Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 58: General treatment

Great God Tianyu and Xiao Lang only said that he was a member of Xuanyuan Mountain. Xiao Lang knew that he was a direct child of the Xuanyuan family through Prajna Palm, but they didn't expect that he was actually the youngest son of Xuanyuan Tianzun?

This is a bit unreasonable. How can Tianzun's son be a great god? How could he be chased and killed, how could the remnant soul escape to Tianzhou? Xiao Lang didn't know many things, but he knew that Xuanyuan Tianzun liked Tianyu Great God very much.

Because Xuanyuan Tianzun saw that the great **** Tianyu was in a state of remnant soul, his whole person's aura was twice as strong again. All the people in the square, including Xiao Lang, knelt on the ground under the pressure of that powerful aura, and the bruises pressed by Xiao Lang and Dulong could no longer help but squirt out wildly.


Xuanyuan Tianzun's furious palm slashed in the center of the square, shaking the mountain, and the entire square trembling. The terrifying aura was the strongest pressure Xiao Lang had encountered in his life, not one of them!

"Who is it? That **** did it? I'm going to tear his whole family to pieces. Who hurt my family Xiaoyu like this? Ah!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun looked up to the sky and roared wildly, his white hair danced wildly, with endless sadness and rage in his voice, making the listener sad, and those who heard it weep.

"Father, calm down, don't shake Xiaoyu's remnant soul!"

A tall and powerful ancestor flew up and whispered to Xuanyuan Tianzun. There were tears in his eyes, and his brotherly attitude was not in disguise.

Xuanyuan Tianzun woke up, and quickly reduced his breath, Chao Tianyu beckoned and said, "Yes! Yes! Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, don't be afraid, father will definitely resurrect you! He will resurrect you at all costs, Xiaoyu Come to my father soon!"

"Father, the child is not filial, don't be too sad, and don't try to find a way! Xiaoyu is satisfied with seeing you at the first glance!" The Great God Tianyu shook his head, his face was full of guilt, and he did not fly towards Xuanyuan Tianzun. go with.

"Don't tell me, you go into the Zhentian Tower! Father immediately asks Lord Shura to save you at any cost! Trust your father!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun calmed down, and his mind immediately became active. His space ring brightened, and a small blue tower appeared immediately, rising against the wind, and quickly became several hundred meters high, and a suction force emerged from the entrance of the tower to make Tianyu the gods. The remnant soul packs in.

"Well, father, Xiaoyu can come back. It is this boy who helped me. Take care of him!"

The Great God Tianyu obviously knew Xuanyuan's temper. He pointed to Xiao Lang on the ground and confessed, and then the Remnant Soul was slowly sucked in and disappeared.


There were countless lights on the square that locked Xiao Lang, Gao He's eyes immediately brightened, Tianyu Great God's words were too strong, Xiao Lang was afraid that he could walk sideways in Xuanyuan Mountain in the future.

"Okay, Tianxin, you arrange this young man, I want to destroy the sea immediately, see Lord Shura!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded at Xiao Lang, and suddenly disappeared into the air. Xiao Lang's heart also became hot, go to see Lord Shura? Xuanyuan Tianzun can be called an adult, I am afraid that only the overlord of the land of destruction, the supreme **** of Shura.

The remnant soul behind Cao Teng Mei'er once said that if you want to resurrect Ouyang Lengyan, you must cultivate to the realm of the Supreme God and use the power of reincarnation to resurrect! The Supreme God Xiao Lang didn't want to, but if he could get a little relationship with the Supreme God, could he ask him for help like Xuanyuan Tianzun?

While Xiao Lang was pondering, the **** ancestor named Tianxin flew down, looking at Xiao Lang with joy and kindness, and said, "Boy, what is your name? Huh? This is Miss Ruoshui's guard, right?"

"Master Tianxin!" Gao He saluted, but did not explain the relationship between Xiao Lang and the Wanyan family.

