Seeing that the Spring Festival is approaching, the streets are full of lights and decorations. No matter what units, they are working hard to catch up with the progress and gather indicators, they are busy to finish the work of the year before the new year.

As soon as the government agencies and business tycoons are busy, the business of the Hao Ting is booming. The boxes are full every day, and the daily turnover of drinks alone is over one million.

This does not add to the bulk income of k- singing, massage and entertainment cities. This time of day is the busiest time in the Hao Ting. Naturally, Qu Cheng can’t get away from it. He is busy in the dark every day and keeps entertaining.

Even if he is busy, Xu Cinian is busier than him.

As the new year approaches, major pharmaceutical factories and shops have started a new round of large-scale purchasing. Xu’s Qingyuan farm has created a reputation in the industry.

The medicinal materials previously provided are also of high quality and good price. In addition, he is the dominant company in the northern market.

Recently, he received orders and received cramps. He forcibly seized the goods of Houttuynia cordata, and the profits have also doubled several times.

Xu Cinian not only had to work hard on the farm, but also prepared for the opening of the new restaurant. During this period, he chose houses, engaged in decoration, bought materials and trained chefs…

He ran between Qingyuan and S City, and didn’t even have time to meet Qu Cheng. Qu Cheng was miserable. He wanted to scratch his heart and liver, but couldn’t catch the big peacock with hard wings.

At the busiest time of the couple, Xu Xinnian’s case also made progress.

After he woke up from the operation, he was a little crazy. When he saw his empty right leg, he would collapse and cry and make noise. He would shrink in the hospital bed like a puppet every day and didn’t eat or drink.

He didn’t dare to look at himself in the mirror. He kept mumbling that someone wanted to harm him.

These days, people who hate the rich in the society have to be. Although the case has not been solved yet, the two gimmicks of “the second generation of the rich” and “drunk driving” are enough to make people scold.

For a while, Xu Xinnian has become the target of public criticism. The previous scandal video between him and Dong Feng has also been dug out.

The Xu family is in an unprecedented reputation crisis. Xu Jianguo also has another heart attack because of this incident, After lying in the hospital for two days, he was rescued. The whole person became confused. He took a photo of Xu Cinian as a child and talked about him everyday that if only his eldest son were still there.

Unfortunately, no one could help him find Xu Cinian.

After watching Xu Jianguo, the housekeeper took the hot meal to the hospital to look after Xu Xinnian. When he pushed the door in, he was sitting on the bed staring out the window. He was all skinny.

“Young master, I’ve brought you some food. You can have some while it’s hot.”

The housekeeper came over with tears in his eyes and wanted to pull up the quilt for Xu Xinnian. At this time, xuxinnian suddenly shook and pushed him away. “Don’t touch me!”

“Young master, you can’t do this. You should eat some. As long as you get better, the master will be fine.”

When Xu Xinnian heard the word “master”, his eyes suddenly brightened up. The originally beautiful face was now crossed by an ugly brown scar. Coupled with his suddenly crazy eyes, it looked particularly ferocious, “Uncle Zhang, you are right, what about Dad? He can definitely save me, tell him that I was hurt like this, and let him help me!”

The butler was startled by him, shaking his fingers and shaking his head.

“…… Master he… Old master, he just rescued him, and now he has not woken up yet, young master, you… You have done too much this time, how can you still drive after drinking? Do you want to kill the old man? Wait until you get well and confess your mistake to the old man, he… he won’t leave you alone.”

Xu Xinnian jerked his hand away, roaring hysterically, “Even you don’t believe me!? I was really framed! I’m not drunk! Someone deliberately bumped into me!”

His expression was too crazy, so that the old butler was frightened and unable to speak at once, Xu Xinnian sank a little, lowered his head and did not speak, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were red, tears smashed on the sheets, his shoulders trembled with grievance, he was missing a leg, crawling to Zhang’s side, crying desperately, “Uncle Zhang… You look at the way I am now, how can I survive? I knew that I was a lowly person, and I was always an illegitimate child in my father’s eyes, but I had never done anything bad, why did I end up in this situation? Uncle Zhang, I beg you… Let My Father come and see me, I only have one relative, and I really have nothing but My Father and you…”

At the end of his speech, his voice was muted, and his whole body kept trembling, covering his destroyed half face like a child with no way out.

