Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 57: Xuanyuan Tianzun

Xiao Lang was looking at Yan Ruyu, and she was also looking at Xiao Lang. After investigating that Xiao Lang was really not a disguise, but a real mortal body, a trace of disdain flashed in her eyes. Although it was flashing, Xiao Lang's keen observation power still saw clearly.

"Xiao Lang, my sister Xingzi is colder and doesn't talk a lot. Don't mind!"

When Wan Yan Ruoshui saw the smile on Xiao Lang’s mouth, she immediately knew that it was not good. Her sister was more arrogant than her, not to mention Xiao Lang's body is not, I am afraid that ordinary big family genius will not take a look. . The reason to be able to see Xiao Lang at this moment was entirely because Xiao Lang brought her younger brother back.

Xiao Lang didn't care. It was not the first time that he was looked down upon. Such a beautiful woman and such a peerless genius would be a strange thing to look at him differently.

Wan Yan Ruoshui came over this time to take Xiao Lang's token, and by the way briefly talk about her plan with him. Xiao Lang gave her the token of the 9th-class honor guest that Madam Mei gave him. As for planning, he is not good at it. If he is alone, he can give pointers, and he is not clear about the situation. So it was Wan Yan Ruoshui all the time, he just nodded in agreement.

After some discussions, the Wanyan Ruoshui sisters left and asked Xiao Lang to wait for a few days, waiting for the Mei family to reply before proceeding. Xiao Lang didn't care, and began to retreat to practice the Purple Sacred Stone.

"If Shui, do you trust him so much?"

When he walked out of the room where Xiao Lang was, Wan Yan Ruyu's expression changed, and he asked with some doubts: "A little warrior, just relying on him to save that idiot, do you believe that he can help us reverse the situation?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui stopped and looked at her sister who was born a moment earlier and said: "Sister, sometimes strength does not mean everything, and... I asked Xiao Zhi that Xiao Lang's strength can kill the gods. No! Xiaozhi had been killed many times without him along the way. When I saw him for the first time, he was only as strong as an ordinary god, so he dared to win Master Heiyang in the Black Sun Star Territory. Mou! Although I don't know why he failed to condense the divine body, I believe he is destined to stand above you and me! This is my instinct!"

"Above you and me? Haha!"

A trace of mockery passed by the corner of Wanyan Ruyu’s mouth. She had always believed her sister, but this time she didn’t approve it at all. She even sneered: “Don’t say you are above me. You can be a slave! Ruoshui, you've always been smart, why are you so confused this time?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui shook her head and stopped explaining. In fact, she still had a feeling in her heart, but it was too scary to say it. At a certain moment, she felt a kind of throbbing in her heart. Xiao Lang's achievements may surpass the Wanyan family in the future...

Her elder sister has a very special physique, so the younger generation has no one to compete for her cultivation speed. As a female compatriot, Wan Yan Ruoshui also has a very amazing ability, that is... to see people!

This is also the reason why she believes in Xiao Lang so much. It is also the reason why she became friends with Xiao Lang yesterday and even asked him for help. This feeling is very strange, not clear, but she believes in her own judgment.

Wanyan Ruyu has already left, Wanyan Ruoshui is still pondering. After a long time, she walked out and started decorating. In fact, she started to arrange it now, it was too early, without the reinforcements led by Xiao Lang, everything was the flower in the mirror. But at this moment she gave up her heart and chose to trust Xiao Lang unconditionally...

Sitting in the room, Xiao Lang was a little tangled, not because of the Wanyan family affairs. It was because of the corpse of the cruel beast in the space ring, he knew it was a good thing. He doesn't know how to use it. I didn't dare to ask Wan Ruoshui about this, or even to ask her for some information.

The corpses of the alien beasts are either used to make magic weapons, or alchemy, or directly refined. Xiao Lang didn't dare to take it out for investigation and research. Although this strange beast was dead, its divine might was too powerful, and he was afraid of attracting the attention of the powerful Wanyan family.

"Well, when I go to Xuanyuan Mountain, I have to find a way to find this strange beast's information. Maybe it will make me stronger!"

Xiao Lang decided to pay attention and continued to refine the Purple Sacred Stone. However, he is running out of purple sacred stones, and Wanyan's family didn't even say at all, how can you save their young master and send a million purple sacred stones to him?

