Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 60: Plan

Coming to Xuanyuan Mountain was surprisingly smooth, which surprised Xiao Lang. In fact, he didn't have much hope of repaying him. After all, he wanted to intervene in the Wanyan family's internal affairs. Because of this, Wan Yan Ruoshui remained skeptical. Didn't expect it to be? Wanyan Ruoshui helped the Wanyan family to win a big victory five years ago. Not to mention its wisdom and demon, can a complete plan be easily come out?

After finishing everything, Xiao Lang was relaxed, thinking that after helping Yan Ruoshui this time, he could return to Tianzhou, he was extremely excited. He quickly asked people to bring Gao He and let him send Wanyan Ruoshui to start the arrangement.

When Gao He heard this, he was extremely excited, and his gaze looking at Xiao Lang became more complicated. In fact, when Xuanyuan Tianzun saw the Great God Tianyu so excited, he already knew that things were going to happen. Thinking that Mrs. Mei also valued Xiao Lang very much. Without saying a word, he borrowed the five ancestors of the gods. He couldn’t help but look at Xiao Lang a few more times, only to discover how he looked... Xiao Lang is a demigod pinnacle, and no one sees it when walking on the street The kind at a glance!

Gao He left Xuanyuan Mansion and began to use up the relationship between the Yan family to spread the news. Wan Yan Ruoshui there quickly received the news, her beautiful little face was full of consternation!

She immediately got up and walked into a backyard, looking at Wanyan Ruyu who was sitting in a pavilion cultivating, with a smile on her face, she cordially exclaimed, "Sister, there is news from Xuanyuancheng, and it's done."


Wan Yan Ruyu opened her eyes with a look of suspicion. After looking at Yan Ruoshui for a few times and making sure that she was not joking, she said in surprise, "How could Xiao Lang get someone from the Xuanyuan family? Is there any fraud?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled slightly, like a hundred flowers blooming, the bright and charming style can make any man heart, she said with certainty: "There is news from Gao He, Xiao Lang brought back a remnant soul from the Tianzhou region, who do you guess? He is Xuanyuan Tianzun's favorite young son, Xuanyuan Tianyu!"

"Um... this kid is lucky."

Wanyan Ruyu murmured a few words, but her eyes lit up. With the help of the Mei family and the Xuanyuan family, they can completely help their idiot brother to get to the top. As long as her brother is in power, at least the two will not be sold by the family.

"Sister, let me make arrangements. Since the second uncle doesn't want us to have a better life, we don't need to be soft-hearted. When you reach the ancestor, we can secretly control the family with the skill and the military to keep our family safe."

Wan Yan Ruoshui smiled faintly, with wise colors in his eyes, the two of them had higher hearts than the sky, and looked down upon the men of the world, and never thought of marrying. Only then did you say that if you want to marry, you must marry one person, you must surpass Wanyan Ruoshui in wisdom and talent surpass Wanyan Ruyu. And such a man, the younger generation in this world really does not...

Wanyan Ruyu suddenly said, "It's a pity that Xiao Lang did a great favor this time, and has a close relationship with the Mei Family Xuanyuan family, but the strength is too low, otherwise it would not be impossible to rise!"

"Ha ha!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui didn't say much, but just looked in the direction of Xuanyuan Mountain, and sighed with a voice that he could only hear: "Sister, wait, this man will impress you soon."

Wan Yan Ruoshui's plan came out soon, and he passed it to Xuanyuan City through a concealed route. Xiao Lang found Tianxin after receiving it. After taking a closer look, Tian Xin praised the young girl from the Shocking God Realm, and without asking Xuanyuan Tianzun, directly let the five late **** ancestor martial artists follow Xiao Lang and follow his orders.

Wanyan Ruoshui's plan was launched in half a month. Xiao Lang stayed in Xuanyuan City for four days, and began to teleport to the nearest city of Xuanyuan Mountain near Wanyanling as planned.

Tianxin's original intention was to let Xiao Lang continue to live in Xuanyuan City, and to transfer five people to Wanyanling with Gao He. But Xiao Lang was not at ease, because without him, the five ancestors of the Mei family and the five people here would definitely not obey the orders of the Wanyan family. When the time comes, any mistakes will be troublesome.

In the end, Tian Xin had to confess that after Xiao Lang's affairs were done, he had to come to Xuanyuan City, because Xuanyuan Tianzun wanted to see him after he came back from the roll call.


With the five late ancestors, the poisonous dragon and Gao He, Xiao Lang let everyone put on the night clothes and flew all the way towards Wanyan collar. Of course, both he and the poisonous dragon relied on the late **** ancestors to carry them for flight, otherwise they would definitely not be able to go to the place designated by Wanyan Ruoshui within a few days at their speed.

I didn't enter the city all the way, the speed of the ancestors was fast, and the people who deliberately avoided the road, it was safe all the way.

Five days later, Xiao Lang arrived outside of a city in the north of Wanyan collar, and joined the five powerful late **** ancestors sent by the Mei family. The ancestors of the Mei family were a little unhappy at first, but they were secretly surprised when they saw Xiao Lang carrying the five ancestors of the later stage. The person that Mrs. Mei valued is really extraordinary, and she can mobilize the power of the late God Ancestor...

The thirteen people continued on their way and went straight to a famous city in the north of Wanyan City, Feiyu City!

Feiyu City is not big, but it is very important to the Wanyan family because it is the place where the ancestors of the Wanyan family are buried. Wan Yan Ruoshui's father was going to die soon, and the family decided to send him to Feiyu City, waiting to be buried in the ancestral grave after returning to the west.

Wanyan Ruoshui chose to do it here because their family ancestors and Taishang elders both sit in Wanyan City and will not come to Feiyu City. After the killing, the people from the Mei family and Xuanyuan City can immediately evacuate, even if they know it afterwards, Wanyan Ruoshui’s line is already in power, and other elders dare not say anything...

"Okay! Let's rest here, everyone, three days later is the day of hands-on, let's wait for the news!"

After spending four days, everyone arrived in a jungle outside Feiyu City, and Xiao Lang asked everyone to stand by. He glanced at Gao He, Gao He immediately began to send a message, and informed Yan Ruoshui that there was already ready here, just wait for her to speak.

Wan Yan Ruoshui's plan is simple!

Three days later, the elders of the Wanyan family will **** Wan Ruoshui's father to Feiyu City. The enemies of their line, her second cousin Wanyan Li killed the big people there will basically be there.

The people on Xiao Lang cooperated with the people of Wanyan Ruoshui and killed Wanyan Lisha and his men in an instant, so no one in the whole family would dare to compete with them.

Wanyan Lore has been in power for decades, and has regained many powerhouses in the family. If it weren’t for Wanyan Lore to return to heaven, Wanyan Ruoshui’s eldest brother would have died, and there would be only one illegitimate child who had no talent but no talent, and had no ability. Many people have rebelled or become neutral, and the line of Wan Yan Li Killing is not to be feared at all.

Even so, the powerhouses of the two veins at the moment are basically the same, and with the addition of the ten late ancestors on Xiao Lang's side, it can be said to be foolproof.

Xiao Lang calculated it for a while, looked at the faintly visible Feiyu City in the dense jungle, and sighed slightly: "I hope this time is safe and smooth, and forge a good bond with the Wanyan family, plus Mrs. , Xiao Moshen Xiaodao and their future development will definitely be very smooth, right? Tianzhou's safety does not need to be worried, I can finally go back and live a small life!"

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