Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 105: Demon domain

The battle didn't last long, and the two returned one after another. Xing Tian Xing Jun still teleported back. The space in God's Domain was very stable unless it moved a lot, but ordinary people could not teleport short distances. This was also Xing Tian Xing Jun's unique magical power.

Xuanyuan Tianzun flew back, his hair bun robe was a bit messy, but the smile on his face was very strong, Xing Tian glanced at Xuanyuan Tianzun and began to beat him again: "Old boy, don't hit him. ?"

Xuanyuan Tianzun laughed and said, "There is a kind of thing, don't you hold on? It's a little uncomfortable to hold that blood?"

Everyone shook. They looked towards Xing Tian to verify, and saw him sigh: "Old boy, this time is really good. Your strength is just behind me. It is estimated that the land of destruction is only under the flow of fire. Up."

The eyes of Xuanyuan Tianxin and others scorched. As Xuanyuan Tianzun's strength increased by leaps and bounds, the status of Xuanyuan family would also rise. Originally ranked in the top ten in the land of destruction, it is estimated that after going back this time, it will be ranked third. The first is the Shura family, and the second is the Flowing Fire family.

Xuanyuan Tianzun is an anxious son, and he doesn’t talk nonsense, and said, "Well, Xingtian, I have something to go to the Demon Realm, so I won’t bother you. Let me use your token to avoid being smashed by the Demon Realm. We stand in the way."

"call out!"

Xingtian Space Ring flashed, a token shot out, and said: "Old boy, don't use my token to slap a tiger, or I will go to Destruction Land to beat you next time."

Xing Tian said, giving tokens so simply is naturally an absolute trust in Xuanyuan Tianzun, and of course it is also a face for the cultivation of the Supreme God. No, I didn't even ask Xuanyuan Tianzun what he was doing in the demon domain.

"Okay, let's go, I will come to you for a drink when I return."

Xuanyuan Tianzun's strength soared, and he couldn't wait to go to the Demon Realm even more, and took out a Feiyun Disk to greet everyone on the Feiyun Disk. Xuanyuan Tianxin, Xiao Lang and others all bowed their hands to Xing Tian to pray goodbye. Xing Tian smiled faintly, his eyes fell on Xiao Lang, and he said in a deep voice: "Xiao Lang, wait for the old boy to give you the token after this time. Well, don’t care if you come to Chaos Xinghai in the future, you must come here to sit down, you know?

Xiao Lang solemnly nodded his head in gratitude and said, "Thank you, Mr. Xing, Xiao Lang keeps it in mind."

Feiyun Pan whizzed away, leaving Xuanyuan Tianzun with a long laugh: "Xing Tian, ​​there will be a period of time, you have to work hard, maybe I will climb to the top ahead of you! I will beat you every day to play."


Xing Tian laughed, his eyes suddenly become fierce as he watched the flying cloud disk leave, and he screamed to the sky, "Xing Tian is the next birth of the supreme god. Old boy, you can only be beaten by me for the rest of your life."

A group of **** ancestors in the Feiyun disk were driven into the room by Xuanyuan Tianzun to practice. Xiao Lang was left again. Xuanyuan Tianzun looked at him with a smile on his face and said, "Xing Tian gave you advice, right?"

Xiao Lang nodded and said, "He wants me to keep three points in mind. First, continue to search for treasures such as the suffocating beast Yuandan, condense the acupuncture points, secondly understand the mysteries of the human body, and thirdly cultivate heaven."

Xuanyuan Tianzun groaned, and then said after a while, "I will help you when I return to the Land of Destruction. For the second and third points, you can only rely on yourself. Xing Tian is right, especially the third point. I haven’t noticed before. After this understanding, I completely understood the way of heaven. The way of heaven is very important. Let’s put it this way, the way of heaven we practice now is to make heaven and earth identify with us, and then we are borrowing the power of heaven and earth. After the ultimate heaven and earth become the supreme god, heaven and earth will fully identify with you, and you can control the power of heaven and earth. Borrowing and controlling are completely different concepts of opening. Heaven and earth reincarnation, everything in heaven and earth is in heaven and earth, so you have to change To be strong is the most important thing to realize the way of heaven."

Xiao Lang still didn't understand, he thought a goodbye, and returned to the room, preparing to continue to comprehend the context map in the avenue tree. He believes that after understanding this picture, he will have a deeper understanding of the mystery of the human body, and the second point is considered a success. Xuanyuan Tianzun promised him the first point, and then he realized the way of heaven, and then his strength could make a leap forward.

While refining the purple sacred stone to stabilize the realm, letting the purple mansion become condensed, Xiao Lang entered the state of soul travel and began to comprehend the vein map of the avenue tree.

The Purple Mansion in the one thousand and eight acupoints is very small, only as big as a grain of rice. During this time, Xiao Lang has refined hundreds of thousands of Purple Sacred Stones, but the Purple Mansion does not seem to be a little bigger, but the color is brighter. Minute. It is conceivable that after the energy reaches the Purple Mansion, the Chaos Aura or Purple Sacred Stone needed to advance will double. Xiao Lang estimated that in order for energy to break through the middle stage of the Taoist ancestor from the early stage of the ancestor, the purple sacred stone needed at least 50 million.

Not in a hurry to cultivate, Xiao Lang comprehended the map of the avenue tree with all his heart, forgetting everything.

The Xingtian Star Territory is in the center of the chaotic sea of ​​stars, and the distance from the three ultimate realms is almost the same. Xuanyuan Tianzun’s Flying Cloud Disk is the top level. If the journey is calm, it will reach the Demon Territory in two months.

The journey was naturally peaceful, and the Xingtian Star Territory's affairs quickly spread to all the chaotic stars. The battle demon came and fought a battle against Xing Tianxing, and the news of such a hit would naturally spread quickly. The fact that the war demon was going to the demon domain was also spread by the Xingtian star domain people intentionally or unintentionally. Even if there was a pirate legion or someone who didn't open his eyes along the way, he immediately ran fast when he sensed the breath of Xuanyuan Tianzun.

Xuanyuan Tianzun was also in a stable state, had not made any moves, and only released his breath to shock after encountering the enemy. The painful lesson last time made Xuanyuan Tianzun understand a truth. This time he was not here with the Supreme God of Asura, but with a group of juniors. Patronizing the melee, if Xiao Lang or Xuanyuan Tian died, then Mahler Gobi!

He actually regretted it a little bit. He had already moved along with Xiao Lang and the others. He could move around with a group of people, but that would be too tiring. This time I originally intended to let Xuanyuan Tianxin and the others experience it, but they did not expect to encounter a super pirate group and lose ten ancestor peaks...

The journey was safe. Two months later, Feiyunpan safely arrived near the demon realm. Looking at a huge continent suspended in mid-air from a distance, Xuanyuan Tian prayed secretly, hoping that this time would be safe and smooth.

"Come out! Ready to enter the demon realm."

Xuanyuan Tianzun spoke, all the **** ancestors had come out, Xiao Lang and Dulong also stopped cultivating. There was a faint disappointment in Xiao Lang's eyes. Obviously, there was not much gain in these two months.

Everyone looked at the huge floating continent in the distance, and their hearts tightened. Although Xuanyuan Tianzun had obtained the tokens of Zhang Ge Xingjun and Xingtian, it was still a question of whether the powerhouse of the demon domain would buy it.

Just like the powerhouse of the demon realm enters the realm of the gods, unless they are descendants of the supreme god, how can the warriors of the general realm of gods give face?

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