Zhang’s heart suddenly softened, wiped his tears, and coaxed him to pat his shoulder, “Little young master, don’t do this, I will go back and talk to the old master well.” The old man is a nostalgic person, these days lying on the hospital bed still holding the photo of the older young master to see, you are his only child, how he is willing to leave you alone, don’t cry.”

It was okay not to say this, as soon as he said it completely ignited all of Xu Xinnian’s anger, he clutched the sheets deadly, gritting his teeth in hatred.

Xu Cinian! Xu Cinian! Why does he still have to live in his shadow!? He must have come back, that car brake failure must be the ghost behind him! This ghostly slut man must be him, and no one but him will harm me to this point!

“Uncle Zhang, he’s coming to me!” It must have been him, he was going to kill me in the first place, and now that he knows that my father hurts me, he deliberately came back to kill me! Uncle Zhang, tell Daddy soon! I was really framed!”

Zhang was old, where could he withstand such a shock, patting his chest and murmuring, “Little Young Master, don’t talk nonsense, Big Young Master… Isn’t the Big Young Master already dead? Although he was obsessed with ghosts at the beginning, but I saw him from childhood, the eldest young master is not such a person, are you bumping into evil, don’t scare me.”

Xu Xinnian was guilty of being a thief. He couldn’t stand hearing the words “Xu Cinian”.

What’s more, when he heard someone speak for him, he forgot that he had lost one leg for a while. He staggered out of bed and fell to the ground, “Uncle Zhang, believe me! I didn’t lie to you… I saw him come back to me that day with blood on his face.

My head was in a mess that day. I didn’t know what I was doing. Like a ghost, I rushed out in the car… Then the car failed. I couldn’t control it. It must be him… It must be him!”

The gloomy expression and frightened tone on his face made Uncle Zhang’s back cold. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. He turned around and wanted to leave. As a result, the door of the sick room suddenly opened, and Uncle Zhang almost screamed out.

Two traffic policemen came in with notebooks in their hands. They had not brought Xu Xinnian into the Bureau for interrogation because of his serious injury. Now they learned that Xu Xinnian’s injury had stabilized. They came to inquire about the traffic accident that day in detail.

As a result, when they saw the scene in the house, they were a little confused.

“What are you doing?”

Zhang regained his consciousness, hurried up to help Xu Xinnian up, raised his hand and wiped his tears, “sorry, comrade policeman. My young master has just finished the operation, and he can’t bear it for a moment. He was in a bit of a mood with me just now. What can I do for you?”

The male policeman in front nod, opened the book as a matter of business and said, “we are here to learn about the scene on the day of the accident, but looking at the injured… Isn’t it inconvenient?”

As soon as Xu Xinnian heard the police say so, his eyes immediately showed their spirits again, and he begged to climb forward a few steps, “brother police, I am wronged. It must be that brother deliberately wanted to harm me!”

“Big brother?”

The policewoman behind frowned suspiciously, “can you tell me in detail, what’s your eldest brother’s name? Why do you think he framed you?”

Uncle Zhang nearby sighed, wiped his tears and quickly waved his hand. “Comrade police, my young master is suffering a bit of mental damage now. Don’t listen to him. Our young master has been dead for many years. How can he come back?”

Xu Xinnian fiercely pushed away Zhang Bo, screaming sharply, “I see! You are on the same side as Xu Cinnian! Even if he wanted to hurt me, you should protect me. I saw that he came back to me with a bloody face. .. He won’t let me go.”

The more he spoke, the more frightened he became. At last, the whole man shook.

The two policemen looked at each other and frowned. Xu Xinnian was crazy. It was really a little abnormal. Can you believe what he said?

“Since you say that someone deliberately framed you, can you tell us more about the day of the accident?”

Xu Xinnian was stunned. He didn’t speak for a long time. What happened on the day of the car accident was a nightmare. He didn’t want to recall it all his life, but he was not a fool. How could the brakes suddenly fail when the car was in good condition that day? Who sent the black car that suddenly hit him? And Zhang Ting, who put him in the ditch with his last foot? He couldn’t let go any of them!

