Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 87: Slaying

Don't even look at the energy in Xiao ** Dao turning into golden beads, in fact, there are not many warriors who can cultivate to the gods in God's Realm, who has not practiced for a hundred years and thousands of years? Which one has not refined hundreds of thousands of purple sacred stones? Sovereign warriors don't talk about going to work in the big family, even if they hunt down some wild beasts to sell them, there are still many purple holy stones.

At this moment, Xiao Lang's gold beads in the acupuncture path were almost as large as one and a half soybeans. If he continued to practice and wait for the size of five soybeans, it would fill the entire acupuncture path. At that time, if you want to continue practicing, you must make the energy change again and reach the energy purple mansion of the ancestor level.

And if there is a qualitative change in energy, there must be a process, that is, energy compression, which can only be compressed when there is enough energy. And if there is more energy, the weak barrier of the acupuncture path will burst.

That's why Xiao Lang wasted half of the cyan liquid in the Yuan Dan to reinforce the acupuncture points. This time the effect was very good. Xiao Lang believed that even if his energy filled the acupuncture points, the acupuncture points would not explode when they began to compress. As long as enough purple holy stones, his energy gold beads can be transformed into energy purple palace.

In other words-this acupuncture point becomes stronger, and his energy can reach the level of the **** ancestor. If he is understanding the way of heaven and his magical powers are stronger, it is not that he has the ability to resist the **** ancestors.

of course!

This is a very distant matter, and Xiao Lang didn't think about it so much for the time being. It is estimated that all the purple sacred stones on his body are refined, and the energy gold beads can't be as big as two or three soybeans, right? Or honestly feel the magical powers in your mind first.

Opened his eyes, took a look at the poisonous dragon, checked the surrounding situation through the big mouse, and found that everything was safe, Xiao Lang began to retreat again.

He began to carefully sort out the information in his mind. After spending a long time, he determined that this was indeed a magical power, or a very powerful magical power.

Kill 狻猊!

The name was the memory of the stubborn beast. Xiao Lang casually realized it and found that it was the original supernatural power of the stubborn beast. It was the black light from its eyes when it killed the stone ant. This supernatural power is extremely powerful, not only energy attacks, but also soul attacks. The golden stone ant's such powerful defense instantly turned into powder under the black light, and there was no residue left, showing the power of this supernatural power.

Xiao Lang immediately entered the state of soul travel, and realized this magical power with his whole heart. The state of soul travel has a very good ability, that is, Xiao Lang can simulate, deduct and confirm in his mind. Moreover, the speed can be slowed down during deduction, which can speed up his perception a lot.

As time passed bit by bit, Xiao Lang had been in retreat for a whole month, and the star field was calm, Xuanyuan Tianxin and others still did not appear. Dulong was no longer worried, and since he couldn't count on them, he could only follow Xiao Lang to the dark.


Xiao Lang finally stopped his cultivation, opened his eyes, and the poisonous dragon was shocked. He quickly asked, "Master, how is it?"

"call out!"

A ray of light flashed in Xiao Lang's eyes, and two black lights shot out abruptly, hitting the Rat King on the Peak of the Great God nearby.


The scene that scared the poisonous dragon happened, the rat king didn't even scream, his whole body turned into powder, slowly drifting in the passage.

"This supernatural power..."

There was a trace of surprise on Dulong's face. The Rat King at the pinnacle of the Great God was nothing, but it would be a bit scary to kill so simply and neatly. At least he can't do it. He will poison the rat king and corrupt his body for at least a few seconds, right?

"The power is still not good!"

Xiao Lang shook his head and sighed. Just now when he released the "Kill Kill", his divine sense locked the rat king, and found that the rat king persisted for half a second. The power of this slaying is estimated to be able to barely damage the mid-level martial artist of the gods, right? Shenjun's peak in the later stage should not have too much influence, his soul and energy are still relatively weak.

He didn't explain what to do with the poisonous dragon: "Keep your eyes on the poisonous dragon. I want to refine the purple sacred stone. I am afraid that the energy will overflow and it will attract the attention of the enemy."

Xiao Lang recruited another rat king, conveyed a thought, and then began to refine the purple sacred stone. He still has 600,000 purple sacred stones from the Wanyan family, and he is ready to refine them all, to increase the thickness of the energy. Before, he didn't dare to refine them at will, mainly because the acupoints could not stand it.

The purple sacred stone disappeared like flowing water. Although Xiao Lang was very careful, there was still some energy overflowing. If the power of the power is swept in, the big rat and wild beast around him can't hide the aura of the two.

Dulong was more cautious. Although there were countless big rat spies outside, he still cautiously probed his mind and looked around.

Half a month later, Xiao Lang's purple sacred stone had been refined more than 400,000 pieces, and the energy gold beads in the one thousand and eight acupoints had become the size of two soybeans.


At this moment, the rat king suddenly screamed, and Dulong's eyes were shining brightly, and the voice transmitted to Xiao Lang, "Master, there is a situation."


Xiao Lang stopped his cultivation and condensed his breath, but did not open his eyes. Instead, he immediately checked the situation through the induction of the big mouse.

"call out!"

Suddenly, Xiao Lang shot up and shouted, "Poison Dragon, go! Master Tianxin then."

When Dulong heard it, his eyes became fierce. The two of them ran out from the rat's den, but Xiao Lang suddenly stopped when they were at the entrance of the cave, and said, "Wait, there is a situation!"

"call out!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin quickly flew down in midair, his face was extremely pale, his chest was bloody, and his body was crooked when flying. But a dark shadow from above the sky followed with reluctance, surrounded by black energy, turned out to be a strong man in the Demon Realm.


Xiao Lang and Dulong looked at each other, and their eyes were full of surprise. They have been in this barren star field for almost two months, right? Wouldn't Xuanyuan Tianxin be chased and killed by this demon realm powerhouse for nearly two months?

"What to do, Master?"

The poisonous dragon came over, looking at Xuanyuan Tianxin and the **** ancestor of the Demon Realm who were flying fast from time to time. Xiao Lang stared at the two people in the air for a while, his eyes flashed with killing intent, and the voice transmission said: "Waiting for my order, prepare to kill! This demon ancestor has also been seriously injured, we are not without a chance."

Dulong glanced away and nodded. Xuanyuan Tianxin's speed was already several times slower than that of his heyday, and the speed of the Demon Realm God Ancestor was about the same, not to mention that both of them were severely injured.

Sure enough, the demon martial artists are all insane, and they are almost dying, and they still chase them all the way. It is estimated that Xuanyuan Tianxin has had the desire to die in the past two months, right? He was able to escape here. Obviously, the mountains and rivers were exhausted. He hoped that the two of Xiao Lang would save his life...

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