Zhang Ting covered her face in fright and shouted, Xu Xinnian head was blank, he slammed the steering wheel, and the car was thrown to the side as if it had been lifted. Zhang Ting slammed into the car door, and her head bled instantly.

The car hit the ground with a “bang” and continued to speed at high speed. Xu Xinnian was also frightened. He stepped on the brake with one foot, but found that it had no effect at all, and the car had no sign of stopping at all.

His face was instantly pale, and he was half awake.

Seeing that his face was wrong, Zhang Ting cried and yelled, reaching for the steering wheel, “Stop! Let me go down! I beg you!”

Xu Xinnian pushed him away, his fingers were shaking, “The brakes failed. I can’t stop!”

The sentence landed, and Zhang Ting collapsed on the seat, stunned for more than a minute before she broke down and burst into tears.

Xu Xinnian was completely panicked at this moment. He was not sober at first, and he had drunk so much alcohol. Now all the energy in his body was drifting away, and he could barely hold the steering wheel. Still speeding down the road like crazy.

In the middle of the winter night, there are no people on the road, and there are not many cars, but even so, when the brakes fail, the car can’t be stop at all, and can only roam the road like a headless fly.

Xu Xinnian never thought about dying, or in other words, since he was reborn in this body, he never thought about dying again.

Since God has given him a second chance to survive, it means that his life should not end, but at this moment, the car has completely lost control and is speeding on the road like a wild horse. Maybe He would die in the next second, and this realization made Xu Xinnian rush to an unprecedented panic for the first time.

He bit his lip tightly, ignoring Zhang Ting’s cry behind him, clenched the steering wheel and slammed into a telephone pole not far away, he had no choice anyway, although he would be injured, it was better than death.

Qu Cheng, who had been following him not far or near, immediately saw what he meant, and immediately said to Ah Si who was driving in front of him, “Go to the left, overtake, and block his way.”

Ah Si stomped on the accelerator, when Xu Xinnian was about to turn, slammed into it, the wall was on the left, and Xu Xinnian’s Mercedes-Benz inevitably hit the guardrail on the right.

There was a loud “bang”, and the two cars rubbed each other to create a series of sparks.

Zhang Ting, who was in the back seat of the car, was stunned by the movie-like scene in front of her, and asked tremblingly, “What’s going on with this car?”

“I want to ask what’s going on too! Isn’t it the person you called?!” Xu Xinnian slammed the steering wheel hard, glared at Zhang Ting, and was about to reverse when shifting gears.

But the airtight black unlicensed car next to him seems to be sticking to him, keeping pace with him, biting him tightly, every time he wants to turn or back off, the car will suddenly stick to him blocking his way, forcing him to run all the way forward.

Fuck…what the hell is going on!

Xu Xinnian gritted his teeth angrily, swerved to the right, and hit the black car next to him.

Qu Cheng bumped on the back seat, got into the front driver’s seat, and grabbed the steering wheel with one hand. Ah Si had followed him for many years, and at a glance he understood what he meant, and he let go and got into the passenger seat without hesitation.

When the two of them were driving at high speed, they changed positions in an instant, and Qu Cheng raised his chin at Ah Si when he shifted gears, “Fast your seat belts, don’t be thrown off for a while.”

His driving skills are unmatched in the Qinglong Gang If he can, even a professional racing driver is no match for him. Ah Si has seen it many times, but this is the first time he has seen it so closely.

Brother Cheng really sacrificed himself for Brother Xu and his precious son this time.

With a cigarette still in the corner of Qu Cheng’s mouth, he stepped on the accelerator with one foot and swung the front of the car, and immediately stopped Xu Xinnian’s path. The Mercedes-Benz was hit and slid far on the ground. Xu Xinnian’s car forced him to the rightmost guardrail.

The rear-view mirror of the Mercedes-Benz car scraped sparks on the guardrail. Zhang Ting was hit and cried non-stop. She wanted to jump out of the car immediately, but Xu Xinnian suddenly locked the door.

Qu Cheng didn’t want to implicate innocent people, but Xu Xinnian was obviously going to have to take a backseat when he died. Waiting at the bridge crossing at the interchange, when you see Zhang Ting getting off the car, find people to save her immediately.”

Ah Si didn’t know what he was calling attention, but he nodded in response, and quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

At this time, Xu Xinnian’s car had been forced by Qu Cheng to the very edge of the overpass. The road to the left and the rear was blocked by Qu Cheng, and there was an elevated guardrail on the right.

The two cars flew forward side by side, and Xu Xinnian’s eyes lit up as they approached the bridge entrance.

As long as there is an exit, he can immediately turn around and get rid of the car that is blocking the road. When the time comes, he can find a random Maruko and hit it, and he can stop the car and save his life.

He grips tightly holding the steering wheel, watching the exit getting closer and closer, the moment the last elevated guardrail disappeared in front of him, he slammed the steering wheel to the right, but Qu Cheng seemed to have guessed his thoughts long ago, and suddenly With a flick of his tail, he slammed the butt of the car into his car.

Because of the huge impact, the Mercedes-Benz was knocked out very far. The huge impact made Zhang Ting rush out at once, and Xu Xinnian also rushed forward. The steering wheel was instantly out of control and turned with his movements.

