Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 69: Feng volcano

The Dulong's breakthrough shocked Xiao Lang!

He broke through the Great God Realm because he refined the Chaos Stone, which is easy to understand. It is not easy to break through the gods, it is difficult for how many great gods to break through the gods, let alone break through in such a short time.

After Xiao Lang inquired, the poisonous dragon gave the answer. He cultivated the way of poison, and when he merged the toxins in his body, he had a deeper understanding of the way of poison. Coupled with the extremely powerful toxins in Wanyan Lore's body, his original venom more than doubled, and only then broke through after a few days of seclusion!

"Can your current poisonous mist kill the gods and martial artists?" Xiao Lang asked curiously.

The poisonous dragon shook his head and said: "It's easy to say in the early stage of the gods. The influence of the gods is too weak in the later stage. I must find more poisons to fuse their venoms. Master... can you help me get some poisons? My realm needs to be stabilized. "

Dulong's request, Xiao Lang could not refuse, he immediately asked the high mountain outside to find Wan Yan Ruoshui, like her request in this regard.

Wan Yan Ruoshui pondered for a long time before he said: "If you want poison, the general family will not keep it in captivity. Even if you catch it, you will kill it immediately and extract the venom. I can help you get some venom, but it's not very advanced. If you want something stronger, Poison, I suggest you take a trip to Mu Long Ling. There are countless poisons in Feng Volcano where Mu Long Tianzun is."

"Mulong Tianzun?"

Xiao Lang shook his head and said: "Actually... Ruoshui, I don't plan to see Mu Long Tianzun. I can solve your father's poison. It is completely luck. And you also know my situation. Back to Tianzhou! The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it! I robbed those hundreds of families of scorpion beasts. Once my identity is revealed, I am afraid that I will die without a place to be buried, and will also affect Tianzhou. "

"Brother, you are wrong!"

Wan Yan Ruoshui said solemnly: "Big brother, in fact, your mentality is wrong! Your identity should have been guessed by someone with a heart, at least the Fengying family has been thinking about you. The trouble in Ivory City is so big, you are a **** Abandoning is so obvious, how long can you hide it? Blindly avoiding and low-key will not only not save you, but also your domain, but will kill everyone! Don’t you understand this world? Only let the enemy fear you and fear you ! Is the best protection!"

Xiao Lang was startled, and smiled bitterly: "I understand the truth, but my strength is like this, what can I do?"

A trace of cunning flashed in Wan Yan Ruoshui’s bright eyes, and he smiled: “That’s why I suggest you go to Fengshan Mountain. Tianzun Mulong's identity is extraordinary. He has a very close relationship with the Supreme God of Shura. As long as you can get his. Acknowledge, he sent a word, cooperate with our family Xuanyuan family, Mei family, no one dares to move you in the entire land of destruction."

"The Supreme God of Shura?"

Xiao Lang's heart suddenly became hot. He turned his eyes and suddenly asked: "Ruoshui, I have a friend who died. When he died, the remnant soul and corpse were all set up. An adult once told me that if I cultivate The Supreme God can use the power of reincarnation to resurrect him! Is this...really?"

He has always dared to think about Ouyang Lengyan and let himself forget. It was because he was powerless, and at this moment actually involved the supreme Supreme God, Xiao Lang naturally ignited a fire in his heart, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will never give up, and will fight desperately.

"Is there anything else?"

Wan Yan Ruoshui glanced at Xiao Lang in surprise, and asked: "Xiao Lang, you have hidden deep enough, something I don't know about, which adult who told you must have a big background? I have to ask about this. father."


Xiao Lang gave a wry smile. He doesn't know how old Meier is now, but Meier has already gone to the Demon Realm, and the heavens are on different sides, so I think there is no hope to meet in this life?

And Xiao Bai... Thinking of Xiao Bai, Xiao Lang felt another pain in his heart.

Soon the news of Wanyan lore came over, indicating that there was indeed something going on. The Supreme God possessed a kind of magical power of reincarnation. If the Supreme God was willing to help, as long as the remnant soul and corpse of this warrior were there, there was indeed hope of resurrection.

"Brother, if you want to resurrect your friend, you must visit Fenghuo Mountain. As long as you have a relationship with Mulong Tianzun, it is not impossible for you to meet the Supreme God."

The words of Wan Yan Ruoshui made Xiao Lang's heart fascinated. No matter whether he had hope or not, he would always try it, right?

But there is one more thing. Ouyang Lengyan's remnant soul and corpse seem to have followed that remnant soul to the demon realm. Even if he can ask the Supreme God of Asura for help, what if there is no remnant soul and corpse? Is it possible that the Supreme God will help you bring it back to the Demon Realm? Xiao Lang had a headache for a while, but he still hadn't written his horoscope, so let's go and see that Mu Long Tianzun first!

After making up his mind, Xiao Lang nodded and said, "Okay, I will go to Xuanyuan City in three days, and then I will go to Mulong Lingfeng Mountain to see Mulong Tianzun."

Wan Yan Ruoshui didn't want to stay, just smiled faintly: "Brother, I don't care about other things. Anyway, if you don't go out and stand on your own, you must live in Shuiyu Pavilion in God's Domain."

Xiao Lang's heart warmed, and he reached out and touched Yan Ruoshui's head. This act of intention made Wan Yan Ruoshui stiff, but he did not avoid it. Instead, he turned his back and revealed a beautiful and tender face.

Xiao Lang's hands stiffened, and the two of them separated immediately. The atmosphere in the room called "Awesome" began to diffuse, and the two seemed to enjoy this kind of atmosphere, and they were motionless, silent than sound...

Three days later, Xiao Lang walked out of the Shuiyu Pavilion with the poisonous dragon. The two of them were not masked, but they put on masks. The silver ones looked very mighty. Wanyan Lore did not come to see him off, and even Wanyan Ruyu did not come. Only Wanyan Ruyu stood at the door smiling and waved gently.

"Go, Ruoshui, goodbye."

Xiao Lang turned his head and waved, leading the poisonous dragon and Gaoshan Gaohe out of the gate and walked towards the teleportation formation in the city. Gaoshan and Gaohe were not Xiao Lang's subordinates. This was an order from Wanyan Juesha, to temporarily follow Xiao Lang to protect him all the way.

A mid-term ancestor, a late ancestor!

Wanyan Lore did not come to see him off, but it was a great gift, and Wanyan Ruoshui was only protected by two people on the trip, which shows how much Wanyan Lore attaches to Xiao Lang.

Entering the teleportation formation, without Xiao Lang spending a purple sacred stone, the mountain token raised, the guards automatically activated the teleportation formation, and the white light flashed directly to Xuanyuan City.

Xiao Lang wore a mask. This kind of mask was specially made, and ordinary people's spiritual consciousness could not penetrate, so he was not recognized when he arrived in Xuanyuan City. However, when Xiao Lang walked towards the ancient castle, Xuanyuan Tianxin was still in the air and flew out to greet him.

He said from a long distance: "Xiao Lang, why are you here now? My father has already come back, and he has been waiting for you for three or four days!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun waited three or four days?

Xiao Lang's heart was stunned. It seemed that Xuanyuan City was not being treated well. I was afraid that Xuanyuan Family would also do everything possible to keep themselves, right?

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