“The brake of my car broke that day, and I couldn’t stop. Later, I didn’t know where another car came out to block my way, forcing me to rush into the deep pit. I was dizzy and my body was not under my control. I felt that it must have been a ghost at that moment. Someone was deliberately targeting me. I didn’t lie. You believe me, comrade police!”

Why is it a ghost again?At this time, the two policemen were helpless. They kept saying that someone had framed them, but they all blamed them on the ghost. Doctor, are you sure his wine has awakened?

Zhang Bo next to him shook his head. The police had tested Xu Xinnian’s blood. He just couldn’t run away drunk. Now he emphasizes the reason and blames the dead young master. What’s the matter? Even if he can’t bear the blow, he shouldn’t talk nonsense in front of the police.

The two policemen asked some more questions and specifically asked the black car that Xu Xinnian had hit him. The answer they got was still crazy. They talked about his eldest brother and his grandfather. In short, they were all dead people. The confessions made under this mental state were really worthless. They stayed for a while and left.

Back at the station, several traffic policemen called out the surveillance video of the day of the accident. They did find the black car Xu Xinnian said, but it was not like what he said.There was little monitoring in the New Development Zone in the north of the city. On the day of the incident, a row of cameras on the overpass suddenly broke down, so we couldn’t see the complete story of the incident. The only picture recorded by the monitoring that didn’t break down was that Xu Xinnian’s Mercedes Benz ran into the black unlicensed car without any sign. After that, the black car bit him and chased him. It was impossible to prove that the black car was the culprit of the accident.

In order to find clues, the police searched the unlicensed black car intensively. At the same time, for the first time in the dark and busy Qu Cheng, he took out an afternoon to meet a mysterious guest.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Qu Cheng stirred the coffee in front of him and looked at a stack of real estate information in his hand, looking leisurely.

Ah Si, standing next to him, couldn’t help laughing. “Brother Cheng, you are really calm. Now the whole city is looking for you. You still have time to see these real estate advertisements.”

Qu Cheng smiled lowly, subconsciously take a sip of coffee and immediately grinned, “This thing is really hard for your mother to drink, I drink so many times but I am not used to it, if it is not for pretense, I don’t even want to touch it.”

“Brother Cheng, can you pay attention to the image, no wonder Brother Xu said that you have the stinky virtue of a mountain king.”

“What’s wrong with the Mountain King, Big Brother Xu loves us.” Qu Cheng’s loudspeaker pulled the corners of his mouth, and while turning over the advertisement in his hand, he glanced around, “Ah Si, I know what you have to ask, but you can rest assured, I have a number in mind.” Did you solve that car and did you deliberately leave clues to the police?”

Ah Si nodded helplessly, “Everything is done according to your wishes, but I really don’t understand what you think.” We could have quietly disposed of the car, so that the police could not grasp it at all, but you leave a hand to let him know what it meant that you were the owner of the car?”

“This trick is called retreating to advance.” Qu Cheng threw the advertisement on the table with the corner of his mouth, leaned on the backrest and exhaled lazily.

“Although we broke the monitoring and the bar also closed its mouth, the impact marks on Xu Xinnian’s car could not be removed, and if they did not show a trace at all, it would look fake.” Anyway, I was the victim in the surveillance left for the police, and as long as I bit this dead reason, the police would not be able to catch my other handles.”

“With Xu Xinnian’s temperament, I will definitely insist that someone else harmed him, if I don’t leave a trace, the confession and evidence will not be right but will arouse the suspicion of the police, and then it will be more troublesome to make a criminal case, it is better to let them arrest me now and ask me into the bureau for questioning, and then fine a few thousand dollars, as a traffic case to solve, everyone is happy, but also save our worries.”

Ah Si nodded, and had to admire Qu Cheng’s wrist is powerful, the truth and falsehood are mixed together, far more convincing than flawless lies.

“But… Have you ever wondered what to do with the woman named Zhang Ting? She’s witnessing the whole process, and if she identify you as a ‘murderer,’ you’re in trouble. ”

“So I asked her out today to talk, she’s here.” Qu Cheng raised his chin and smiled meaningfully.

After experiencing a thrilling car accident, Zhang Ting was obviously frightened, lying in the hospital for several days for nutritional injections, every day would have nightmares, dreaming that Xu Xinnian would drag her to the car like a madman, and at the last moment of the car destruction, he grabbed her ankles and said fiercely, “Even if I die, I will drag you too!”

