Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 85: Barren Starfield

Xuanyuan Tianxin reacted very quickly, and the distance between Xiao Lang and Dulong Station was far enough, so he immediately moved away from the warriors of the Demon Realm. Xiao Lang looked back and saw that the five flying cloud disks disappeared in the air, flying out a group of warriors with monstrous flames. Those warriors have unusually terrifying auras. Some are humans, some are half-orcs, and others are not humans or ghosts. The only thing they have in common is that their breath is very uncomfortable, and it makes them panic at first glance.

"Don't look at it, the warriors of the demon realm basically practice magic skills, and the souls of ordinary warriors are not strong and can't resist it at all!"

Xuanyuan Tian gave a deep cry and awakened Xiao Lang. He immediately turned back and found that his heartbeat was still accelerating. The appearance of those demon martial artists continued to appear in his head, and his breathing became rapid, and he couldn't help but feel afraid.

Xuanyuan Tianxin's speed is fast enough, of course the most important thing is that the speed of the half-bear people in the Demon Region is too slow, plus there are too many people. The demon martial artist caught up with the half-bear man and began to fight, but there was no time to kill Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others.

"Jiejie, still want to escape?"

Several demon martial artists also paid attention to Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others, who were escaping in all directions. They separated out a few strong ancestors and started chasing after them. Xuanyuan Tian also quickly caught up with the two demon ancestors behind him.

"call out!"

The six figures cut through the sky at the same speed, but Xuanyuan Tianxin and Xuanyuan Tian both took one person, and the speed will inevitably be affected. Fortunately, the distance is far enough. It is impossible to catch up without a day or two. .

"Master Tianxin, why don't we fly directly towards Zhang Ge's star field?"

Xiao Lang found that Tianxin and Tianyi were flying north, but Zhang Ge's star field was in the west, so the more they fly, the farther they will go.

Xuanyuan Tianxin swept the back, gritted his teeth and speeded up a bit, then said in a low voice: "Zhang Ge's star field is very large, there are countless warriors coming in and out there. Do you think the four of us can survive by being chased all the way?"

Xiao Lang thought for a while and felt ashamed. He really wanted to fly all the way towards Zhang Ge's star domain. When someone saw it, he would make a killer check. He didn't dare to continue to ask more for fear of disturbing Xuanyuan Tianxin. He and Dulong's life were hanging in the air. If one was not good, he went to meet with friend Zhang...

I originally thought that following Xuanyuan Tianzun would be extremely safe all the way, but I didn't expect to enter the Chaos Xinghai and something went wrong. First, he parted with Tianzun, and now there are only two **** ancestors around who are still being hunted down. Xiao Lang's eyes were worried, could they reach the demon realm safely?

"call out!"

It was lucky to fly all the way. There was no interception in front of him, but the two demon martial artists in the back were chasing after him, making everyone feel helpless. The people of Demon Realm are insane. They are not afraid of death. Once they focus on the target, they will never die.

"Tianyi, fly to the barren star field to the left, throw Xiao Lang down, and we will kill these two demon martial artists, otherwise it will be troublesome if someone intercepts them."

After flying again for an hour, Xuanyuan Tianxin gritted his teeth and shouted. Xuanyuan Tian glanced at a dim star field on the far left and nodded. The two of them flicked and slid out of an arc to fly towards that star field.

"Xiao Lang, there are some wild beasts below. I have probed that there are no warriors lurking, so be careful. Remember, we lurked inside before we came to pick you up."

Xuanyuan Tianxin confessed to the periphery of Feidao, and the two simultaneously threw Xiao Lang and Dulong out, but their bodies reflected back and flew towards the two demon martial artists.


Xiao Lang naturally knew that their kind of warrior wouldn't be able to fight cha, so let's just stay and hide.

This star field is very small and barren. The smaller the star field, the less chaotic spiritual energy will be gathered, and the smaller the spiritual veins will be. Naturally, the wild beasts born inside will not be too strong.

"Master, there are a lot of wild beasts in it, but they are all low-level, shall I go and poison them all?"

The poisonous dragon's divine sense swept away and quickly found out, and Xiao Lang also used divine sense to investigate. This divine sense exploration is too simple. The soul can release mental power to a certain level. As soon as Xiao Lang learns it, he shook his head and said: "You can't kill, it's up to me."

The star field below is only one-tenth the size of Tianzhou. There are no cities and humans in it. They are all wild and wilderness. The beasts inside are very small, and look a bit like mice everywhere, and their strength is the same as that of the late Great God.


Xiao Lang and the two flew into the air, and the countless big yellow mice below flew away, with blood red eyes and yellow arrows from their big mouths, which seemed to be surprisingly powerful.

"Love in action."

Xiao Lang used energy to form a shield, easily resisting the attacks of these energy arrows, and with a cold shout, countless love words roared out of his body, turning into a flowing color and rushing into the body of the beast below. Qingdong is now very powerful, and the golden stone ants can be domesticated. These low-level barren beasts shouldn't be a problem.


One by one, the big mice, which were more than two meters in length, immediately stopped moving, and were soon domesticated piece by piece.


Xiao Lang swept away his spiritual consciousness and found that there were countless rat dens in a high mountain. He could domesticate a group of big rats and hide in the rat dens. It would be extremely safe. At least if the power of the strong is not carefully probed, their aura can definitely be concealed by the big mouse. This kind of barren little star field, surely the average strong will not be able to explore it?

The two flew all the way into the mouse den, while domesticating a big mouse, one love word could domesticate one, and Xiao Lang had no pressure at all.

Walking into the deepest part of the mouse den, Xiao Lang had already domesticated millions of big rats, and after all the big rats nearby had been domesticated. This controlled a lot of big rats to entangled around them, and also controlled some big rats to go outside to investigate the situation.

The two of them sat in the cave and looked at each other, secretly feeling that their strength was too low. It is absolutely impossible for this strength to live comfortably in God's Domain. If you don't reach the strength of the ancestor, you may be killed when you sleep at home. I don't know anymore.

The poisonous dragon sat down and practiced silently, but Xiao Lang wanted to practice but didn't have time. He had to investigate the surroundings. He was annoyed for a while, he was about to refine the Suan Beast Yuan Dan, so how can his strength be stronger? But I didn’t expect an accident...

Waiting in silence, half an hour later, Xiao Lang's heart was slightly urgent. The battle between the strong is not the tens of thousands of rounds, days and nights in ordinary people's imagination. If the strength of the battle between the strong is very different, one move will determine life and death, even if the strength is similar, half an hour is enough to determine victory or defeat.

One hour, two hours!

After waiting for three hours, Xiao Lang's heart sank completely, and Dulong also opened his eyes, his expression uneasy.

For such a long time, the battle should have ended long ago. Neither Xuanyuan Tianxin appeared nor a voice transmission. Both of them had an unknown premonition.

"Malle Gobi!"

Xiao Lang cursed secretly, and the two of them dared not move a step without the protection of the ancestors. If no one comes to pick up the two, I'm afraid I will die in this barren star field...

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