Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 70: Purple Magic Vine Clan

Under Tianxin's enthusiastic reception, the four Xiao Lang walked into the castle unimpeded all the way. Gao Shan and Dulong were taken to the side hall. Xiao Lang took off the mask and walked into the hall.

"Xiao Lang, you are a distinguished guest now, and most people can't invite you!" A bell-like voice sounded, and a gray-haired, ruddy old man stood up from the main seat, looking with a smile on his face. Looking at Xiao Lang, who is not Xuanyuan Tianzun?

"See Tianzun!"

In the face of such a strong man, Xiao Lang naturally did not dare to slacken off, and he had to kneel down in a hurry. Whether it was because he was the father of the Great God of Heaven or the pinnacle of martial arts, this kneeling was worthwhile.

However, an abrupt force acted on his legs and lifted him up. Xuanyuan Tianzun laughed and said, "Xiao Lang. You brought Xiaoyu back. It is a great kindness to me. I don't need to see me in the future. Salute! Are you not our first-class guest? You can come and go freely in Xuanyuan Castle."

Xiao Lang grinned and said, "Tianzun is too polite, Xiao Lang is terrified!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun laughed again: "Haha, you kid, terrified! A group of ancestors of the Wanyan family have been played by you in applause, why didn't I see you panicked?"

A group of powerful Xuanyuan family sat in the hall. At this moment, one after another glanced at each other, secretly surprised. Xuanyuan Tianzun has always been very serious, so he actually made a joke with this kid today?

Xiao Lang grinned again, but he felt a lot more comfortable inside. The meaning of Xuanyuan Tianzun's words was obvious. He would not force Xiao Lang to join the Xuanyuan family, and he would just continue to be a guest clerk.

But being able to make a joke like this made Xiao Lang feel close to this old man. As expected, none of these old-timer big-timers is a fan of dry food, and the methods to win over people are extremely powerful.

After Xiao Lang sat aside, he asked with concern, "Tianzun, how is the matter with Master Tianyu? Can I see him?"

Xiao Lang's words made Xuanyi Tianzun's smile solidify, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became suppressed. Xuanyuan Tianxin sighed slightly, "It's a little difficult, although Lord Shura agreed, but Xiaoyu's body is already broken. If you want to condense your body, you still need a kind of treasure, and this kind of treasure... Not in God's Domain!"

"Hey, my poor Xiaoyu..."

Xuanyuan Tianzun closed his eyes in pain, his expression of pain was not hypocritical, and he could see that his feelings for the Great God Tianyu were very deep, and he couldn't resurrect him right now, which made him feel sad.

Xiao Lang moved in his heart and suddenly said, "Isn't there in God's Domain? Is there in Demon's Domain?"

Tian Xin frowned and said: "There are naturally in the Demon Region, but it is estimated that it is not the four royal families of the Demon Region, I am afraid that they will not be able to get it out."

"Four royal families?"

Xiao Lang shook his body and suddenly said, "Master Tianxin, can you take a step to speak?"

Tianxin was stunned, and Xuanyuan Tianzun was also taken aback, then immediately waved and said, "All of you go down."

Those who can sit in the hall are all the big figures of the Xuanyuan family, and they are all a little dissatisfied with them. Xiao Lang secretly said that a small warrior who was still concealed in his words, would he want to avoid them? Does he really treat himself as a person?

After everyone went down, Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, and then said: "I once had a soul, a grass vine! It can evolve. After her transformation, she was personally guarded, and a remnant soul was taken away by a big move. Demon Realm, it is said that she is very noble in the Demon Realm..."

"Great shift!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun and Tianxin's eyes lit up at the same time, and Xuanyuan Tianzun would be moved! As long as the martial artist reaches the level of Tianzun, the question is...that remnant soul that will move greatly, is that grass vine's personal guard?

Xuanyuan Tianzun suddenly remembered something, and suddenly stood up and shouted: "One of the four great royal clans in the Demon Region is the Zimei Clan? Xiao Lang, you immediately tell me the details of the grass and vines."

Xuanyuan Tianxin also stood up excitedly. In fact, based on the information Xiao Lang gave now, Meier's life experience had basically been determined. Can ordinary people's personal guards be a warrior of the Tianzun level? The original form can continue to evolve, which is in full compliance with the characteristics of the legendary Zimei Teng family.

Xiao Lang was also very excited. Mei'er had been with her for many years. If she was really the royal family of the Demon Realm, she could let Xuanyuan Tianzun find a way to send someone to send a message, and maybe she could meet again.

That pretty little elf, he missed so much...

Right now he picked up some things about the grass and vines, and after he said that Meier transformed into a beautiful elf, especially when there was a small red horn on his head, Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes suddenly became hot and his hands With a wave: "That's right, your grass cane is definitely the imperial child of Zimei Cane! Xiao Lang, how is your relationship with her?"

Xiao Lang said seriously: "I treat her as my sister, and she treats me as the master, but I don't know if their family can value me, a little warrior in a small area?"

"Good guy!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin slapped the table top and burst into laughter. Xiao Lang's family always hid it deeply. He and Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at each other, and they both laughed.

Regardless of whether the Zimei Teng family denies Xiao Lang as a person, Xiao Lang is kind to Meier. The Zimei Teng family is a royal family, and the kindness owed to others will definitely be repaid. As long as Xiao Lang makes the request, there is a treasure that can help Tianyu condense the divine body!

Xuanyuan Tianzun did not speak, but Tian Xin patted Xiao Lang's shoulder heavily and said, "Xiao Lang, can you go to the Demon Realm? As long as you can bring back that kind of treasure and resurrect Xiaoyu, you will already be my brother. !"

Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded, looking at Xiao Lang expectantly. Xiao Lang was dumbfounded, and Nono asked, "Can't you send someone there? As long as you can see Meier, she will definitely help. I have to go to Mulong to take a trip recently..."

"Ha ha!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun spoke, and he smiled bitterly and said, "How powerful is the Zimei Teng clan? Their patriarch is the Supreme God! Don't just send anyone, it's useless even if I go! This matter must be done by you, don't worry, This old man will accompany you along the way. You can go to Mu Longling, I can wait! Xiaoyu's remnant soul has been nourished by us with treasures, and it will be kept for five years."

"The Supreme God?"

Xiao Lang's body trembled, yet he was the Supreme God again?

He went to see Mulong Tianzun, didn't he just want to have some relationship with the supreme **** Shura and resurrect Ouyang Lengyan?

If Meier really belongs to the Purple Meivine Clan, and if it is truly honorable? So why don't you ask Meier for help? You can find Xiaobai in the demon domain, right?

The most important thing is-Xuanyuan Tianzun will follow along with the strong, and there is great guarantee for safety, right?

The more he thought about Xiao Lang, the more excited he became, and finally he settled down and nodded, "Okay! After I return from Mu Long, I will accompany Tianzun to the Demon Realm! But... Tianzun, our group of human warriors go to the Demon Realm. Won't you be killed?"


Xuanyuan Tianzun laughed and said indifferently: "I have my own way to save my life. You can go to Mu Long Ling, Tianxin, you will accompany you, and wait for Xiao Lang to talk about other things."

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