Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 106: face

Xiao Lang's mind would be attracted by that vast continent. At this moment, it was still far away, and he could only see a continent floating in the air, ancient and desolate.

Feiyun's disk broke through the air, and the continent got closer and bigger, and everyone's hearts became more and more tense. Whether the Great God Tianyu can be resurrected and whether they can enter the demon realm is a very crucial step. If you are blocked by the powerhouse of the Demon Realm, and you can't go to the imperial city of the Purple Meivine Clan, then this trip will be lost.

"call out!"

After a while, Feiyun's disk started to slow down and slowly landed on a huge square.

The consciousness of the crowd also swept over for the first time, and all were secretly surprised. All the people on the square are white armored warriors, they look like people, but their faces are pointed and their eyes are green, which is very strange. The strength is impressively at the level of the ancestor, and there are five great leaders who are all Tianzun.

"Warrior of God's Domain?"

Several Tianzun Grand Commanders were sitting on a boulder with their eyes closed and practicing. At this moment, they opened their eyes and swept their gazes towards Feiyun Pan. A commander stood up, his body appeared in the square in a flash, his green eyes faintly gleamed, and he said in a deep voice, "Warriors of the gods, the monsters do not welcome humans, please leave immediately, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Obviously, this commander discovered that Xuanyuan Tianzun was very powerful, and his words were quite polite, otherwise ordinary warriors would not be qualified to approach the demon realm and would be knocked out directly.


The flying cloud disk suddenly disappeared. Xuanyuan Tianzun led a group of people to stand on the square. He swept his gaze and said in a deep voice: "Under the supreme **** of Xiuluo, fighting the demon Xuanyuan Xueji, this time I came to see the Purple Charm Emperor. !"

"War Demon?"

The other chiefs all stood up, with solemn expressions on their faces. The name was obviously still enough. An older leader who appeared to be older flashed over and looked at Xuanyuan Tianzun and said, "War demon, you go! The Purple Charm Emperor will not see you. The Demon Domain does not allow foreigners to enter unless it is. The Supreme God, otherwise you will never enter."

Xuanyuan Tianzun frowned, and the hearts of Xuanyuan Tianxin and others sank, and the things that worried him the most had happened. If they couldn't even enter the Demon Territory, ten of them died in vain.

Xiao Lang and Dulong looked at each other in a secret way. It was not good. Originally, Xiao Lang wanted to come here to find Xiao Bai. The Demon Realm is so strict with rules, even if he enters, he will not allow him to run around, right?

The three tokens in Xuanyuan Tianzun’s hand flashed, and he threw them to the leader: "This is the token of Lord Shura, and the tokens of Xing Tian Xing Jun and Zhang Ge Xing Jun. Can you save face? We only go to Zi Mei A trip to Tenghuang City, if the Purple Charm Emperor does not see us, leave immediately and never make trouble!"

When the demon leader saw it, his green eyes lit up. Zhang Ge Xingjun was once the leader of the demon domain. Although he is the master of the demon world at this moment, he has always had a very good relationship with the demon domain. The relationship is not bad. Needless to say, Xing Tian, ​​the first person in the Chaos Xinghai, after offending him, the people in the Demon Region can go to Chaos Xinghai? As for the face of the Supreme God of Shura, who would dare not give it?

The five commanders looked at each other and communicated with each other. Finally, the leader said, "Master Shura, Master Xingtian, Master Zhang Ge have to give us the face. You can go in, but you can only go to the Purple Magic Vine Imperial City. And we will let people follow along the way, hoping that Lord War Demon will not make trouble. This will make us very embarrassed."

"Okay!" Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded. He didn't come to the Demon Territory to kill, so naturally he wouldn't make trouble.

"Well, you all follow me on the flying cloud disk."

This great commander strength was in the late stage of Tianzun, and he was not afraid of Xuanyuan Tianzun beheading him. One person took the flying cloud disk to open the way ahead, Xuanyuan Tianzun took out the flying cloud disk, and everyone went in and flew towards the demon realm.

Everyone's hearts are heated up, and now the second level is over after the first level. When Xuanyuan Tianzun came here, he said that he had his own way to enter the demon realm, and Xiao Lang only knew at this moment that he had actually taken the token of the Supreme God of Asura. With this token, you can naturally enter the demon realm. Who dares not give the Supreme God face?

The second level is to see Mei'er. Of course, even if you see her, you are not sure that you can immediately get the kind of treasure that helps Tianyu resurrect. It is estimated that this thing will belong to the Purple Charm Emperor. Whether it can be given depends on whether Xiao Lang's face is big enough.

Xiao Lang actually had extravagant hopes in his heart, asking Meier to ask Zimeihuang to help revive Ouyang Lengyan, and to find Xiaobai. At this moment, he had entered the Demon Realm, but Xiao Lang's heart was getting more and more bottomless.

"Well, the scenery of this demon realm is so beautiful, this city is actually made of wood?"

Xuanyuan Tianming's startled and suspicious sound attracted Xiao Lang's thoughts. He swept away his consciousness, and he saw a huge city in the distance, which was actually made of wood. The style is also completely different from God's Domain. They are all pointed, like a pencil with sharpened arrows. The city is also full of exotic flowers and trees, the scenery is beautiful and intoxicating.


The two flying cloud disks passed by the city, and the strong human aura of Xiao Lang and others also stunned countless strong monsters, and then drew countless warriors into the sky. There have never been humans or monsters in the Demon Territory, and the demon tribes can't help but feel a little hostile and curious.

Xiao Lang and others also looked at these monster warriors curiously. They all discovered a phenomenon. The powerful monsters are basically human in appearance, and of course there are special races that are half-demon and half-human. For example, there are several women of the fox family. Although they look exactly like humans, they still have a white tail hanging behind their bodies. There are also many monster races that have wings on their bodies, and some have sharp horns on their heads. There is even more weird, the upper body is a human, but the lower body is a beast, such as a snake girl in the **** ancestor realm.

"Big Thousand Worlds, sure enough!"

Xiao Lang sighed with emotion, this world is extremely vast, giving birth to all kinds of lives, and also making this world extremely prosperous and colorful.

The demon race was drunk by the great leader one by one, Xiao Lang and others nodded secretly, if it weren't for the great leader to clear the way, I am afraid that everyone entering the demon domain will suffer endless fights, right? Three-domain warriors are inherently hostile, and if a foreigner enters the domain of their own clan, it will naturally trigger a battle.

Flying all the way, as long as you encounter a monster warrior along the way, it will immediately cause onlookers and hostility. Xuanyuan Tianzun asked everyone to restrain their aura, even if there was a provocation by the Demon Region, they could not release their murderous aura. His own aura has also restrained, but his natural aura is still extremely powerful, and the demon clan who is close to it can be detected by casual exploration.

Flying for a long time is extremely safe, everyone is slightly relieved, although the speed is not as fast as the chaotic sea of ​​stars, but the purple charm imperial city is in the east of the demon domain, it will only be more than ten days at most?

"call out!"

On the third day, when everyone flew over a huge mountain peak, a figure burst out from the top of the mountain, and a green energy in his hand slammed down the flying cloud disk of Xiao Lang and others, and the monster warrior did not say a word. , The war started directly.

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