Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 104: Xingtian comes out to fight

Go sideways!

The temptation of this sentence is not small, but Xiao Lang's heart is not moved like a mountain. Xuanyuan Tianxin’s eyes lit up, and he was afraid that Xing Tianxingjun would immediately kneel and shout to the ancestor...

Xiao Lang stood up and bowed in gratitude and said, "Xingjun, don't embarrass me. I already have a wife in my family, and there is more than one."

Xing Tianxingjun said disapprovingly: "I don't mind this, as long as you give Xinyue a main house! Of course, your wife must not be brought into the chaotic sea of ​​stars, just save me some face."

"Xingjun, you misunderstood me..."

Xiao Lang saw that the topic was wrong. He kept talking about marriage and was afraid of getting married. He quickly waved his hand and said, "Xingjun, I am more cautious about feelings. This thing cannot be forced to depend on the fate of both parties. The twisted melon is not sweet."

"Come on, you kid!"

Xing Tianxingjun squinted and sighed secretly, ordinary people, even the descendants of the Supreme God, would immediately be overjoyed when they heard this, right? It's good for this kid, desperately refused...

However, it was precisely this temper that was very suitable for Xing Tian's appetite. He took a sip of tea before he looked at Xiao Lang seriously and said, "Xiao Lang, your body is a little weird. Why is your Dantian ruined? Why is the acupuncture point in your body condensed into a purple mansion? And why is your acupuncture point different from others?"

Xiao Lang's spirit was shocked. Xuanyuan Tianzun once said that he would bring him to see Xing Tian and ask him to help him see and give some suggestions. At this moment, Xing Tian took the initiative to mention it, and he immediately began to talk about it.

Xiao Lang shattered his dantian back then, and later specialized in the celestial demon combat skills of the celestial devil clan, and then discovered that he could not condense the divine body, practice the Prajna palm, refine the suffocating beast yuan pill, and finally the acupoints changed everything and Xing Tianxingjun said Again. However, the picture that Daoshu had felt was still not said, and he had concealed it from Xuanyuan Tianzun at the time, and he naturally concealed it at this moment.

Xing Tianxingjun muttered, lowered his eyebrows, and drank a cup of tea without speaking. Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't dare to speak, they just waited nervously.

After a long time, Xing Tian raised his eyes and said, "Old boy, the idea of ​​letting you condense the small dantian is right. Your dantian has been destroyed for so many years, even if it is cured with the treasures of heaven, material and earth, it will not help much. Now, your acupuncture points are still condensed. Of course, if you want to condense into a real little dantian, yours still has a long way to go. Remember three points!"

Xiao Lang hurriedly got up and saluted: "Xingjun, please say, Xiao Lang listens thoroughly."

Xing Tian said solemnly: "First, find a way to find the stubborn beast or similar barren beasts, and continue to make the acupuncture points stronger. Second, comprehend the mysteries of the human body, and third comprehend the way of heaven."

The first and second points are easy to understand. As for the third point, Xiao Lang doesn't understand. What is the relationship between the condensed little dantian and the way of heaven? He looked towards Xing Tian hesitantly, Xing Tian smiled slightly: "What is the way of heaven? That is the order of this world, the mystery of heaven and earth, the Supreme God can use the power of reincarnation of heaven and earth to resurrect the dead. How powerful is it? The Way of Heaven is the Way of Humanity. I dare to conclude that your understanding of the Way of Heaven is very deep, and it is absolutely useful for you to condense the Little Dantian. And your Heavenly Way has not progressed, and you cannot condense the Little Dantian in your life.

Xiao Lang seemed to understand but not understand, but he still remembered every sentence and nodded and said, "I will follow the instructions of Lord Xing, but I will achieve something in the future. I will thank you."


At this moment, there was a loud laughter outside. Xuanyuan Tianxin stood up as soon as he heard it, arched his hand toward Xing Tian and shot out. Xiao Lang also showed joy immediately, Xing Tian's eyes flashed, and he stood up and smiled: "This old boy really broke through?"

"Xing Tian, ​​come out to fight with me! He beat me back then, today the deity must get it back!"

There was another burst of shout outside, Xing Tian smiled faintly, and said to Xiao Lang: "Go, let's see what breakthrough this old boy has made?"

Xiao Lang wanted to go out a long time ago, and immediately got up and walked outside. The two shot up in the air, seeing Xuanyuan Tianzun standing proudly in the air, his eyes shining with electric light, and his aura became even stronger. Like Xing Tianxingjun, he doesn't need to vent his breath, he naturally makes people feel oppressed and powerful like mountains and seas.

"Uncle Xuanyuan, congratulations!" Xiao Lang was overjoyed, really happy for him.

Xuanyuan Tianzun's face bloomed with joy, and said with a long smile: "Haha, Xiao Lang would like to thank you this time."


Xing Tian hummed coldly: "If you break through a little bit, you won't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick? If it weren't for the old man to mention it, your kid would have been stuck for tens of thousands of years. With this strength, you still want to fight me? I advise you or Don't fight, or you will be swollen in front of a group of younger generations who were beaten, and it would be shameful."

"Stop talking nonsense, Xingtian, let's go to chaotic space to fight, so as not to tear down your Xingtian Palace!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun shot up, disappearing into the sky in the blink of an eye. Xing Tian smiled faintly, waved his hand to make Xing Fei look at him, his body disappeared suddenly in the air...

"Hmm! Big Brother Tianxin, what's your uncle's strength? Why don't you watch the battle?" Xiao Lang flew towards Xuanyuan Tianxin, asking doubtfully.

Xuanyuan Tianxin and others looked fiery, but they hesitated and said: "I don't know how strong it is, but I feel that my father's strength has really doubled. Watching the battle? We can see their level of battle. Clear? And easy to accidentally hurt..."

Xiao Lang thinks about it, Xuanyuan Tianzun used to be the land of destruction. More than 1,000 Tianzun ranked in the top ten. At this moment, the combat power is estimated to be at least the top three, right? Even if it loses to Liuhuo Tianzun, it's not far off!

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sound of thunder in the sky, deafening, and the space above the sky revealed huge cracks, like the sky was torn apart with scars, and the horror atmosphere enveloped the entire Xingtian star field, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

"call out!"

Countless powerful people flew up in Xingtian City, all flying towards the outer space, and they all felt the breath of Xingtian. Knowing that Xing Tian is fighting against people, there is no reason to not care.

"All retreat, it is the Xingjun and the war demon that are discussing, no one will be allowed to watch the battle after passing the order, otherwise they will die for nothing!"

Xing Fei's explosion sounded, and the group of people immediately shot back into the city. All the people’s eyes are burning. It’s a pity that you can’t and dare to watch such a battle of super powers. They will be wiped out after an aftermath attack...

Xiao Lang and the others also looked fiery, and they tried their best to probe, but the two estimated that they were afraid that the distance that Xing Tian flew was so far that they could not probe. It was just the sound of thunder that kept coming, and seeing the dazzling white light illuminating the starry sky, the space was torn apart and compounded, and the shock wave turned into ripples and spread across the surrounding sky for millions of miles.

"The strongest people under the Supreme God are really cruel! I'm afraid that ordinary stars can directly explode, right?"

Seeing such a terrifying sight, Xiao Lang sighed. At such a long distance, a group of them stood on the ground under pressure. It was difficult to breathe. It can be seen that the strength of the two has reached what point?


[Author's digression]: Three chapters today and five chapters tomorrow!

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