Deer Demon Race

Chapter 379: Lazy

How to use the water at the bottom of the Rhino Lake to quench the body, the White Deer Demon couldn't figure out, and used the most stupid way.

At the beginning, I couldn’t find any clues until I thought about it the other way around. With the usual IQ of the Yaozu, Shengxi didn’t seem to be too smart. He could use boiling water to quench his body. It may be a different story.

So, he took time to soak the water, and let the demon body make choices and see the effect based on the reaction.

The old rhinoceros likes water in nature, and I don't know how many years it took to master the body tempering method.

The method is stupid, it is not possible to know the result in a short time, and if you do this, it will take a lot of time every day. Before, the ancestor Bai Ze just dived deep and came out if he couldn’t stand the heat. There was nothing in ten years. Income.

The Bailu Demon is already extremely busy, and he can't spare any time to ponder this matter. However, the two batches of demons who practiced the "Universal Starlight Technique" should go down and use the Starlight Quenching Artifact for the Bailu Mountain Lord. On this matter, the Seventeenth Mother became virtuous, willing to delay her own magical instruments for four or five years, and explained to her husband that, along with Qingluo's bone knives and neon clothes, she would not ask him for help.

You don’t need to help the female monster in the room, just use the stars to temper your own antlers thunder halberd, white robe, sky net, horns, immortal rope, four ingots, gold bricks, and the ghost gray robe attached to you, only eight The pieces are nearly half less than the 15 magical artifacts and magic weapons to be tempered before. You can quench more with Xinghui at a time, and the number of times can be reduced.

The White Deer Demon also thinks this is a good opportunity to reduce the burden, and also thinks that when Goubao and their "universal starlight technique" become successful, they will be able to borrow the day of starlight, and even share most of their own magical instruments, let the door help. With quenching, don't be tired into a dog all day long, and can't enjoy the demon life.

In the evening, the burden was relieved by taking advantage of the Xinghui. To save this little time, the White Deer demon pulled up to the Seventeen Niangs and dived into the Rhino Lake to soak in the water.

In a stupid way, you have to mix well with boiling water first, he and the seventeenth mother can dive far less deeply than the ancestor Bai Ze, and insist on at most half an hour a day, and then go back to rest.

On this, the Seventeenth Mother can't bear much hardship, only as she is playing with her husband in the lake every night, and she floats to the cold water area and waits if she can't stand the heat. It will take about a quarter of an hour for the White Deer Demon to come to look for him.

On the contrary, the marriage was ruined. The Sixteen Niang who returned to the White Lion Valley in the second year after leaving the original war had better endurance than the Seventeen Niang. After I heard that, she came to try. Persevere until about the same time as the White Deer Demon.

Today, Sixteen Niang no longer lives on the ridge, walks with Di Yin and Wang Ji every day, taking turns as guests in the house of the two Banshee Kings.

Inspired by the sixteen mothers, Bai Lu Yao remembered that he is not the only one in the White Lion Valley, three heads are worth a Zhuge Liang, why do you have to do everything? Is it possible that there is only one capable of it?

Out of the idea of ​​laziness and lightening the burden, after discussing with Bai Ze, he publicized the holy rhinoceros with boiling water to quench the body. No matter the mountain monster, the sea monster, the monster general, or the monster king can go to the lake to explore on their own, and get the result. Those who report it can be rewarded with a thousand top grades of Huang, and Bailushan master refines one piece of four magical artifacts. When it can be traversed upwards later, the artifacts will not receive elixir.

The lower level of the demon, let alone testing boiling water, it is a bit difficult to dive deep into the boiling water area, and I can't count on it at the moment.

There are nearly 3,000 demon generals and demon kings in the White Lion Valley.

Of course, monsters have no long-term nature. After a month or two, most of them lose interest, and only two to three hundred can persist. Among them, the four rhino monster kings of Crescent Moon and Ganyue are all down every day. Hu, firmly believes in the method of the holy rhino, he should wait for the Mochizuki Rhinoceros Demon King to find out and win the prize.

There are two to three hundred monsters who have been groping for a long time, and they are better than their own. They can be lazy.

Two years later, a small wave of good fortune came again.

The number of fortunes in this wave is far less than the one that saved the lives of the people within three thousand miles east of the Sacred Ape Mountain, and it has not even saved the lives of the Xizhi clan.

The amount of fortune is small. In addition to the magical effect of the original sky net and gray robe, the magical effect of overlaying a magical artifact is still far away. The white deer demon is not used for other purposes, but only used to enhance the magical power of the word "Rui" .

Upon closer inspection, this blessing comes from the North Desert.

In the northern desert, the White Deer Demon only released the word "Rui" once, and the magical powers were completely diffused. The effect was thinly distributed everywhere in the area of ​​effect, and the effect could not affect the Lingzhi, but in the past two years, the Great Sage Jade Claw passed Proxima snails have already explained that with the deer demon broken "rui" as the center, on the surrounding desert land of eight or nine miles, the survival rate of the planted mortal plants and trees is extremely high, and the growth is also vigorous.

The tree species naturally planted in other places, although there is sufficient rain, without the influence of the word "Rui", the germination rate is less than 30%, which is very different.

The blessing he got was due to the change of the Jedi Sands and the benefit of most living beings. The reason for the small amount was because the area covered by the word "Rui" was too small to be less than a demon king mountain field.

But the word "rui" was released only once, and there has been almost no benefit in the next two or three years. This gain can be regarded as a once-and-for-all thing, and no matter how small the amount is, it should be accepted.

