The next morning, the major news channels were flooded with reports of “rich second generation drunk drivers leading to car accidents”.

The camera turns to the scene of the car accident, the black Mercedes-Benz car fell into the deep pit, the fire brigade is rescuing, the car is stuck by more than a dozen steel bars, the position of the driver’s seat has been completely deformed, Xu Xinnian is stuck and completely unable to move, and the rescue is temporarily deadlocked.

The place where the Mercedes-Benz car fell was the new development zone in the north of the city, because the land was sparsely populated, and the government invested a lot of money to carry out construction, so this area was full of excavated foundations, except for the migrant workers who usually worked at the construction site, few people would come here, not to mention that when the car accident occurred in the early morning, no one would pay attention.

Xu Xinnian was trapped in the car for more than three hours before being found and called to the police, and by the time he was rescued, he was completely unconscious, a face of blood and flesh, a bone-piercing wound cut from the forehead to the chin by the glass, a leg was still inserted with steel bars, almost no breathing, even the firefighters who were accustomed to seeing this scene were startled by the scene in front of them.

The news constantly played the picture of Xu Xinnian when he was rescued, his original white and round face could no longer see the appearance of the facial features, the eyes that always pretended to be chuchu pitiful were tightly closed, and the arms were hanging to the side, like a broken puppet, and there was no longer the usual arrogant and fierce appearance.

“…… As of the time of the reporter’s release, it has been basically confirmed that the identity of the injured person is the heir of a listed chain catering enterprise surnamed Xu in the city, but the family of the injured has not been presented, the hospital is still making every effort to rescue, did not disclose more details, the main doctor said that the situation of the injured is not optimistic, because the injury is serious and excessive blood loss, it is likely to face the risk of amputation or even death.”

“The traffic accident police have been involved in the investigation, after testing, the injured person contains 178 mg of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood, which has reached twice the standard of drunk driving, and it is initially suspected that this incident was caused by the injured person’s drunk driving, but the specific situation is still under further investigation, and this station will continue to pay attention to you …”

Xu Cinian, who was eating breakfast, saw this report, the bun in his mouth fell, and he stared at the TV screen for a long time, until the news passed for a long time and did not return to his senses.

The man who was just rescued… Is it Xu Xinnian Right? Even if that face turned into ashes, he remembered it, but how could such a person die so easily, was he blind?

The little guy sitting on the baby chair next to him saw the bun that fell on the table, and he reached out to reach for it, “Daddy is so stupid, you can’t eat anything, shame.”

The little guy worked hard, but the small hand was too short, he could not reach the bun in front of Xu Cinian, the head rushed down and almost fell to the ground, fortunately Xu Cinian came back to his senses and rushed up to catch him.

“Little bunny cub, what are you doing?” Do you know that the next time you don’t allow your head to rush down and still move around?”


The little guy did not fall to the ground, octopus-like grilled on Xu Cinian’s body, smiling and squinting, “Don’t be afraid, there is Dad to catch me, next time if Dad drop the bun stuffed with meat, just leave it for me, I like to eat bun.”

The little guy muttered a bunch of things, what meat stuffed bun is delicious, vegetarian stuffing is also delicious, oh in the end which one is delicious is not clear, as a result, Xu Cinian did not pay attention to him at all, has been staring at the screen to see endlessly, the little guy climb to the shoulder, poke Daddy’s eye, “Daddy, what are you looking at, how you ignore me …”

“…… Could it be retribution? It won’t be so spiritual. Xu Cinian grabbed the confused fingers of the little guy and stared at the TV and muttered to himself.

At this time, Qu Cheng walked out with a plate of buns that had just come out of the steamer, and at a glance he saw the father and son in the living room, Xu Cinian looked at the TV with a puzzled face, holding a bun in his hand, the little guy looked up at his father with a puzzled face, and he also held a bun in his hand, the movements and expressions of the father and son were not bad at all, with the same small yellow chicken pajamas on the body, the instant cuteness index exploded.

“Hey, you two get up in the morning to sell something cute, hurry up and come to eat, the bun will be cold in a while.” Qu Cheng put down the plate and shook his arm in front of Xu Cinian.

“Don’t make a fuss, I’m watching TV.” Xu Cinian pulled away his hand and stuck his neck out to continue watching TV.

“What’s so good about TV, the handsome guy in it is not as good as me, open your mouth to eat buns.”