Three days later!

Wan Yan Ruoshui walked in with a blushing face, Xiao Lang's heart was moved by the bright jade appearance, and he quickly turned his eyes away. Wan Yan Ruoshui didn't care at all, and said excitedly: "Xiao Lang, news from the Mei family has arrived. Mrs. Mei said that there are five powerful late gods near the Mei family who will sneak into the city in January! Waiting for your orders."

"Mrs. May is exquisite!"

Thinking of the pretty widow Xiao Lang, he was very emotional. He knew that Madam Mei could mobilize more ancestors, but this matter was involved in the internal affairs of the Wanyan family. The Mei family would definitely not agree. It is probably she quietly used her influence to do it. . Xiao Lang refused to join Mei's family several times, and now Mrs. Mei still knew that he was a castaway from the gods, a subpoena was sent immediately. With such trust and importance, Xiao Lang felt a little hopeless...

"I went to Xuanyuan Mountain!"

Xiao Lang stood up, it was time to go to Xuanyuan Mountain, but after this incident, he could finally return to Tianzhou. Thinking of this, his heart became hot. He has been away from them for too long, too long, for those four favorite beautiful girls.

"Well, I will let Gao He protect you! Go early and return early, even if you can't borrow people, there are five strong members of the Mei family, and we can do it!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui nodded, beckoning Gao He immediately flashed, and respectfully bowed his hand to Xiao Lang: "My lord!"

Xiao Lang's body was shocked. It was too awkward to be called an adult by a strong ancestor, and he quickly replied: "Call me Xiao Lang, Lord Gao He!"

Gao He nodded, feeling very emotional. Xiao Lang was chased by Bai Mazi and others some time ago, but he didn't expect that at this moment, a message could mobilize five powerful late gods? And I heard that the strength is capable of resisting the gods? This boy is really not an ordinary person.

Gao He took Xiao Lang and Dulong towards the outside. The three of them put on black robes and walked through the back door to reach Wanyan City Square. But instead of the teleportation array to Xuanyuan City, it teleported to the western city of Qiuyu Lord Qiuyu.

Xiao Lang knew that this was a blindfold and didn't say much. Sure enough, after going to Qiuyu City, Gao He led the two into a teleportation formation at the fastest speed and directly arrived at Xuanyuan City.

Looking at Xuanyuan City, which is no smaller than Wanyan City, Xiao Lang sighed with emotion. Before he could sigh, a black light gleamed in his space ring, and a black mist filled out, condensing the appearance of a heavenly god.

"Xuanyuan City, Tianyu can finally come back here before his soul flies away!"

The Great God Tianyu cannot shed tears, but he has joy and sadness on his face. The joy is that he can come back, but the sadness is that he obviously cannot see this city forever...

"Who? Dare to yell in Xuanyuan City?"

The howling of the remnant soul of the great **** of heaven caused dissatisfaction among countless people in the square. A **** ancestor flew over with a group of **** guards and was about to scold him.


When the **** ancestor saw the look of Tianyu Great God clearly, he knelt on the ground with a thump, and cried out: "Little master, I am an old merchant! You have been missing for so many years and have come back? Why have you become a remnant soul? Who is it? The old slave is going to kill him! What are you idiots doing standing there? Don’t you immediately inform Lord Tianxin and the patriarch?"


A group of people all knelt down, and many people sent the message for the first time. In a castle in the distance of the square, countless people rushed up after a while, and they were all the ancestors.

"Xiaoyu, is this my Xiaoyu?"

A loud roar rang out abruptly, almost shaking Xiao Lang to sit down. Accompanied by that loud voice, an aura that was a hundred times stronger than a mountain enveloped the entire Xuanyuan City, and everyone couldn't even move.

"Father, it's Xiaoyu, it's Xiaoyu who is back!"

The Great God Tianyu in mid-air was even more excited, and the translucent remnant soul almost immediately disappeared.

"Damn! Tianyu Great God's father is Tianzun?"

Xiao Lang's blood rushed to his throat under the pressure of that breath, but he didn't care to press it down, his eyes widened and he looked at an old man who had suddenly condensed in the air.

Xuanyuan Tianzun!


[Author's digression]: Five chapters are here!

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