Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 56: Can't hold

Wan Yan Ruoshui pondered for a long time before he said: "The first point is impossible, because the ancestor has been in retreat for ten years, and it is impossible to invite him out without the consent of the ten great elders. The ancestors also carefully explained. It’s not a family life-and-death crisis, and he must not be disturbed. Last time the family was almost annihilated, and the top ten elders did not notify him! The second point is also very difficult. The family has hired many genius doctors and powerful people with special healing powers. I can’t help my father to detoxify. The family has long issued a notice. As long as he can treat his father’s conditions, it’s easy to say. My father’s body is getting worse and worse recently... As for the third point, looking for foreign aid? I didn’t think about it, I was afraid of bringing the wolf into the mountain. As for killing my second uncle’s line, it’s difficult with my strength, and I don’t want to do it! Alas... It’s from the same root, why is it too anxious."

Xiao Lang's face was solemn, and he picked up his tea for a drink, and asked a long time later: "Your family's top ten elders don't care about this?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui shook his head and sighed: "Too long old has always only obeyed the ancestor and the Patriarch. His father was in a coma and they were completely neutral. But if his father did not die in one day, we are safe. Once he dies, the next Patriarch will let him go. Each line struggles, and whoever has the highest position will stand on their side. If you want to get the upper position, you must get the consent of more than half of the 108 elders. You have also seen my brother. He has average aptitude and too low strength. Your superior! Of course I have to thank you. If my brother dies, we will be completely hopeless..."

"Too complicated…"

Xiao Lang shook his head. This super big family was a hundred times more complicated than Tianzhou. Moreover, the ancestors of the Wanyan family and the elders of the Taishang completely let the following branches compete. Although it is said that this kind of competition must be a tiger king, but it is too cruel, right?

Xiao Lang didn't care who was in charge, he was only worried for the two sisters Wanyan Ruoshui. He used to have his father, and their status was superb. Once someone else is in charge, I am afraid that the two of them were either sold or given away...

A cold light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, and said: "Kill! To live well, you must be cruel. I was also soft-hearted back then, and I almost misled others and myself several times. If Shui, this kind of struggle is totally unfeeling to say, if you are Failed, you know the ending better than me, so even if your brother is a bug, you have to help him get to the top!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui's face became even more sad, and it took a long time to say: "Even if I can come down cruelly, I am not sure, my second uncle is the late ancestor, and his most loyal subordinates have at least ten late ancestors, and I don't have enough manpower..."

Xiao Lang was silent again, looking at this flawless face, he struggled for a long time, and finally decided to help her. Although this friend only made half an hour. He asked in a deep voice, "How many strong do I need to find someone for you?"


Wan Yan Ruoshui was startled, and asked Xiao Lang for help today. She really didn't expect him to help anything, but in the past few days she thought about it day and night but she couldn't find a way. Her heart was extremely distressed and she just asked someone to talk.

Xiao Lang's foundation is very clear to her, a warrior from a small domain has a pitiful status in his own strength. The only surprising thing is that he can integrate a second-class magical skill. What strong can he hire? The peak of the great **** or the god?

Seeing that Xiao Lang was not joking, Wan Yan Ruoshui thought for a while and replied, "At least ten advanced ancestors are needed! Only then can I be sure to help my brother rise to the top."

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang responded and stood up and said, "You arrange it, and I will go to Xuanyuan Mountain immediately. After a while, I will bring ten late-stage **** ancestors back to help you! Just tell me what to do."

"Are you related to the Xuanyuan family?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui's beautiful eyes lit up, and there was no need to question the power of the Xuanyuan family. Is Xiao Lang able to borrow it? This is an intervention in the internal affairs of the Wanyan family. If it fails, the new leader Wanyan Patriarch will definitely hate the Xuanyuan family...

"It's a bit related, don't worry! The Xuanyuan family won't help, the Mei family will definitely help!"

Xiao Lang replied casually, but he wasn't sure about it. However, the Prajna Palm is Xuanyuan Tianzun's fame stunt, and the Great God Tianyu is obviously a direct descendant of the Xuanyuan family. The big deal is that he sold the secret of the fusion of Prajna Palm and Thousand Chance Explosion to the Xuanyuan family. At the Mei's house, Mrs. Mei thought he wanted to speak. How many people should it be OK?

Wan Yan Ruoshui's beautiful eyes lit up again, and said: "Mei family? Which Mei family?"

Xiao Lang touched his nose and said, "Xuemei leads the Mei family. I have a good relationship with their Madam Mei!"


Wan Yan Ruoshui was completely stunned by Xiao Lang, and her beautiful cherry mouth opened slightly, very alluring.

She naturally knew that Mrs. Mei that Xiao Lang was talking about was a big shot in the Land of Destruction, even her father would not dare to look down upon it. Xiao Lang, a little martial artist who is not a godly body, has a relationship with the Mei family of the Xuanyuan family. It seems that the relationship is not ordinary...

"Wait first, let me think about it."

Wan Yan Ruoshui groaned, thinking for a full half an hour, and then a ruthless expression flashed in his eyes: "I will send someone to contact the Mei family first. Don't worry about going to Xuanyuan City. Wait two days for my arrangement, otherwise I'll be stunned! You can live with me first, and my sister will leave later. I will bring her to see you and talk to you."

Now that he was planning to help Wan Yan Ruoshui, Xiao Lang was no longer mother-in-law, and simply followed a maid down, and took the poisonous dragon to stay in Shuiyu Pavilion.

Helping Yan Ruoshui was not only because she had rescued him, but also because Xiao Lang wanted to have some super-friendship with Wan Yan Ruoshui. The main reason is that Xiao Lang decided to go back to Tianzhou after taking a trip to Xuanyuan Mountain. This time he helped Yan Ruoshui also form a friendship. In the future, Xiao Moshen Xiaodao and their development and the safety of Tianzhou, Wanyan family can also take care of them. No two?

The two lived in a super luxurious attic. More than a dozen maids were always on standby to serve. They ate the delicacies of mountains and seas that they had never seen before. They drank jade fermented rice, and the places where they pee and pee are delicious, making Xiao Lang very uncomfortable adapt.

The poisonous dragon sat on the ground quietly, and Xiao Lang used his mind to detect the golden stone ants lurking outside the city. After seeing that they had not been killed by too many people, he let them continue to lurch, and he began to practice the purple sacred stone. .

No words for a night!

Early in the morning of the second day, Wanyan Ruoshui came, and there was a woman who came with her, an identical big beauty, Wanyan Ruyu!

If Yan Ruoshui's stunning beauty can attract any man in the world, then two identical twins standing together will definitely make the world man... shot in seconds. I think that the two sisters once issued a notice that they are going to marry, only one. Xiao Lang's nosebleeds almost flowed out uncontrollably. Thinking of the two perfect ketone bodies being side by side, he couldn't control it.

Seeing Xiao Lang sweeping the two of them, he immediately twisted his head, like seeing a scourge. Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled, how many people can't move their eyes away when they see them, Xiao Lang is good, he doesn't dare to look more...

"Hello Young Master Xiao!"

The two men bowed and bowed at the same time, showing a good tutor. Xiao Lang turned his head with a light cough, not daring to look at the curvy figures of the two, staring at the two faces but was confused. Which one is the older sister? Which is the younger sister?

However, he quickly sensed it, because there was still a gap between the strength of the two, and Wanyan Ruoshui only had the strength of the early gods. Another Wanyan Ruyu has reached the peak of the gods! Apparently and according to rumors, the two sisters are no more than twenty-five, right? Wanyan Ruyu's aptitude has changed to the extreme...

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