Qu Cheng stood in front of the TV set, a big mountain that was alive and free, blocked the screen tightly, did not even show a light, picked up a bun and handed it to Xu Cinian’s mouth.

Xu Cinian subconsciously opened his mouth to bite in his posture, and as a result, Qu Cheng deliberately hid the bun in the palm of his hand, and Xu Cinian bit his finger at once.

Qu Cheng took the opportunity, touched his palate with his fingertips a few times, felt the wet touch ♪, and whispered with a smile, “Peacock, you are also too hungry and thirsty, if you want to lick me, just say it, you have to be more reserved in front of the little guy.”

“Yuck.” Xu Cinian hurriedly threw up a few times, looked up at him, “Don’t hinder me from watching TV, just play with the little guy.”

“There was morning news.”

What so good about it, don’t look at it, I deliberately got up early today and went to Luweizhai to queue up to buy the buns, you have to eat them all.”

Qu Cheng deliberately blocked Xu Cinian’s sight, and turned a deaf ear to the car accident news that had been reported.

“Xu Xinian was in a car accident, and now he is still half-dead in the hospital for rescue. Can I ignore this kind of thing.” Xu Cinian didn’t look sideways, stretched out his hand to open his head, and muttered in surprise, “You said he wouldn’t just die like this, right?” ”

Qu Cheng sneered, “It’s not better to be dead, this kind of scourge is one less, what’s the matter, do you still sympathize with the him?”

“How is it possible.” “Xu Cinian glanced at him and chewed the buns subconsciously, “Didn’t people say that the scourge left a thousand years, he can be reborn from death before, is it possible that God finally opened his eyes to accept him this time? ”

“Probably.” Qu Cheng smiled and looked at his serious expression, while feeding wowo with the bun, while pretending to speak unintentionally, “He’s probably done too many bad things and was punished by heaven.”

Xu Cinian was thoughtful, turned his head and stared at Qu Cheng for a long time, before speaking after a while, “You came back so late last night, wouldn’t it have anything to do with this matter?”

Qu Cheng choked abruptly, and the bun was stuck in his throat for a long time.

Why can you think like that peacock… It’s amazing that things that can’t be dealt with by eight poles can be linked together, and can guess so accurately.

He coughed for half a day, took the water into his stomach, and hurriedly took the small meat claws next to him to pat him.

“Didn’t you hear on TV that he was drunk driving himself into a ditch, and what does it have to do with me?” Thanks to you for thinking about it.”

“Isn’t that you?” Xu Cinian raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

“Of course not.” That’s weird.

Qu Cheng silently added the second half of the sentence in his heart, and went on eating steamed stuffed buns with a frank face. He looked calm as if nothing had happened. He couldn’t see what he was thinking.

“Well, you’re not the best.” Xu Cinian sighed with relief. “If you did it, I’m going to kiss you for praise, but I don’t need it now.”

“Hey… Is that so!?”

Qu Cheng’s blood got stuck in his throat and he almost lost his temper. Now to tell the truth, it doesn’t count to ask for a kiss!

“Cheng Cheng, you are so stupid… I won’t choke when I eat.” Wowo helplessly continues to pat Qu Cheng on the back with his small hand, and with a serious face, he learns ten percent of the appearance of the people who run in Xu Cinian’s.


Qu Cheng poured a few mouthfuls of water. He was extremely depressed. He grabbed his head and rubbed the hair on his head. “Little fatty, how dare you scold your Dad? You don’t want this month’s snacks ?”

“I’m lightning biubiubiu! I’m not fat!” Wowo struggled hard, but he didn’t forget to hold the meat bun in his hand.

“You are a little fatty!”



As a freshman and a junior, Qu Cheng started a dialogue without any intelligence. Qu Cheng completely forgot what the image was in front of his son. Xu Cinian patted his forehead on the table. “Are you two finished? How old are you, Qu Cheng, and still quarrelling with Wowo?”

The brothel that shared the same hatred with my father surged up in an instant, holding the meat bun to pose as Altman, and continued to say “biubiubib… Chengcheng lost! Roar!”

“And you little fatty! Don’t learn from Luo Xiaomao. Give me a good meal. I’ll take you to the hospital for review later. If you don’t obey me, you’ll get an injection in your ass. “Xu Cinian took the little guy back into the baby chair and put the steamed stuffed bun on the table into his small bowl.