The car had no brakes, completely lost control, and rushed frantically towards a construction site not far away. The high-speed car smashed through the billboards on both sides, and the billboards surrounded a newly dug foundation. It is dozens of meters deep!

The car was planted in one end, the front of the car was facing down, but the wheels at the rear of the car were stuck by the two steel bars next to it. The Mercedes-Benz stopped with a “bang”, and most of it was suspended in the air, and the remaining half was hung on the side, happened to be where Zhang Ting was sitting.

She had never experienced such a terrifying thing before, she was so frightened that her whole body was trembling, her face was no longer bloody, looking at the crumbling car, she reached out to open the car door.

“Tingting! Don’t open the door! If we move, we will all die!”

Xu Xinnian sat in the driver’s seat in horror, even his breathing was trembling. He needs Zhang Ting to save him, and only Zhang Ting can save him at this moment.

“I’m going to get out of the car… let me down… let me down!” Zhang Ting just said these words back and forth, and now jumped up in her seat in a panic.

The car shook violently and slipped down. Xu Xinnian was almost out of breath, but he could only coax him with kind words, “Be good, call the police immediately, and we can all be saved if we don’t move. ”

Zhang Ting no longer wants to believe his gentle face. She was a victim, why should she die with this man who almost killed her?

“You are you, I am me, and now I just want to live by myself, and I will never see you disgusting homosexual in my life!”

She lost her mind in anger, and experienced a series of shocks. She opened the car door with a stunned head, and the car slid down in an instant, and her face was pale with fright.

Xu Xinnian couldn’t hold his breath anymore, his lips were discolored by the desire to survive, and he stretched out his hand to grab Zhang Ting, who was trying to climb out by himself, “Don’t think about living by yourself! Either you save me, or follow me to die together!”

Zhang Ting cried and struggled, the car slid down little by little, Xu Xinnian held her tightly and didn’t let go, the alcohol evaporated, his head was dizzy, and his strength was lost little by little, but he still holding on, unwilling to let go.

“Let go! Let go!” Perhaps the desire to survive was too strong, Zhang Ting, a usually docile little girl, cried and grabbed a steel bar outside the car door, raised her foot and kicked Xu Xinnian without hesitation.

That kick used up all her strength, and the Mercedes-Benz could not hold on any longer. With Xu Xinnian’s unwilling and painful scream, it slammed down with a bang.

The violent shaking made Zhang Ting unable to grasp the steel bar, and suddenly let go. She screamed and watched herself fall, but a pair of hands suddenly pulled her up.

The one who rescued her was a passing taxi driver. He stopped to take a look when he heard the movement. Zhang Ting survived a desperate situation. After a series of blows, she collapsed to the ground, grabbed the driver’s arm and burst into tears.

The Mercedes-Benz car fell into the pit and made a loud noise, and several steel bars were also shaken and slid down, just hitting the roof, and a large amount of blood spread from the driver’s seat, which was particularly shocking in the deep midnight…

In the distance seeing everything, Qu Cheng closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and threw the key car to Ah Si, “This car will be smashed tonight, and it will be disassembled into parts before disposal. You know what to do, I’ll go first.”

There was not much joy on his face, it was as plain as a meal, and Ah Si jumped out of the car to chase after him, “Brother Cheng, where are you going to go in this late hour?”

Qu Cheng did not turning around, he waved his back to him, with a hint of a smile in his voice, “My wife asked me to go home at twelve o’clock. There are still twenty minutes left, so I have to hurry up.”

In the middle of the night, Wo Wo slept very sweetly holding the little yellow chicken, and turned over to reveal a small round belly.

With a book in his hand, Xu Cinian was already leaning against the bed and fell asleep.

Qu Cheng didn’t turn on the light, walked in the darkness, and quietly lifted the quilt. At this time, Xu Cinian woke up in a daze, opened his eyelids and found that it was him, muttered and got into the quilt, and beat him hard. He yawned, “… you’re back? Why did you smell like alcohol?”

“It’s okay, I met a client and drank some wine.”

Xu Cinian closed his eyes and snorted, “Why don’t I believe it? The smell of perfume.”

“So you have to disinfect me.” Qu Cheng chuckled in a low voice. Without even taking off his clothes, he got into bed and put his hand around Xu Cinian.

“Hurry up take a shower first. You’re too dirty.”

“It’s not dirty. If you don’t believe it, it smells fragrant.”

“Shit.” Xu Cinian smiled, turned over and closed his eyes. “There is soup on the stove. Eat it. I’ll check it tomorrow. If you can’t finish it, I’ll pour it into your head.

Qu Cheng chuckled. He tightened his hands and pulled Cinian into his arms. He lowered his head and kiss Xu Cinian’s mouth. “Peacock, I’m so happy.”

“… HMM.”

“I went to do justice for heaven today.”


“I think you should kiss me a few times to show your praise.”


“Hello, Hello, Cinian? Peacock?”

No one paid any attention to him. The sound of calm breathing came. Xu Cinian had fallen asleep. Maybe he was really tired. He didn’t fall asleep until he saw Qu Cheng late at night. Now he burry his head with a deep scar on it.

Qu Cheng took a deep breath, kissed the scar hard, lay flat on the bed and looked at the ceiling. At this moment, he finally felt secure.

Alas, it’s still a good day.

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