Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 67: think seriously

Madam Mei gave the order, but Tao Zi didn't move. Instead, he hesitated to ask: "The commander level? Isn't that good? People in the family will definitely be dissatisfied! Even if Xiao Lang is a godless body, even if he saves his life , He didn't take refuge in Mei's family either?"

If it's an ordinary person, he would dare to question Mrs. May so much, for fear of not knowing how she died. But Momoko, as Mrs. May's fake man, obviously has this preferential treatment. Madam Mei said angrily and funny: "Xiao Lang's worth is now not what it used to be. The person Mu Long Tianzun can't save alive, he has saved it! Not to mention that he is a castaway from the gods, even if it is a **** The bull is boisterous. If he shouts a word, he wants to join a family, and he is afraid that how many families will fight for the blood."

"So exaggerated?" Momoko blinked and asked with sorrow. I didn't expect that not long ago, he was still a handyman in the caravan. It was just such a short time that he was famous all over the world?

Madam Mei smiled indifferently: "You may not know, what kind of poison is in Wanyan Lore? This poison is terrifying, I am afraid that it will be ranked in the top three in the land of destruction! He went to the clear water before! There is a clear water frog in it. Most people don't understand the clear water frog, but our Mei family has a record. Once a very powerful Tianzun was poisoned, and in the end it was not a supreme **** who made it. I am afraid that it was... also dead."

"Well, I get it!"

Taozi went down honestly, and she also knew that Madam Mei was not sure Xiao Lang could cure other poisons, but it was worth the investment. Xiao Lang is the most affectionate person. Xiao Demon God Demon Qing Qingmu Xiaodao and others have a good life in the Mei family, and they have a sense of belonging in the Mei family. Xiao Lang can't get rid of the relationship with the Mei family.


Mrs. May had expected it well. After Wanyan Lore fully recovered and returned to Wanyan City, things quickly spread. The name of Mr. Xiao quickly spread throughout the land of destruction. It is said that even Mu Long Tianzun was alarmed and sent someone to invite Xiao Lang to go over.

As Mu Long Tianzun, he was naturally not jealous and jealous of Xiao Lang, but just wanted to see Xiao Lang's methods. And precisely because of Mu Long Tianzun's invitation, Xiao Lang's statement became even stronger.

There are many forbidden places in God's Domain, and naturally there are many ancient wild beasts, and many wild beasts are highly poisonous, and the original pill of those wild beasts are extremely rare, allowing warriors stuck in the bottleneck to break through or gain new magical powers.

Like Wanyan Lore, it was to hunt down a wild beast to get the original pill to break through the heaven, and then ventured into the clear water and sky. Of course, why did he take his son with so few people around him, what is hidden in it, this matter? Everyone would not know.

Anyway, Xiao Lang's value has soared. No matter whether his characters can cure all kinds of poisons, at least many families remember this "Mr. Xiao" character. No one can guarantee that someday important figures in the family will not be poisoned, will they?

Xiao Lang also went to Wanyan City and lived in Shuiyu Pavilion!

After Wanyan Ruoshui and Wanyan Ruyu and Xiao Lang met, they disappeared. Xiao Lang is still protected by Gao Shan and others. He eats the delicacies of the mountains and the sea every day. The maid even urinates with chamber pots. Life is extremely luxurious. It's a comfortable life.

The Wanyan family's affairs were completely complete, and Xiao Lang relaxed. Gaoshan Gaohe told him something, how many people wanted to see him, and brought Mulong Tianzun's post, and told Xiao Lang how famous he is now in the Land of Destruction...

For these, Xiao Lang didn't care at all. It's useless to have these fake names, and the bigger the name, the weaker his strength is, and he will die miserably if he is remembered! So he decided to stay low-key for a while, and then secretly return to Tianzhou.

Fortunately, he has been covering his face all the time. Outside, he only knows the name "Mr. Xiao", and the Mei family of the Xuanyuan family will not spread it out. As for Mu Long Tianzun, he would not go to kill him. Even if Mu Long Tianzun was not malicious, he would not go out of the limelight. That is something a fool would do...

Just as Xiao Lang was pondering, there was a sound of footsteps outside and three people walked up. The front one was a middle-aged man with a tiger-backed, handsome-looking, and domineering temperament. The left and right hands are holding two peerless beauties, and the most important thing is that the two peerless beauties are identical twins. If this is walking on the street, it is estimated that countless people want to kill him and replace him.