His eyes did not have any room for negotiation.”QAQ…” Wowo flattened his mouth and immediately went back to Qu Cheng to pretend to be poor.

Unfortunately, Qu Cheng was scolded by his daughter-in-law. At the moment, he tried to hold down the upturned corners of his mouth and was quietly eating steamed stuffed buns. He looked as if he could do nothing.

The buns are not tasty! Dad is a villain, and Chengcheng is also a villain!

WoWo puffed out his cheeks, bit the bun with a gulp, blinked pitifully with his big eyes, and murmured with a flat mouth, “Dad…I know how to be gourd (good), don’t want injections…”

Qu Cheng was beaten by him. This look of grievance came out all of a sudden, and Xu Cinian couldn’t help but shook his head with a smile. This bear child is so skilled now, what can he do in the future.

After the family of three had a feast of steamed buns, Xu Cinian dressed Wowo and put on a red bear scarf. He also put on a furry melon rind hat to make the little guy chubby like a Glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in sugar paper.

Wowo is no longer fooling around, grabbing a lollipop in his hand, licking it while holding hands with his father, and still turning his head and saying to Qu Cheng, “Chengcheng, you must remember when Sister Nurse gave me an injection. Come and save me.”

Qu Cheng didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and even lied, “Okay, then you can shout that Cheng Cheng’s father is the most handsome, and then I will appear immediately.”

“Qu Cheng, you are enough, don’t talk nonsense in front of Wowo.” Xu Cinian couldn’t help but glared at him, determined to defend the unique position of “Dad” in front of Wowo.

Qu Cheng pursed his lips and smiled and winked at him, “Don’t be shy, if you don’t believe me, ask WoWo, who the hell am I.”

WoWo knew that Qu Cheng would have to protect his little butt that was going to be needled, so he smiled and flattered, “Cheng Cheng is my father’s girlfriend, he is the most handsome!”

“Hey…that’s not it, I’ll teach you, little bastard. How many times have you called me daddy!”

“But…isn’t this big mimi (secret)? Besides, daddy won’t let me call someone else’s daddy in front of my dad.” Wowo whispered, and silently hid at the base of Xu Cinian’s thigh.

He said a series of “Dad” in a row, and he was a little confused. Seeing Qu Cheng’s increasingly collapsed face, he stuck his head out from behind and called out weakly, “Well… …? Is this okay?”

“Pfft…” Xu Cinian couldn’t help laughing, he picked up the little guy and kissed him, “Dear son, well done, let’s go to the hospital for re-examination, this time there is no injections, Dad will protect you.”

After saying that, he left Qu Cheng, whose heart shattered to the ground, and pushed open the door with his hand.

“Hey, Peacock! Don’t leave first, at least leave a goodbye kiss!”

Qu Cheng chased out with his apron tied. Xu Cinian turned around and said something to Wowo’s ear. He turned and walked over with a smile and said, “his mother, don’t give it away.”

The father and son, one big and one small, walked out of the gate of the community smartly. Qu Cheng sighed and walked into the house. The mobile phone on the table rang again, which had already rang early in the morning. More than a dozen times, he didn’t want Xu Cinian to see it, so he simply set it to mute, but now that the peacock has gone, the aftermath should be resolved as soon as possible.

Picking up the phone, it wasn’t Ah Si’s cell phone number, but a text message from Xu Cinian. The content was very simple. “Thank you last night”

Didn’t reveal much, but Qu Cheng was stunned. After a long time, he laughed helplessly, “Marrying a smart daughter-in-law is really good, I can’t hide it if I try to help him secretly, it’s really a failure…”

He rubbed his brows and sighed, and went back to the kitchen. Washing the dishes, the phone rang again, and the number turned out to be Ah Si again.

Qu Cheng paused for a moment, put away the smile on his face and answered the phone, “Is there any news from the hospital?”

Ah Si took a deep breath and said slowly, “Yes, Brother Cheng, our people have already visited the hospital just now. When it comes to the wind, Xu Xinnian is… not dead.”

“Well, then what?” Qu Cheng narrowed his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

“But… one of his face was ruined, and a total of 16 stitches were stitched. Also, his right leg was not saved. He had just had an amputation operation, and he is estimated to be disabled for the rest of his life…”

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