Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 55: Admiring

If Wanyan was ordered underwater, the warrior who released a powerful breath in Ivory City immediately took a step forward. The ancestor warrior who stood in the front was shocked by his momentum, and he directly shook back seven or eight steps, his face pale as snow.

"Young Master Xiao, please!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui didn't even look at it, and made a gesture of asking. Xiao Lang could only follow him inward with a wry smile. A group of guards was stunned that one did not dare to speak. Don't mention this young lady's prestige that they are subordinates. I'm afraid that the Li Sha adults in their mouths will not dare to confront her **** for tat, right?

Walking all the way to the east, I quickly arrived in a small castle. There was also a group of guards at the door, but these were obviously my own people. After coming to salute, I took the young master. Gaoshan accompanied all the way, but Gaohe disappeared.

Gao He Xiao Lang had seen him before, and it was the leader of the Wanyan family caravan, the one who made Bai Mazi get out in a word. However, Gao He and Gao Shan are obviously much weaker in strength. Xiao Lang has no idea what kind of strength Gao Gao has reached, but he feels even more in awe of this Miss Wanyan in his heart.

Walking into the castle hall, Xiao Lang found that the decoration inside was very elegant and beautiful, but Gao Shan stood at the door and did not enter. Obviously, ordinary men really couldn't enter this castle.

Wan Yan Ruoshui took the lead, and several maids came up to serve tea and handed water. Dulong stood behind Xiao Lang and did not take a seat. Wan Yan Ruoshui just glanced at it and said nothing, but picked up a glass of wine and toasted: "Thank Young Master Xiao for sending my brother back, not to mention, Ruoshui owes you a favor."


Xiao Lang laughed, took a glass of wine and drank it, then shook his head and said, "Back then, I owed Miss one favor, but now Miss owes me another favor? Let's not owe anything to each other. They offset each other, but Miss Think of Xiao, Xiao recognizes you as a friend."


Wan Yan Ruoshui was stunned. She really didn't have this thing. The people she knew either wanted to flatter her, or they thought about her. Most people are not qualified to be her friends, and she has always been arrogant, so Xiao Lang's words made her a little confused.

"Well, Ruoshui makes you a friend!"

After a while, Wanyan Ruoshui recovered, glanced at Dulong, and passed a look, Dulong went on very sensible.

After the poisonous dragon went down, Wan Yan Ruoshui suddenly untied the gauze on his face, revealing a face that suffocated Xiao Lang. Although Xiao Lang had seen a lot of women, and Mu Xiaoyao Hongdou and others were superb beauties, they were still a bit worse than Wan Yan Ruoshui.

This is a flawless face, it seems that she is the darling of God, and God has given her the best things. Xiao Lang could not describe her in words, only admiring the magic of the Creator.

Soon Xiao Lang looked away. He admitted that he couldn't resist Wan Yan Ruoshui's charm. God created men and women to attract each other. I am afraid that no man can resist Wan Yan Ruoshui's charm.

He exhaled and smiled bitterly: "Miss, you should put on a silk scarf, your face is too lethal, I dare not look at you anymore."


Wan Yan Ruoshui has heard countless words of praise and flattery since she was a child. Xiao Lang's words are the most joyful, and she feels refreshed. Xiao Lang, didn't you just talk to this lady carelessly? Isn't it impossible to resist this lady's charm now?

She didn't put on the silk scarf, but smiled slightly: "Young Master Xiao, didn't you say you want to be friends with Ruoshui? Does it matter whether friends are beautiful and ugly, and peace is related to wealth and wealth? What friends pay attention to is friendship. Up!"

Xiao Lang froze for a moment, nodded, and once again looked at Wan Yan Ruoshui, his gaze has become calm, and he smiled indifferently: "Since you are a friend, Ruoshui, why are you still called Young Master Xiao? You are also in the same position."


Xiao Lang and Wanyan Ruoshui both laughed, feeling a sense of sympathy, leaving behind Wanyan Ruoshui's identity and beauty, this person is still a good friend. However, Xiao Lang turned around and found it ridiculous. With such an identity as Wan Yan Ruoshui, although he had done a great job in bringing the young master back, it was a bit like the emperor and the beggar being friends...

On Wanyan Ruoshui's side, there was another sense. Although Xiao Lang was weak, he was sincere and unpretentious. And how can someone who can integrate second-class magic skills be an ordinary person? In addition, she had a feeling that Xiao Lang was like a lurking dragon that would roar for nine days sooner or later, so she didn't think she would lose points with Xiao Lang as friends. On the contrary, it feels very easy to get along with Xiao Lang. He has a unique temperament that can give people a comfortable feeling. Wan Yan Ruoshui is very accurate in seeing people, and has always believed in his own judgment.

I drank the wine, my friend recognized one, the beauty was also amazed, Xiao Lang felt it was time to withdraw. Three years were almost here, Xuanyuan Mountain Ling was nearby, and he always had this in his heart. And he stayed in this place for a long time, fearing that a lot of princes were going to kill him, so he stood up and said with Wan Yan Ruoshui, "Ruoshui, I have something to do with Xuanyuan Mountain. I will come to you for tea and chat when I have time. "

A trace of sadness flashed in Wanyan Ruoshui's beautiful eyes, and instead of getting up, she looked at Xiao Lang pitifully, "I just said friends, so you can make a difference? Do you look down on Ruoshui?"

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and said, "I have something to do, or how many days will I stay with you when I come back from Xuanyuan Mountain?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui said: "Xuanyuanling is next door, and the teleportation will be there for a moment. Does it need to be so anxious? If Shui is in trouble now, it is still a big problem. Since you are a friend, why don't you die?"

"Damn... it really came!"

Xiao Lang knew that there was nothing good, what was Wan Yan Ruoshui? Could her trouble be a minor problem? She can't solve it, what can he help a little warrior? But now that he has been set off, Xiao Lang can only say bitterly: "Then what can you talk about? You can help me and go all out, but I can't help me."

Wan Yan Ruoshui frowned, and said in a deep voice: "My father and brother went out half a year ago to kill a barren beast. The barren beast was killed in the end, but my brother... died, and my father is poisoned now. I was in a coma. We only have the father in our line, so some people in the family have begun to engage in things, and the girls in our family have no way to be in the position. And my sister and I were outside some time ago, and my mother asked me to pick up my brother. Come, otherwise if the father has an accident and there is no male, then according to the family rules, other branches will take over as the head of the family. That's why someone killed you halfway. The ancestors are in retreat. Although the younger brother is back safely, the situation is still very serious. Ah. I'm afraid that if my father can't hold it on, the people of our line will switch to another line. Once the tree falls and the humiliation is scattered, we will be forever..."

Wan Yan Ruoshui's expression was very heavy, and she didn't look at Xiao Lang. It was obvious that she didn't think Xiao Lang could break the situation, but wanted to find someone to talk to.

Xiao Lang understood why there were people chasing and killing all the way, and even the entry of individuals was blocked by others. He has also experienced many family struggles, but the cruelty of the God's Domain family still made him sigh. Thinking that if Wan Yan Ruoshui loses his power, he is afraid that he will be sent off by a high-ranking person to be married, and he feels a little upset.

He pondered, his mind turned quickly, and he quickly gave the result: "You have three ways now. First, please ask your ancestor to leave the customs. Of course, you must be sure that he is on your side. Second, think of a way. Help your father treat, and thirdly ask for help from foreign aid, kill others, and let your brother be in power!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui's dim eyes lit up and looked at Xiao Lang faintly. She could naturally think of what Xiao Lang could think of, but in such a short period of time, Xiao Lang could immediately find the key point, which once again made her look up and down.

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