to Joyride Ridge, because he was the first dragon girl to marry out of the Dragon Palace, Long Po secretly gave a magic weapon keel crutches and asked his daughter to keep the skill at the bottom of the box.

It's not that Long Po doesn't care about his daughter, no matter how rich the Long Palace is, there are so many mouths, it is really rare to have leftovers on the magic weapon.

This magic weapon is too ugly. Was the ancestor tempered at that time a lame man? Just kept pressing in the Longgong warehouse, there is no master, and when the seventeenth mother got it, she couldn't laugh or cry. How can she use it normally?

But now, the complete set of dragon scale blades that Defujun Xinghui has only been promoted to after tempering, and still helping to temper the set of dragon scale blades, the power of various magical effects has surpassed the dragon bone crutches a lot!

It's not good to really hurt the husband, now the dragon scale blade is the bottom of the box, and the keel is turned, regardless of the embarrassment, take it out to clean up the thick skin and the husband who is not usually untouchable.

Thinking of that keel Seventeen Niang’s face burned a little, and the little demons secretly laughed a lot!

Fortunately, the magic weapon is still dominant. If not, the demon king of the true dragon clan seems to have only one way to fight with her husband!

It's even more unsightly, and even less happy!

The husband's strength is getting stronger and stronger, if you change the general demon king, it is estimated that you will not be able to beat him!

There are still forty years to fight with the monk, but Shi Niang does not believe that which foundation-building monk can fight such a hot husband?

For the couple, both of them have been able to improve their actual combat abilities nowadays, but the White Deer Demon will no longer benefit from it alone.

It is rare that the deer deer is free today. There is another big battle on the driving pad in the evening, and the dragon girl dodges in various ways, relying on the keel crutches to repel him, guaranteeing the distance, and another "drunk fairy song" drunk to win the fight.

Evil Dragon Pestle, don’t take it out anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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