Xiao Lang also saluted: "My lord, my next name is Xiao Lang. When I came to Tianzhou, I brought Tianyu from Tianzhou to God!"

"Go, go into the house and say go!"

Tianxin understood Xiao Lang's subtext, he did not belong to the Wanyan collar, and immediately became affectionate, and took Xiao Lang's hand and flew towards the ancient castle in the distance.

Gao He and Dulong were also surrounded by dozens of powerful ancestors and flew towards the ancient castle. Almost all the big figures in Xuanyuan City have arrived. With such a standard, I am afraid that only the ancestors of the Wanyan family can be received like this, right?

Entering the most luxurious hall of the old castle, Tianxin asked a group of people to greet Gao He and the poisonous dragon, but he took Xiao Lang to the side hall next to him, obviously wanting to ask the ins and outs of the matter.


After a group of maids served the best tea, Tian Xin couldn't wait to ask: "Xiao Lang, can you tell me about Xiaoyu in detail!"

Xiao Lang was not polite, took a sip of tea, and began to talk about everything about the Great God Tianyu in detail. It is cruel in the big family of God's Domain, such as Wanyan Family. But in Xuanyuan Mountain, Xiao Lang felt the sincere affection between father and son, and he himself was a very emotional person. At this moment, he naturally did not have the slightest reservation or concealment, nor did he exaggerate.

Tian Xin had been listening quietly without any indication, but the light in his eyes was a little cold, obviously moving to kill. He didn't explain anything to Xiao Lang, but after listening, he stood up and smiled with Xiao Lang: "Xiao Lang, you live here first. If you have any needs, tell the maid, I'll arrange something. Come see you some more!"

Tian Xin left in a hurry, Xiao Lang was taken by the maid to a different courtyard, and the poisonous dragon was also brought, but Gao He was placed in the rest of the room. Tian Xin did not ask Xiao Lang about the relationship with the Wanyan family, but deliberately wanted Xiao Lang to put aside his relationship with the Wanyan family.

At night, the Great God Tianxin brought a group of ancestors and set a table of luxurious banquets. The enthusiasm was so enthusiastic that both Xiao Lang and Dulong Gaohe were flattered.

After the banquet, Tian Xin pulled Xiao Lang into the side hall, and said straightforwardly: "Xiao Lang, you come to Xuanyuan's house! I will explain to Wanyan's house. Here you are treated as your own home. Your treatment and commander. Same level!"


Xiao Lang knew very well what the leader of the same level represented, that was the ancestor level! It means that the treatment he enjoys while staying in Xuanyuan City will be the same as the divine ancestor powerhouse. The Xuanyuan family is one of the top ten families in the Land of Destruction, and Tian Xin's words are very heavy. I am afraid that if these words are spread, Xiao Lang's name will instantly rise to fame in the Land of Destruction.

Xiao Lang pondered. He has always been very stubborn, and his beliefs will not change. So at this moment, he was still not tempted. He still wanted to help Wan Yan Ruoshui this time and immediately return to Tianzhou.

Since you want to refuse, there must be a saying, otherwise Tianxin will not be able to survive, right?

He thought for a while, and then said respectfully: "My lord, in fact, the Mei family and the Wanyan family have recruited me before, but I refused! It's not that I am proud and don't know how to promote. It's that I...I am the **** of Abandoning body, this life is destined not to be too accomplished, so I still don't waste the resources of the Xuanyuan family. Master Tianyu is kind to me, what I have done is insignificant, and you treat me so kindly, which makes me terrified and grateful."

"God's abandoned body?"

Tianxin glanced at Xiao Lang, and quickly discovered that Xiao Lang's physique was indeed similar to the legendary God’s Abandoned Body, but he didn’t care too much, and said firmly: "You bring Xiaoyu back, for you It's a trivial matter, and it's a great favor to us. Needless to say! From now on, this will be your home, and you will be the chief of our family!"

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