Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 103: Walk sideways

"Okay, get dressed! Go out, remember today's matter and don't spread it out, otherwise your reputation will be ruined. You must marry me, you know?"

Xiao Lang let go of his hand and turned around, of course the spirit was still extremely vigilant, to avoid Xing Xinyue secretly attacking the killer. Xing Xinyue was very honest this time. She quickly took out the exact pink leather skirt from the space ring and put it on, her eyes kept turning towards Xiao Lang, the fear and resentment inside were still obvious.

After Xing Xinyue got dressed, Xiao Lang turned around, grabbed the torn leather skirt on the ground and shattered it with one hand. Then he smiled and said, "Open the ban, remember what happened just now. It didn't happen, your lord gave me a lot of life."

Xing Xinyue's body trembled again and her face turned red when Xiao Lang grasped her intimate clothing, feeling that her chest had been desecrated. But she still felt that Xiao Lang was doing the right thing, otherwise the two maids would definitely be suspicious when they saw it.

At this moment, she would never dare to be an enemy of Xiao Lang, even though her energy had resumed operation at this moment, she dared not retaliate. I just want to leave this demon far away and never see him for the rest of my life.

She stabilized her mind and was about to open the restriction, but Xiao Lang said: "Wait!"

Xing Xinyue was stunned, she backed away, and looked at Xiao Lang vigilantly and said, "What do you want?"

"not very good?"

Xiao Lang said with a smile, this made Xing Xinyue feel even more terrified. He pointed to his face and said, "Miss Xing, if you have such an expression, you are an idiot who will see the problem. You must laugh! You must be domineering. Just like when you were tortured, remember!"

Xing Xinyue just cried, and now she wants to cry again, can she still laugh now? Her energy hit the room restriction to release the restriction. Before the maid outside rushed in, she flew out with a frosty face and drank softly: "Xiao Lang, I will teach you a little lesson this time. I will dare to be mad next time. , This lady killed you!"

The two maids looked suspiciously, but Xing Xinyue had already flown away and could only keep up.

Xiao Lang took out some clean water from the space ring, washed his body again, and swallowed a healing pill, then put on his robe and walked out leisurely with a long sigh.

Don't look at him just now taking the upper hand, taking a big advantage. In fact, he was sweating in his heart. If this matter is not handled well, this crazy girl, as Xingtiangong Yiba, does not know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Bi can do anything in a hurry. This time I can secretly tie myself up, and maybe I can kill him secretly next time.

He tried his best and exhausted all means to finally settle the girl. From the words she went out, it can be judged that at least during Xingtian Palace, this girl should not dare to mess around?

When he walked out of the basement, Xiao Lang didn't know the way anymore, and found a guard at random to take him to the courtyard where Xuanyuan Tianxin lived.

The guard looked at Xiao Lang suspiciously, but did not dare to ask more, and led Xiao Lang into the yard specially prepared for Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others. As soon as I entered the yard, I saw Xuanyuan Tianxin and others all gathering together, and he was relieved to see Xiao Lang walk in.

"Xiao Lang, are you okay? That girl didn't embarrass you, right? We are still preparing to find Xing Fei for help!"

After Xuanyuan Tianxin waited for the guard to go down, he asked nervously. Dulong's face was gloomy, it is estimated that if it hadn't been for Xuanyuan Tian's heart, he would have started to make trouble.

Xiao Lang waved his hand and took a sip of the tea, "It's okay, I have suffered a little skin trauma, that girl has been tamed by me, and I won't make trouble anymore."

Everyone relaxed, Xuanyuan Tianzun went out in retreat and Xing Xingjun, and no one could hold down that girl. This is also the reason why they didn't immediately make a fuss after discovering that Xiao Lang had been taken away by that girl.

"call out!"

The poisonous dragon's divine consciousness swept across Xiao Lang, his face became more gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Master, that girl is so ruthless, I can't forget it!"

Xiao Lang's eyes widened and said, "What counts? What do you want with this strength? I can speak this tone by myself. You honestly go back and practice!"

Dulong was cursed by Xiao Lang suddenly not daring to sigh, and honestly returned to the room to practice. Xuanyuan Tianxin still said something worthless for Xiao Lang, "When my father leaves the customs, I will let my father help you out."

"It's not necessary, I also took a big advantage this time."

Xiao Lang smiled bitterly and shook his head, and exchanged a look with Xuanyuan Tianxin that a man only understood, and both of them laughed. This girl is so pampered by Xing Tian Xingjun, even if Xuanyuan Tianzun comes forward, it won't work. You can't let Xing Tian beat her up, right?

A storm passed, Xiao Lang couldn't make a step at the gate of the courtyard, Xing Xinyue was also honest, did not cause trouble, and did not appear in front of Xiao Lang.

Xiao Lang was okay with Xuanyuan Tianxin chattering, practicing the Purple Sacred Stone to make the energy purple mansion more stable, waiting for Xuanyuan Tianzun to leave.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Xuanyuan Tianzun did not leave the customs, but Xing Tianxingjun returned. Two hours after returning, Xing Fei came, and brought Xing Tian's order to invite Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianxin to sit down.

The two got up and followed Xing Fei seven turns and eight turns to a quiet courtyard, and saw Xing Tianxingjun in a study room.

"Come on, sit down!"

Xing Tian was drinking tea and glanced at the two of them and pointed to the chair next to him. After the two were seated, the maid looked at Xiao Lang with a smile: "Xiao Lang, my little witch is not sensible. I apologize to you for him. Didn't you torture you miserably?"

Xiao Lang's heart was extremely comfortable, and a bit of grudge disappeared. Xing Tianxingjun can apologize like him in such a status, will the entire chaotic Xinghai be shocked by this incident? He quickly stood up and said politely: "Xingjun is polite, a little thing, the lady is just a bit playful."

"Haha! Don't speak for her, I have already given a severe training just now!"

Xing Tian burst into laughter, then showed a hint of helplessness, and sighed: "This girl is spoiled by me. The main reason is that this girl looks too much like my dead wife. She has the same talent and looks too similar. Back then, I When she was not worth it, she was a lady of a big family but insisted on following me through the storm. Unfortunately, when I became famous, she had already died. This is the biggest regret of my life in Xing Tian."

The two of Xiao Lang were silent, and could clearly feel the sadness and guilt deep in their hearts during the punishment day. After a long time, Xiao Lang asked: "My lord, can't you ask the Supreme God to resurrect your wife?"

"No, because her body and soul are completely destroyed!"

Xing Tian's face was sad for a while, and he was silent for a moment and reluctantly smiled: "Don't talk about this, Xiao Lang, you really have some tricks, this girl is really scared of you! The young Junyan who pursued her, she doesn't look down on her. Let alone be scared. The old man sincerely hopes that you can marry our little witch, and nothing else, I promise you to go sideways in the chaotic Xinghai."

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