This is also the same as the Gun Xue Tuan. As long as you have the idea of ​​benefiting all kinds of living beings, every time you get lucky, you will inject the word "瑞" into it, and your coverage will become wider and wider.

He just thought, when he was free, he would ask his master to take Duofei Beidai to help the old eagle speed up the improvement of the desert environment, so that he could make a fortune with one stone.

For the time being, the White Deer Demon still couldn't be idle, and another thing was about to begin.

Numerous monster corpses had to be buried on the mountain of monkeys, which gradually benefited the peach tree looking to the west. When the word "Rui" became useful, she said, asking the crappy doctor to start healing.

It takes a long time to travel back and forth to the North Desert, but the Baishi Valley and the Sacred Ape Mountain are both in the old ape realm, but he is extremely fast, and he takes the white deer to fly to the Ape Mountain and releases the word "Rui" to the peach tree to heal the roots. If you are badly injured, rush back again. As long as you have spent most of the day, it will not delay the gathering of the sun in the morning, the quenching of the stars and the boiling water in the evening.

Of course, with less than half a day, Shura's combat skills, stacking artifacts, originating magical powers, and the War Demon King will all be greatly affected, and only the most important ones.

Asura's combat skills become more difficult as it goes further, the White Deer Demon didn't look further west for the time being; the two things of supernatural powers and Zhanlili Liyuan Demon King both took time and effort, and they couldn't be anxious.

Therefore, the most important thing in front of us, and the need to persevere, is the overlay drawing of the artifacts.

Since Li Liyuan returned from the war, the character overlay broke through the fifty-four-fold bottleneck, and the white deer demon was added layer by layer.

In just two or three years, it has increased to fifty-nine folds, and no new bottleneck has been noticed.

Now, the front is safe and will not easily destroy the raw materials of the magical artifacts. The tea house makes a living, and the white deer demon has dared to stack up to fifty-four stacks, although after forty-five stacks, each stack will take time, The demon qi is increasing exponentially, but the elixir's income is also multiplying.

The demon generals and demon kings who are now seeking repetition are both painful and happy. On the one hand, the power of their own magical instruments has greatly increased, and their strength has increased. This is a very happy event after picking up Japan; but on the other hand, the pocket is already It is about to be scraped off by the owner of Bailu Mountain, and now more and more people are using the magical powers of the side door to offset the account, and some are starting to make a living and earning elixir. , So that the business of the raw material shops of Qingluo and Tianxiang became more and more prosperous, while the business of the gambling shop and Huanghua's mother's family went down.

The superimposed characters are all familiar, if you want to continue to improve, you can't throw it away, you can pause everything else, but this can't.

In addition, the carving skills of the Bailu Demon Path Technique have also greatly increased, and the batch of high-quality jade robbed from the Xuantian Sect is no longer just a display.

After destroying the two pieces of good jade, the first finished jade that was carved out with four magical functions. Its natural pattern is a green kingfisher. After carefully superimposing the magical effect, the white deer demon is ready to be used as a dog treasure. Will's gift.

Mrs. Xiwang gave him all the jade objects robbed by the Xuantian faction. The white deer was not going to sell these jade carvings and overlapping artifacts. Now there is no shortage of elixir, they are all made by their own hands, thinking In the future, the best will be used by the confidantes and meritorious ones.

Now I am preparing, besides Goubao, Yuanxiang, Biyan, Necromancer, and Banxuan all have a share; Dajiao, um, let's think about it again and take a second; don't you want to prepare for him!

When treating Xiwang, the Bailu demon carefully stripped off the part of the great spiritual axis in her supernatural powers, only moisturizing her true peach wood. The word "Rui" actually only stimulates the wood nature, and she has to heal her wounds.

The word "Rui" has made great progress, but she can only be released once a day. It is estimated that it will take four to five years. Only after she was overthrown by the old ape a thousand years ago can she be cured.

In the past four or five years, even if Bailu Demon's homework has been delayed for the most part, if Xiwang is to play a key role before the future war, he must first be promoted to the demon saint. Time is also tight, let alone delayed.

Except for the superimposed characters, the sacred ape carried the flying path in advance, and the white deer demon had another sentiment. He simply selected a few of the tail feathers sent by the jade claw to the white robe. , It is considered to use the time to the I have to say that sometimes the white deer demon is a real showman, and the holy ape admires it very much, and just never speaks it out.

Over the past two or three years, Kuli Patriarch XXI and Xuantian Sect have reached an intention to deal with abolished immortal seeds. The first batch of traded abolished immortal seeds amounted to more than 5,000.

According to the news from various houses, Donghuamen, Lei Zhenmen, and Taiyimen also have the intention of making transactions. In order to facilitate the spread of the Duhua curse, Lingshan Temple also wants to make a living with the demon clan, but unfortunately his family’s waste immortal species are still on the way, and other goods are scarce. There are so many experienced holy monkey mountains and wild mountain demon in the bottom layer. The war will not stop, and the old Xiong has clearly refused.

Knowing that I can’t calculate, don’t do business directly with his family, and want to sell any goods, please turn around through other houses.

I don’t know if these cultivators will buy it from Mount Xumi. If you just rely on Joyride Ridge, the White Deer Demon will never be able to afford it anymore. Fortunately, every demon saint’s family has promised that it will really be alive. In the end, the yellow top grades in the warehouse can give all their support.

To heal the wounds of Xiwang, to go to the desert to earn the good fortune, and to plant these many waste immortals into spiritual roots, only once a day, the word "rui" is so busy.

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