Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 61: Send me a concubine

Time was like running water. After a dozen people in Xiao Lang had avoided in the jungle for three days, a dark shadow flew from a distance, and the ten ancestors opened their eyes at the same time in the later stage. Xiao Lang looked at Gao He, Gao He shot out, and shouted from a long distance, "Who is the one here?"

"It's me, Gao He!"

The man in the distance was also enveloped in the night clothes. The low voice Xiao Lang was familiar with, Gao He showed joy on his face, and turned his head and whispered, "Don't be nervous, it's my big brother Gao Gao!"

Xiao Lang confessed to the ten ancestors of the late stage, walked outside, the warrior who shot from a distance immediately took the mask, a token appeared in his hand, and said to Xiao Lang: "Brother Xiao, miss, please come into the city!"

"Entering the city? Wouldn't it arouse the other side's alert?" Xiao Lang asked a little surprised.

Gao Shan handed over a space commandment: "Here are ten pill for restraining interest! Give it to all friends, don't worry, there are our people at the gate of the city. This little thing is not arranged well, and we don't have to plot anything!"

Xiao Lang took the space ring, walked into the jungle, and handed it to the late divine ancestor. The man took out a pill and nodded after hearing it: "It is indeed a high-level relief pill, and it is not absolutely impossible to detect by Tianzun and Divine Ancestor Peak."

"it is good!"

Xiao Lang saw that Yan Ruoshui made careful arrangements, and he was more confident. After everyone took the pill, their aura really weakened a lot, and all of them had only the strength of gods.


Bringing a group of people, Xiao Lang followed Gao Shan all the way towards the city. Gao Shan began to communicate with Xiao Lang and talked about Wan Yan Ruoshui's arrangement. When approaching the city, Gao Shan took the lead to leave, and Gao He walked towards the city with everyone swaggering.

"Stop, the city has been under martial law recently, and outsiders are forbidden to enter!"

Because of the presence of the Wanyan family, Feiyu City was heavily guarded. There are actually two ancestors leading the team outside the city. Gao He had already taken off the veil, his face was cold, and he said solemnly: "Presumptuous, are you blind? Don't know me?"

"Master Gao He, I'm offended. This is what Master Li killed!" The ancestor who shouted, looked at the group of Xiao Lang behind, and saw that they were wearing masks, and he asked, "These people are?"

"This is a strange man with supernatural healing powers, I will take him to see if he can heal the Patriarch!" Gao Shan replied casually, looking at the other **** ancestor. The man immediately understood, and waved his hand: "The person brought by Gao He will have problems? I have delayed the treatment of Patriarch, but you and I can't afford it!"

The **** ancestor still hesitated a little, but Gao He snorted coldly and unscrupulously led people towards the inside. The **** ancestor wanted to stop, but in the end he did not dare to offend. Of course, the most important thing is that the strongest people in Xiao Lang's group are all gods, otherwise they would definitely not be put in so easily...

Gao He took a group of people and walked directly towards the Wanyan Family Ancestral House. The identity that Wanyan Ruoshui arranged for Xiao Lang was very upright, and he was here to heal the disease. Whoever dares to stop it is to kill Wanyan lore. Even if Wanyan Lisha did not dare to stop him clearly, even though there were countless such therapists, no one could save Wanyan Lore!

Xiao Lang would naturally not be able to cure the disease, if the grass and vines were there, he could try. Of course, grass and vines are mainly for healing, not detoxification. They are not to save people, but... to get in and kill people!

Soon the ancestral house arrived. This ancestral house is very stylish, not inferior to the ancient castle group in the base camp of the Wanyan family. The guards here have become more stringent. Before Xiao Lang and others approached, they were stopped by several ancestors.

"Who would dare to break through Yan Zu's house?"

The leader of the team was actually in the late Divine Ancestor's stage. He glanced at Gao He vigilantly, focusing on Xiao Lang and others behind Gao He.

According to Gao He's explanation, Gao He bowed his hands and said: "Elder Longma, this is Mr. Xiao, there is a magical power that can detoxify a lot of toxins! I specially invited the owner to heal the family, and the lady has been notified about this matter."

The elder looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, and said coldly: "Therapist? Patriarch has hired at least a hundred healers, right? Even Mulong Tianzun can't detoxify, but can he cure it? The elders in the fort are here at this moment. You still don't bring outsiders in casually."

Elder Longma's words are very clear, and they are still euphemistic. In his opinion, the poison of Wanyan Lore is no one can solve, and he is still hanging out at the moment. It is estimated that it will be dead in the next two days. Mulong Tianzun is the first healer in the land of destruction, he can't solve the poison, Xiao Lang, a warrior who is not even a great **** can solve it?

Gao He's expression changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Elder, Miss Ruo Shui personally explained this. She said that there is one in ten thousand hope, and she can't give up."

The people of Xiao Lang couldn't get in, and Wanyan Ruoshui didn't dare to do anything. After Wanyan Killing was dead, I'm afraid that more people would take refuge in Wanyan Killing, and their line would really be over...

Elder Longma waved his hand impatiently, and said, "If there is hope, I won't give up, but you also have to see who you bring? Hundreds of therapists have been invited during this period, and the Patriarch is about to leave. What are you tossing about? Can't let him leave quietly? Retreat quickly, and be stubborn again. Don't blame me for being polite."

Gao He's expression completely changed, and he glanced at Xiao Lang, then gave him a wink, and asked him if he started it in advance? Go straight in?

Xiao Lang shook his head slightly, but his eyes grew cold, and he stared at Elder Longma and shouted coldly: "The poison that Mulong Tianzun can't solve, I must not be able to deal with it? Dog eyes look down on people! You Wanyan family invites the young master, that is Treating the young master like this? Well... I don't want to save him, let your Patriarch go on the road."

"Bold!" "Laughter!" "Looking for death!"

Xiao Lang's rude words immediately angered a group of people, and several **** ancestors raised their long swords, and they were about to directly kill people. The Wanyan Clan ranks among the top ten families in the Land of Destruction, let alone Xiao Lang, a small person who is not a divine body, even if Xuanyuan Tianxin speaks like this, he is still looking for death!

"do not move!"

Xiao Lang felt that the ten **** ancestors behind him were about to take action in the later stage, and quickly transmitted his voice, without any concern about the saber flying behind him, turning around and walking away.

"call out!"

The three ancestors' long swords cut through the sky and slashed towards Xiao Lang's back, but at that moment Elder Longma suddenly burst into a shout: "Get out!"

This elder Longma is obviously a neutral faction, if he can save Wanyan lore, he will definitely do whatever it takes. Wanyan Lore is the pinnacle of God Ancestor, a peerless powerhouse who is likely to break through Tianzun. Over the years, under his leadership, the Wanyan family has also flourished, and many elders of the Wanyan family are deeply respected and loved.

Xiao Lang's attitude naturally angered Elder Longma. And Xiao Lang only brought ten gods, but dare to do so? If he wasn't impatient to live, he would be arrogant, and maybe he could really save the face.

His eyes flickered several times, and finally said: "Okay, I'll try it for you!"

"Hmph, you say try it? I still can't save it!"

Xiao Lang turned his head and sneered, causing a group of ancestors to be filled with righteous indignation. On the contrary, Elder Longma believed that Xiao Lang had magical supernatural powers, and forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, if you can treat my Patriarch, you can talk about any conditions!"

"That's OK!"

Xiao Lang simply turned around and led people inside, leaving a sentence: "If I save your Patriarch, Sister Wanyan Ruoshui, send me a concubine!"

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