Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 84: Three-domain warrior melee

Xuanyuan Tianzun rushed up with the peak of ten **** ancestors, a black battle axe in his hand released the atmosphere of ruining the sky and the earth. His face was very cold. After years of wandering in the chaotic sea of ​​stars, he never feared death, nor Fear any challenge.

The reason why Xuanyuan Tianxin took Xiao Lang and others to flee was because he was afraid that this level of battle would affect Xiao Lang and them. Xiao Lang, this poor demigod pinnacle, let alone being attacked, afraid that he would be shaken to death by the aftermath?

Xiao Lang knew this very well, so he let Xuanyuan Tianxin fly with him silently, and everyone did not turn around to fly at full speed. Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't have any expression fluctuations on his face, he didn't know whether he had a strong confidence in his father, or he was pretending to be calm.

Everyone flew all the way, and there was already a war over there. Although everyone had flown hundreds of miles away, the sound of the sky-shaking explosion and the tremors of the space could still be felt very clearly.

"grown ups!"

Some ancestors looked back eagerly, but Xuanyuan Tianxin said coldly: "What are you looking at? Enter the Feiyun disk and go to Zhangge Star Territory. Zhang Ge Xingjun knows his father, and he said he will meet there!"

After flying so far, Xuanyuan Tianxin felt that it was almost the same. He took out a flying cloud disk and let everyone in, opened the map to check it, and flew toward the southwest.

A group of people became a little nervous after entering the Feiyun Disk. After all, without the Heavenly Lord, they would easily encounter danger. But since Xuanyuan Tianzun had said, they didn't dare to resist their orders. Without them, Xuanyuan Tianzun could have no scruples, at least it would be easy if he couldn't escape.

Zhang Ge's star field was not too far away from here, it was the first and nearest big star field to leave God's Domain. There was one of the Seven Great Stars in the Sea of ​​Chaos, where Ge Xingjun was extremely safe. Xuanyuan Tianzun asked everyone to go there, which was considered careful.

Flying silently, Xiao Lang didn't dare to refine the 狻猊 Beast Pill. Without Xuanyuan Tianzun, they would be in danger at all times. Once a war breaks out in the refining process, not to mention the quick death, at least as soon as it is interrupted, the essence pill will be abolished...

"Don't worry, everyone, as long as half a month of flying, we can reach the Zhangge star field, where it is absolutely safe! We are waiting for father to return inside, more than enough to protect ourselves with his strength."

Xuanyuan Tianxin comforted everyone a few words, as if he was also comforting himself. Everyone nodded their heads and vigilantly, without Xuanyuan Tianzun, everything would depend on them.

It was quiet all the way, and everyone flew in fear for seven or eight days without encountering any danger. Xuanyuan Tianxin also bypassed many star regions on the map to avoid being intercepted. This horrible place, but once it encounters a big battle...

ninth day!

The calm flight was finally broken, and three flying cloud disks flew in the distance, which immediately grabbed everyone's hearts. Xiao Lang and Dulong looked at each other, and both of them squeezed a sweat. Chaos Xinghai gathered three powerhouses of the ultimate realm. This place is a scum...

"call out!"

To be safe, Xuanyuan Tianxin took the initiative to control the Feiyun Disk to avoid and flew in a detour, but the other party did not change the course and flew straight ahead. When everyone breathed a sigh of relief, the sudden change occurred.

"call out!"

A big palm abruptly came out of a flying cloud disk and shot straight towards them.


Xuanyuan Tianxin's eyes suddenly chilled, grabbing Xiao Lang and Dulong, and releasing a shield covering the two of them. The other warriors also immediately released the shields.


The flying cloud disk instantly turned into nothingness under the palm of the big hand, and the bodies of the twelve people were frozen in the air. Xuanyuan Tianxin threw Xiao Lang and the poisonous dragon to a powerful ancestor, a war sword appeared in his hand, and he burst into shouts at everyone: "Tianyi, protect two people, and the rest, kill!"