Wanyan lore!

Xiao Lang stood up, greeted him without speaking, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Xiao Lang, my father has come to see you!"

The woman on the left spoke. Xiao Lang knew that it was Wanyan Ruoshui when she heard it. Although the voices of the two sisters were exactly the same, Wanyan Ruoshui's voice was charming and Wanyan Ruyu's voice was strong.

"Kill Lord!"

When the three of them came over, Xiao Lang bowed and bowed. Before he completely bowed down, his hands were dragged by two powerful arms, and a hearty voice sounded: "Xiao Lang, uncle is your life. You rescued it, you didn’t die halfway, the child, you have to salute me, and it is said that the uncle will be spine-backed by the people of the world."


Xiao Lang was stunned. The face of this perfect face was so big that ordinary people would not answer his uncle when he kneeled down? He took the initiative to treat him as a nephew...

Wan Yan Jue Shou's face was stern, and he pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "What? You don't want to? Is it because the uncle's face is not enough?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Ruoshui saved my life back then. The lore of the lord is so famous that Xiao Lang dare not take it!"

"That's fine, I will be a family from now on, called Uncle!"

Wanyan Lore patted Xiao Lang's shoulder affectionately, and walked forward with a big smile. Xiao Lang sighed with the grace of Wanyan Lore, but Yu Guang saw Wanyan Ruoshui's blushing face. Wanyan Ruyu was very embarrassed. It is awkward and embarrassing.

Thinking about the "family", it is estimated that the two people have misunderstood...

Xiao Lang sat down, Wan Yan Jue Shou deserved to be a generation of heroes, and chatted with Xiao Lang cordially, without saying thank you, or offering remuneration, let alone recruiting Xiao Lang into Wanyan's house. It just made Xiao Lang feel a trace of the warmth of his relatives, creating a feeling of his own. For Xiao Lang, this feeling was far better than offering generous rewards. Without soliciting, Xiao Lang did not have a rebound psychology.

After chatting for a while, Wanyan Lore will leave and leave a sentence before leaving: "Xiao Lang, this is your home. If you want to stay, stay here. If you don’t want to stay, prepare to go out or go back to your heaven. Zhou, uncle is not reluctant, as long as you remember that my uncle is your uncle!"

In a word, Xiao Lang was full of emotion. If Wanyan Juesha was not born with such a personality, then this person would be extremely powerful. Every word and every action made Xiao Lang very comfortable, which was tantamount to invisibly trapping Xiao Lang. Anyway, at this moment Xiao Lang feels at home here.

The poisonous dragon was cultivating in another room, and the maid also went down. There were only three people, Xiao Lang, who were left in the room, and at this moment, the three of them were very strange in their minds... remembered one thing!

When Xiao Lang was treating Wanyan Lore, he played a play? And Wanyan Ruoshui also personally agreed, as long as Xiao Lang saves Wanyan's lore, then one person will give Xiao Lang a concubine?

At that time, Xiao Lang and the two sisters Hua were both acting, and naturally they didn't take what they said to their hearts. At this moment, Xiao Lang actually did it by mistake, which made the three of them extremely embarrassed.

Looking down, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed with shyness and entanglement at the two alluring beauties. Instead, Xiao Lang smiled. He didn't have any thoughts to provoke the grass, and he only had appreciation for the two of them, and he had no intention of admiring them. He opened the mouth openly and said: "Ruo Shui, don't take that matter to your heart. I just said casually, I still I like to be close friends with you."

Wan Yan Ruoshui's delicate body trembled, raised his eyes, and looked at Xiao Lang with a sincere face, his face turned bright red, and his big eyes were also watery. Wanyan Ruyu breathed a sigh of relief. Although the two women who underestimated the world's beard and eyebrows were extremely grateful to Xiao Lang, they would still be a little bit conflicted if they really marry him.

Xiao Lang is the abandonment of God...

Wan Yan Ruoshui bit her lip and was silent for a long time before the mosquitoes could hear the voice. He said: "Actually, if you insist, Xiao Lang, I can... seriously consider it!"



[Author's digression]: The five chapters are here, and I would like to thank the local tyrant for "killing the gods and meeting the Buddha" for a hundred thousand red rewards!

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