After waking up crying, she couldn’t sleep all night in fear, and had to rely on a lot of tranquilizers and sleeping pills to fall asleep. This lasted for more than a week, and the police came to see her several times, but her mental condition has been unstable, and the mention of the word “car accident” will make her tremble and cry, and the police will not be able to ask any questions.

Until this morning, the taxi driver who saved her that day came to the hospital to see her, saying that on the day of the car accident, he did not happen to pass by, but obeyed the instructions of his boss, and deliberately rushed to the scene to save her, Zhang Ting was suddenly confused, until the driver left her a note, holding the time and place left for her when the driver left, and finally made up his mind to meet this hidden “life-saving benefactor”.

She pushed the door and walked in, her face was still a little pale, Qu Cheng took the initiative to help her pull open the chair, and took the lead in speaking, “Miss Zhang, we meet again.”

“You… How did you know me? She brushed her hair, facing the tall and strong stranger in front of her, her nervous palms sweating.

“Thanks to Xu Xinnian, if it weren’t for him, I might not have been able to deal with Miss Zhang for the rest of my life.” Qu Cheng pushed the menu in front of her, and said like a gentleman, “Miss Zhang don’t be nervous, drink something first, I’m not so terrible, right?”

Zhang Ting was nervous when she heard Xu Xinnian now, and when she heard that the person in front of her still had a relationship with him, she panicked even more, “Are you Xu Xinnian’s friend?” Sorry, I don’t want to hear that man’s name in my life, and if you have a relation with him, then forgive me, we have nothing to say.”

Saying that she stood up in a panic, Ah Si suddenly blocked her way, Qu Cheng waved his hand, put away the appearance of the loudspeaker before, a face condensed without half a minute of temperature, “Miss Zhang, you misunderstood, I am an enemy with him, if I have intersected with him, I will not come to your rescue that day, of course, I want to say sorry for this matter, I should not rush to bump into you that day, even you are very embarrassed.”

Zhang Ting was stunned for a moment and her eyes widened suddenly, “You drove that black car!?”

Qu Cheng shrugged his shoulders and didn’t say anything, “It doesn’t matter if I drive it or not, I didn’t talk to Miss Zhang about it today.”

Zhang Ting stood up angrily, and her eyes suddenly turned red, “You murderer!” Do you know that it was because of you that I almost died!”

Saying that she was about to take something and smash it on Qu Cheng’s body, Ah Si next to her held her down with a cold face, sneering, “It’s that you don’t look at Xu Xinnian for a long time, if it weren’t for my eldest brother saving you, you might be with Xu Xinnian now, even worse than him, where is there any spare time here to sprinkle your big temper?”

Zhang Ting stopped speaking, forcefully broke away from Ah Si, and glared at Qu Cheng angrily, “I don’t need you to fake it!” I’ll go to the police station now and report you!” Get you all in jail! ”

She was spoiled since she was a child, and when she said that she would go to these few words, Qu Cheng laughed and raised an eyebrow to look at her, “Well, Miss Zhang, you go, I am waiting for you.”

“You went to the police station and told them that it was you who took the initiative to meet Xu Xinnian at the bar, obviously knowing that he had drunk too much, and let him drive.” Oh yes, you’re still his fiancée-to-be, right? That’s even better, the fiancée did not dissuade the fiancé’s dangerous behavior, but ran wildly with him on the road, and finally at the moment of life and death, in order to save his life, kicked the fiancé down, made him disabled for life, did not call the police, and let him be trapped in the car for three hours, almost died, it was really a good play, hurry up report it, I can’t help but watch.”

“You ——!” Zhang Ting suddenly cried, wiping her tears with grievance, “It’s not like this! It was he who went crazy and dragged me hard into the car, and finally pulled me to death… He is a homosexual, and he still wants to talk to me about marriage, so why should I die with such a man who wants to kill me?”

Qu Cheng waited for this sentence, squinting his eyes and laughing playfully, “Well, you also said that he was going to kill you, and now you turn your head to report me, the savior, Miss Zhang, for a man who wants to kill you.”

“I… But…… Obviously, you hurt me! Zhang Ting had nothing to say, still dead duck with a hard mouth.

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