Nine figures turned into sharp swords and flew towards the opponent's Feiyun Disk. The Feiyun Disk on the opposite side suddenly disappeared into the air, revealing a group of warriors. Xiao Lang was surprised when he saw it.

The people on the opposite side are not humans, they are all half-orcs? The body is similar to that of a human, but the head is all bear head, the body is also black hair, the palms are huge, and it looks very awkward.

Xuanyuan Tianyi, who was carrying Xiao Lang and the poisonous dragon, spit out a murky breath: "It's a person from the Demon Territory. Fortunately, there are only more than 30 **** ancestors, and there are not many **** ancestors.

"Kill humans."

Those half-bear people are extremely tall, four or five meters high, and two bear paws are like iron fans. The dark eyes are full of remnants. Can he even utter words? Black flames ignited on all the half-bear people, rushing towards the nine Xuanyuan Tianxin people, but only seventy or eighty people exuded a mighty force.

"Prajna palm!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin slapped a prajna palm, and a huge, dreamlike, colorful palm immediately whizzed out and hit the half-bear crowd. Xiao Lang frowned very suspiciously. Didn't he tell him the secret of the fusion of Thousand Chance and Prajna Palm? Why hasn't it been merged for so long?

How did he know that Xuanyuan Tianxin would not be able to fuse without his soul wandering state. Even Xuanyuan Tianxin gave the fusion secret to Xuanyuan Tianzun very early, but he still couldn’t merge...

The rest of the ancestors also began to attack. In one round of attacks, the half-bear people in the demon realm were screamed. The group of half-bear ancestors only had more than 30 people. Warrior's attack? I was smashed to death and injured more than 20 people...

"This half bear has a strong defense, but Master Tianxin can easily win!"

Xuanyuan Tianyi's expression looked a little better. Xiao Lang and Dulong watched the battle nervously. They couldn't handle this level of battle at all, and they needed someone to protect them.


Xuanyuan Tianyi's judgment was correct. The half-bear people in the Demon Region had very strong defenses, but their attacks were relatively single, only relying on the black flames on the body to attack, and the speed was relatively slow. The nine Xuanyuan Tianxin souls pierced in and out of the half-bear crowd like ghosts, constantly bringing up the corpses of half-bear men.

Their tactics are the same as last time, they don't fight with the half-bear-men's **** ancestor peak power at all, relying on speed to kill the weak half-bearmen. In this way, stress can be reduced, and the morale of the opponent can be suppressed.

"Go, go, human beings are too cunning!"

The half-bear leader roared furiously and casually shot a black flame, making the space burn, but his body flew towards the distance.

Xuanyuan Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief, the defense of the half-bear-men's ancestor powerhouse was too strong, and if he continued to fight, he would lose. Since the other party retreated, they naturally wouldn't bother them.

"call out!"

At this moment, five flying cloud disks flew in the distance, and Xuanyuan Tianxin's face suddenly turned green as soon as Xuanyuan Tianxin swept his body, and he burst out and shouted: "Everyone is escaping for their lives. There are more than a dozen demon ancestors. The peak powerhouse, scatter and flee! Go to Zhang Ge star field to gather."

Xuanyuan Tianxin burst into the air, grabbing Xiao Lang in his hand, and shouting at Xuanyuan Tian: "Go."

When the Xuanyuan family's martial artist heard this, they immediately fled in all directions. Those who came to the Demon Realm at such a moment? There are still more than a dozen **** ancestors at the peak, not to mention that they are here to pick up the bargain. If everyone gathers together, the whole army will be wiped out. It is better to scatter and escape and have a chance to survive.

"Children, run away, you are the demon of the Demon Realm."

The half-bear leader on the other side also yelled in horror. The people of the Demon Region are the most terrifying in the Chaos Star Sea. They have always been defying death, killing three thousand enemies and hurting themselves eight hundred things, and they will not hesitate and are willing to do this...


[Author's digression]: There are four chapters today!

Let me tell you a good way. You can get up the next morning and read it. No matter how many chapters are, you will finish it early the next day, and you won't have to wait too hard.

The weather is cold, the old demon's hands are freezing, and I am also very bitter...

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