Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 86: Xiaodantian preliminary condensed

Five days later!

Xiao Lang was completely desperate. Xuanyuan Tianzun had said that without him, he would not see any members of the Purple Meivine Clan when he went to the Demon Region, so as long as Xuanyuan Tianxin and others did not die, they would definitely come back and take them to Zhangge Star Region. Now I haven't seen anyone for five days. There are only two explanations. First, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others died, and second, they were seriously injured and hid in that corner to heal.

Xuanyuan Tianxin said that the people of Demon Realm would never die when they met, so he believed the former more. And there are three roads before Xiao Lang, the first is to venture to the Zhangge Star Territory, the second is to return to the Gods Territory, the third is to hide in this cultivation, and then choose the first and the second after the strength is enough.

In the end Xiao Lang chose the third one. They had encountered so many interceptions as soon as they entered the chaotic sea of ​​stars. He believed that as soon as the two of them left this star field, they would die for a long time if they were unlucky. He has a flying cloud disk, but the speed is too slow and too slow. It takes at least ten days to fly to Zhang Ge's star field.

"Poisonous dragon, I will let those big rats obey your orders, and you will protect me, and I will refine the 狻猊匊報元丹."

Xiao Lang gritted his teeth and said, if you want to become stronger in a short period of time, the only way to refine the 狻猊匊匊元呑. The Poison Dragon's strength cannot become stronger in a short time, and the refining of the Yuan Dan will be interrupted if the luck is not good, and the Yuan Dan may be abolished, but he can only take a gamble.

"it is good!"

The poisonous dragon nodded stupidly, and Xiao Lang invited a more powerful rat king to pass on an idea to make them obey the poisonous dragon's instructions. Dispatch people to explore around, and immediately notify Dulong if a warrior approaches the star field.

The Rat King was very obedient, and he kept lighting the giant rat's head flatly, Xiao Lang was completely relieved. With this group of big rats and wild beasts, once an outsider appears in this star field, the poisonous dragon will know for the first time, and if it is not capable of the enemy, it will definitely notify him.

He immediately took out the Suan Beast Yuan Pill and began to refine it, and the energy slowly enveloped the Yuan Pill. At the same time, he entered the state of soul swimming, wholeheartedly refining the Yuan Pill.

The refining of the Yuan Dan was very slow, a strange energy slowly entered Xiao Lang's body, and the Yuan Dan slowly began to dissolve.

"This energy is so powerful."

Xiao Lang was astonished as soon as he sensed the energy that entered his body. This energy was a hundred times stronger than the energy of refining the Purple Sacred Stone. Although the energy was not much, it was extremely domineering and tyrannical.

One thousand and eight acupuncture points are automatically activated, sucking those energy into the acupuncture points respectively. Xiao Lang's soul was able to clearly sense that the energy of the golden bead slowly increased at a speed visible to the naked eye, which was evident by the power of this energy.

Slowly, the Yuan Dan continued to dissolve, changing from a big palm to a big egg, but the energy gold beads in the one thousand and eight acupuncture points in Xiao Lang's body changed from a big grain of rice to a big bean.

"Is this essence pill just increasing energy? Then this essence pill has no effect?"

Xiao Lang was secretly curious, although the energy pill had increased a lot, it could sell billions of purple sacred stones. The amount of energy he has increased is also the amount of a million purple sacred stones. If there is no other benefit, it is really a big loss.

After half an hour, Yuan Dan has become the size of a pigeon egg, and the energy gold beads in Xiao Lang's body have further increased. At this time, Yuan Dan began to change, and the inside became transparent, as if a bubble was trapped inside.

"Sure enough, there are good things!"

Xiao Lang was completely absorbed, forgetting everything, his divine consciousness completely locked the liquid in the bubble.


The energy outside the Yuan Dan completely melted, the bubble burst, a small amount of cyan liquid entered Xiao Lang's body, and a message automatically appeared in his mind.

"It's supernatural power!"

Xiao Lang was shocked, and immediately digested the information in his mind. After recording all the information, he had no time to realize and immediately observe his body.

"The body actually started to change?"

Xiao Lang was frightened as soon as he swept away. The cyan liquid did not enter the one thousand and eight acupuncture points, but penetrated into every muscle, blood and bones of his body, and then... began to transform his body.

The human body is extremely mysterious, otherwise a small body would not be able to cultivate so strong. If the soul is the origin of human beings, then the body is the root. Anything wrong with the soul and the body will have serious consequences.

Fortunately, his body hadn't changed too much, Xiao Lang felt relieved, and his heart quickly became hot. Because his body is constantly getting stronger, it feels like cultivating the combat skills of the heavenly devil, but the speed is dozens of times faster than the combat skills of the heavenly devil.

"The body of the Suan Beast is very powerful, and the adult Suan Beast can reach the late stage strength of the **** ancestor with its body, and with its magical powers, it can resist the peak warrior of the **** ancestor."

Thinking of the squat beast information given by Wan Yan Ruoshui, Xiao Lang also remembered that when he used the cracking **** hand to take the original pill, the powerful **** of the squat beast was not that strange for the continuous strengthening of the body at this moment.

He didn't dare to feel the magical powers in his mind, and he was observing the changes in his body, for fear that the slightest problem might turn him into a stubborn beast. If there is any sign of it, he will definitely use energy to force the cyan liquid out.

One day, three days, five days.

After half of the cyan liquid disappeared, Xiao Lang found that his body hadn't changed much, but all the muscles and bones had become much stronger, and he was completely relieved.

"By the way... Acupoint!"

Xiao Lang suddenly thought of a question. Since this cyan liquid can strengthen his body, why doesn't he let the cyan liquid nourish the acupuncture points? What if the acupoint becomes stronger? Isn't it possible to try to condense the acupoints into a small dantian?

Thinking of this, Xiao Lang's soul trembled.

He hastened to mobilize the energy in his body, enveloping the remaining cyan liquid, and disperse it into one thousand and eight acupuncture points, so that the ** outside the acupuncture points become stronger under the nourishment of the cyan liquid.

"it is good!"

Feeling the continued strengthening of the 1,008 points, Xiao Lang became extremely excited. If you want to condense the acupoints into a small dantian, you must first make the acupoints stronger.

The cyan liquid was strange. It didn't just make Xiao Lang stronger in one place, but the whole body became stronger evenly. At this moment, after the acupoint became stronger, he started to wander around. However, Xiao Lang cruelly let the energy-packed blue liquid stay near the acupuncture points, continuously making the acupuncture points nourished and stronger.

After another five days, the cyan liquid completely disappeared. Xiao Lang's soul returned to his place immediately, and after some induction, his heart was overjoyed.

His body is at least five times stronger, and it is estimated that by virtue of his physical ability, he has resisted the full blow of the martial artist in the mid-term of the gods. This is only half of the cyan liquid. If he allowed the cyan liquid to be poured into his body, he would be able to withstand a blow from the peak warrior of the gods.

Although half of the cyan liquid was wasted, Xiao Lang did not regret it, because his acupuncture tract became extremely powerful, and it was estimated that the energy in the acupuncture tract would not burst even if it was a hundred times stronger.

One thousand and eight small pubic fields, the initial condensed success.

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