Deer Demon Race

Chapter 378: Little Saint's 1 day

The peaches and plums are astringent on the driving range, and peach blossoms, plum blossoms, and flowers bloom all over the mountains behind the mountains. Other monsters may think the scenery is very good, but Yaoyao's teeth are only sour.

Dad still worked **** the belly of the two Ape Demon Jis every day, and the old Niang Tu was clean in front of her eyes and hid in the Ape Mountain, not seeing her for a long time.

When there is movement in the belly of the demon ape, her family will be even more neglected!

A few days ago, Xiaoxiao went back to Yuanshan Mountain. After returning, he said that there were a lot of demon corpses buried on Yuanshan Mountain and attracted some black crows to the mountain. Also cut some meat to feed the wild crows.

The little saint of the holy monkey mountain is now so mixed that he is not as good as a wild crow, regardless of whether the father and mother ask, there are fewer and fewer demons who are willing to flatter!

His little sage, now in Driving Ridge, is no different from a monster from the wild.

The demon ancestor-level Caiguang ancestor cold screen, sent the Demon King a few days ago to send ten beautiful banshees, hidden in the grass market shop, but they were stabbed out by the Shura tribe. The steward demon will confess that they are only used for gifts. .

Who is it for? It's not about sending this little saint who hasn't grown up!

The old peacock demon has been detained for thousands of years, and he is also a mindless person. He used to only please in front of his own family, but now that after looking back, he understands that the little saint has not been able to make a storm, so he changed his relationship with the deer demon to remedy it. Is it late?

The White Deer Demon is only a demon general now, but the future Demon King, Yaoyao has helped him get it, and it is called Demon King Deer, and now it is secretly passed on in a small area.

The cold screen flattered and slapped on the horse's leg. I didn’t know where to find out about the Deer King’s greedy female wood demon. The ten female demons sent were all plums and camphors. The Shura woman told her sister-in-law to know that there was no part of him as the Deer Demon King?

Fortunately, the Deer King is quick to respond, and he calls it "I don’t know it," Jin Yaoding. In the past few years, he is also called Xiuye, Langlang, Zhishan and Ding Tiehui, collecting beasts Ding Dawei, Zhanshan Ding Sancai, and Jingshan Demon Ding. Dayu, Xuan Hou, who hadn't yet been in the family, picked one each, and the remaining two were sent to Yuanshan to serve as maids for the old lady. It took a lot of effort to put out the fire in the backyard.

Now, does the deer deer with small belly chicken intestine feel the affection of the old peacock? Still more hateful?

In any case, the old peacock has changed to flatter the Deer King, and no longer praises the stinky feet of the little saint, it is absolutely not wrong.

And the king of Shanyang has a board, which is his own follower? He is already a **** dog-legged deer king. As long as he goes down the mountain, he will be stared at by thieves, making it extremely uncomfortable, even the mountain is bored!

Can't provoke the Deer King, just avoid it, but since his own power was destroyed, how many demons are still serious on the mountain?

Lying in the Yingbin cave room for a while, Yaoyao became more and more angry as she thought about it.

What should I do if I am in a bad mood?

Zhiniang thief, find a demon general to do a fight, just let your breath go!

Let's go for a ride!

The little weird Zixi was playing in the mud outside the cave, making everything muddy and dirty. Seeing him coming out of the cave, he asked, "Where is my brother?"

This mob would not hold high and step on low, watching and teasing, Yaoyao was willing to pay attention to him, and replied: "Walk outside!"

The small eyes on the mud's face turned cleverly, swept around Yaoyao's face, and saw the clues, clapped her hands and asked, "But are you going to fight?"

The opponent hasn't been sure yet. I don't know which demon will be put on the right side. I don't know if I can do it. Yaoyao refuses to admit: "No miles, feel free to turn around!"

But unable to deceive the little monster, Zixi threw the mud ball away and stood up and stood up: "The little mountain spirit doesn't know where to go to the wild. I don't come to see me today. I'm boring, and I will go with my brother!"

He couldn't take him, and he didn't want to take a mud boy on a trip, Yaoyao cried, "Then you wash it up!"

"Brother wait for me, soon!"

Zixi hurriedly ran back to the entrance of the cave, stood under the water that attracted the mountain spring, quickly washed away the mud, and then ran back: "Brother, let's go!"

Previously it was muddy, but now it was full of water. Yaoyao sighed, first took out a piece of rabbit skin, remembering that his mother was a rabbit demon, and changed to squirrel skin: "Wipe your face!"

After Zixi picked up the dry water droplets and used a spell to dry his little leather jacket, the two wandered towards the riding ground.

When she first went out, Yaoyao wanted to find another bad luck, and did a good job. The quilt Xiaoguai interrupted, and the impulse subsided a lot.

On the way to Doufengping, the silly cow on the mountain field brought several little monsters such as Xinxin and Wanyue, and cultivated the "Ten Thousand Body Tempering Method" in the rock cave. The three talents, Langlang, and Zhishan performed the performances. Spells, suitable for the opponent's demon generals, Tongjing, Stone, Liemu, Big Horn, Powan, etc. I didn't see any of them.

He had already been stirred up by Zixi, but now that he couldn't find an opponent, he couldn't raise his energy anymore.

There has never been a lot of excitement on the driving flat. He took the Zixi, and only blew the spring breeze on the edge of the rocks. After a little warm sun, Kaitai ran over and shouted: "Qiniu, your family is Jin Jin today. Demon, don't you go and see?"

Over there, the stone cave was practicing the body tempering method. At this time, Qi Niu was taking turns, pushing the wooden pole with a few little monsters, turning a deaf ear to the cry of the sheep monster, and exerting force only with his hands.

