Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 66: The purpose of love killing

Anyone would panic when they were about to die, and Xiao Lang was no exception. At that moment, his body instinctively shrank. Although he might not be able to escape, he still moved!

There was a problem with this movement. He also controlled a lot of love words around Wanyan Lore. At this moment, when he moved and became nervous, those love words flew around, and as a result, many love words entered the Wanyan Lore. Inside the body!


At that moment, Wanyan Juesha's body suddenly lit up, and his whole body was enveloped in the white sacred light of Ru, and a supreme elder swept away and yelled: "Stop the killer!"

The other two elders swept away, and one of them also shouted in shock: "Li Sha, you dare to kill him, I will chop you up to feed the wild beast."

Wan Yan Li Sha's palm was already close to Xiao Lang's face, and he was about to slap him to death. But after hearing the words of the two elders, he abruptly took it back, which made him almost vomit blood.


"Huh? Father's breath is gradually strengthening!"

Over there, the two sisters of Wanyan Ruoshui, looking at the sacred white light of Wanyan lore, their desperate eyes lighted up again. After the two of them used their spiritual knowledge to explore, they became ecstatic. Wan Yan Ruoshui spoke for the first time: "Xiao Lang, your characters can clear the toxins from my father's mind. Hurry up, continue typing such characters!"


Xiao Lang was a little dumbfounded. Even though Wanyan's slap did not hurt him just now, the coercion still caused him to roll over. He turned his head when he heard the sound transmission.

"I haven't known the use of this love killing. It can neither attack nor soul supernatural powers. Now it seems that it has the effect of healing and detoxification?"

Xiao Lang thought about it suspiciously. Without hesitation, countless sacred and pure white love characters roared out towards Wanyan.

The words of love entered the body of Wanyan Lore. His body became brighter and brighter, and a very pure and strange energy poured into his body in all directions, making the vitality in his body more and more intense. And those energy rushed into his soul and quickly began to dissolve the toxins in his soul. Those toxins did not rebel, and seemed to be honestly resolved by natural enemies.

"Good, good, good!"

A great elder suddenly appeared next to Xiao Lang, and spoke to him: "Mr. Xiao, you can get medical treatment. With an old man, no one can hurt you!"

Xiao Lang's confidence greatly increased, and he began to type love words wholeheartedly to help Wanyan kill the toxins, and then type them one by one. There are fewer and fewer toxins in his soul, but the vitality in his body is getting stronger...


Wanyan Ruoshui covered her mouth with one hand, and tears fell. Wanyan Ruyu was better, but her eyes became red. Although their two sisters have a clear voice in God's Domain, each with a skill and a martial art, and despise the world's beard and eyebrows, after all, they are still little girls, not more than twenty-five.

During this period of time, the two of them were under great pressure. They were usually carefree under the wings of their father's eldest brother. As a result, their father was poisoned and the eldest brother died. The two did not even have time to grieve, nor dared to be too sad. Because they want to support their line, if they fall, the line of Wanyan Li Killing will be in position long ago, waiting for their end will be extremely miserable...

At the moment when they were desperate, they saw a miracle. They hired hundreds of therapists and even the most powerful Mu Long Tianzun in the Land of Destruction. They were unable to save Wanyan Lore, but they were killed by Xiao Lang. Easy treatment is over...

Seeing that all the toxins in Wanyan Juesha's mind were about to be cleaned up, Wanyan Juesha's face began to turn pale. He has been suppressed by Wanyan Lore all his life. At this moment, he has finally waited for such a good opportunity. He has exhausted his brain during this period of time. Kill a Mr. Xiao in a moment?

His eyes were also red, and he was suffocated by the killing intent in his heart. If his eyes could kill people, Xiao Lang would have died hundreds of times at this moment. But he still didn't lose his mind. The appearance of the three Supreme Elders today prevented the foreign aid Xiao Lang invited to do it, and he did not dare to take a step.

at last!

After Xiao Lang typed several thousand more love characters, the toxins in Wanyan Lore's soul disappeared completely, and the power of the soul in his soul began to flow slowly, and the vitality in his body was surging and his face was ruddy. , It is not like a patient who has been tortured by toxins for several months, half-legged in a ghost gate.


After confirming that there was no toxin in the body and soul of Wanyan Lore, Xiao Lang recovered his power. He shot tens of thousands of love kills in one breath, and it made him feel exhausted. He couldn't even stand firmly. Sit down.

"Okay! Lore has completely recovered, I guess I will wake up in a while."

A great elder made a careful investigation, and then suddenly burst into a shout: "Come here, immediately pass the good news to the patriarch, and the whole family will celebrate!"

Wanyan Ruoshui's body softened and fell directly on Wanyan Ruyu's body, but still stared at Wanyan Lore. Wan Yan Ruyu looked at Xiao Lang's gaze completely differently. If she used to look down on Xiao Lang a little bit, she was completely convinced at this moment, not just because of gratitude!

Because Mu Long Tianzun can't heal people, but Xiao Lang can heal them!

Even if Xiao Lang is not a divine body, his position in the Land of Destruction has also risen! Warriors with supernatural powers that can save lives often have a higher status than many powerful ones. There are people fighting in God's Domain at all times. The strong rise up like a comet, and finally fall quietly, but a powerful healer can guarantee that those strong will continue to reach the peak! It is foreseeable that Xiao Lang will immediately become the target of solicitation by the major clans after the events of today spread out.


A slight sigh awakened Wanyan Ruyu. Her gaze suddenly moved away from Xiao Lang and swept towards Wanyan Lore on the bed. When she saw Wanyan Lore’s confused opening her eyes, her beautiful look His face was full of tears. Wanyan Ruoshui, who was holding it, rushed forward and shouted excitedly: "Father! I am Ruoshui..."


The three great elders laughed, and the people in Wanyan Ruoshui's line laughed. Many ancestors who rushed in after hearing the news all smiled with joy. The Wanyan lore waking up, let the Wanyan family avoid the danger of splitting. The most important thing is that Wanyan Lore's talent is vertical and horizontal, and it is well-directed. If you survive a catastrophe, there will be a blessing. The Wanyan family will carry forward in the hands of Wanyan Lore and dominate the gods.

Xiao Lang was completely relaxed and decided to leave. At least he must take the Mei and Xuanyuan people out first to avoid accidents, right?

A great elder personally accompanied Xiao Lang down, placed Xiao Lang in the most luxurious attic, and let Gao Shan lead a group of ancestors to protect him day and night. And they explained that after the family affairs are arranged, they will visit Xiao Lang again.

Xiao Lang asked Gao Gao to send the people from the Mei family and the Xuanyuan family back separately. Xiao Lang said that after things were over here, he would go to Xuanyuan Mountain and Xuemei City to express his gratitude in person.

After the five ancestors went back, they reported the matter, and Xuanyuan Tianxin slapped the table and immediately burst into a drink: "Good fellow! Report this to his father immediately and see how to keep Xiao Lang? This kid is talented!"

The same Mrs. Mei was shocked after receiving the news, and quickly ordered Taozi: "Immediately raise the treatment of Xiao Demon God, Mu Xiaodao and others to the commanding level. Xiao Lang must be firmly in peace. Mei's tied up..."

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