This is the old trick of the monsters to tease the silly cows. When the other gangsters were promoted to the silly cows, they knew all about it, but the stubborn cows had been deceived a few times, and now they won't be fooled anymore.

Kaitai yelled twice again, seeing the silly cow not leaving, then he sighed and said loudly to Sancai: "If you can't fool the silly cow, the mountains are boring! I heard that my grandmother called Brother Goubao to give gifts to the Great Sage Family. If things are urgent, go out right away! Brother Goubao doesn't say anything, but in fact, he lacks the clever and proper company, so I beg him to go and have fun when he goes out!"

Dad Yaoyao has the white deer demon "Rui" to help him, and he keeps working **** the two demon ape girls. There is no news yet. After the old bear was rescued, there were several demon girls in Xili who were relieved. It was those who believed in Buddhism for thousands of years, who had been stubbornly stubborn, and the heat was good. The enchantress he accepted was not of the same kind, and there was no white deer demon to help him, but he was happy first, and could only sigh the impermanence of heaven.

Yesterday, it was confirmed that Demon Ji was pregnant, and Lao Xiong yelled with her allies through Proximity Conch. According to Yao Clan's practice, after the child was born, he would become the grandmother of the main house and let the Demon Ji rise to the sky in one step.

Last night, the sound transmission of Proximate Conch was heard by the cat demon Xiaoxiao and told Yaoyao, so she knew.

Just diagnosed with pregnancy, it is not a happy period, but the old Xiong has joined the Yaozu League, the first happy event in the family, and it is not good. I will not say it. Some gifts.

Although the four dead ghosts, Banxuan, Dajiao, and Powan are demon generals, it is the demon Goubao who can go out on behalf of the master deer.

As soon as the Yang Yao finished talking to the unknown Sancai, he lost his putt and ran over here: "Kaitai, you are eager to play, how good is it? I still go with Brother Goubao!"

This silly cow!

Yaoyao almost laughed out loud, what Qi Niu cared about was "smart", not "proper"!

Kaitai cursed: "Bah! You are so stupid, how can you embarrass the master when you go out?"

Qi Niu glared at him: "I'm not stupid!"

The sheep demon sneered: "It's not stupid, but Brother Goubao is about to go out. If you stare for a while, he will walk away!"

Sure enough, Qi Niu left the demon sheep and ran towards Futao Cave.

I don’t know what Kaitai is thinking about stupid, Yaoyao is a little curious, and asks him: "Why don't you go!"

Kaitai smiled and opened his mouth: "Little Saint will know later, don't ask, haha!"

Rarely, the silly cow begged, the Deer King and Gou Bao would generally not object. After a while, above Fu Tao Cave, among the team that flew out with Gou Bao, there was indeed a silly cow riding a flying demon.

The doubt has not been solved yet. At the end of the afternoon, the snake demon Xiuye ​​was chased by ghosts and howling wolves. He fled everywhere. After waiting for a while to knock him over, he cried and screamed as usual for mercy. It was a pity that he did not fight, and his head was selfless. He dragged it to the demon ancestor cave, asked the ancestor Bai Ze to take out the peach sticks, and drew three sticks fiercely.

Just after the pain stopped, I took out the chili peppers after a while, and asked him to be hot and let him cry again.

Then, at the same time, he pulled his bones again.

After being tragically tortured, when he finally pulled out a rib, Xiuye ​​had only the strength to breathe on the ground, and the sparrow demon handed the rib into his hand: "All my mind is spent on the method of bone extraction. I will learn it soon. You are not as good as the dead ghost. What can you just scream? Your ears are hurt by you!"

Trembling holding his own ribs, the snake demon couldn't answer.

Yaoyao took Zixi and watched the excitement all the way.

Before returning to Futao Cave, sweating drippingly, he just carried the ostrich demon on his back.

Properly cursed on the female mink's back: "If you don't agree with the guest's reward, I will use the medicine in the tea shop to advance! The **** disease, stop it for a long time, and you are not allowed to fly the little demon up to the mountain to kill my sister. So affected!"

Yaoyao only saw that her legs were already visible, but they were still limp, thinking that she couldn't climb this more than ten-mile drive on her own.

Kaitai told the truth for the second time, and he was indeed promoted to the demon, but it was a pity that Qi Niu didn't believe it!

Qi Niu is stupid, Deer King usually takes care of him more, and it is properly promoted early in the female demon.

Diao Yao put it down properly, and accompanied her to curse. At first, she was just like Zhishan, using a clumsy way to temper her body, but the ostrich monster weighed in, and she was really tired when she came along this road.

It's a pity that the sick tiger and the sick are not scolded for a while, and the female ostrich demon looked up again and asked the little demon watching the show in front of the cave: "My master? ?"

The crow demon reported worry among the little demon group, and asked in a shrill voice: "Master Mountain Lord, Master Yuzhu, and Master Niu, your man, who are you asking?"

From today, Yuzhu is no longer my master!

It is obvious to deceive her newly promoted demon, this boy dared to be silly, and properly gritted his teeth and shouted: "When you change to make you look good, just ask the guy in my family!"

Only then did he replied grinningly: "Qi Niu Dingmu is beholding Gou Bao Dingmu, and I have to follow him to the west, five or six thousand li back and forth, I don't know when to return!"

There are a lot of foreign monsters under the driving range, and now it has become a consensus that the boundary of the Great Sage Family of Jade Claw is called the North Desert, and the boundary of the Great Sage Family of Shaking Earth is called Xili.

How long does it take to travel five or six thousand miles back and forth by flying little demon? ?

What about the round room night longing for up the mountain all the way?

Duo Duo dumbfounded, Yaoyao and Zixi mobs were already stupefied with laughter.

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