Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 107: Purple Magic Vine Imperial City

Suddenly the battle broke out. He was in the Demon Realm, and there was a great leader of the Demon Realm in front of him. For a while, everyone did not react, and Xuanyuan Tianzun did not move either, only the energy shield was released to protect everyone.


The flying cloud disk is only a flying tool, and the defense is very poor. Once it is attacked, the flying cloud disk will burst.

A group of people hovered in the air, all their gazes shot towards the attacking Demon Race, Xiao Lang and the others immediately retreated. This is a demon clan god, although it is only in the early stage, it is not something they can rival.


The flying cloud disk in front stopped abruptly, and the demon leader flew out to burst into a drink. However, the body of the demon clan Tianzun didn't even stop and flew towards Xuanyuan Tianzun. A blood-red wooden stick in his hand suddenly slammed into his head with shocking power, and his old face was full of hideous colors. The gloomy words resounded in the air: "Humans, die! All humans must die!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun's eyes flashed coldly, the violent aura pouring out from his body, a black axe appeared in his hand, and thunder gleamed on it, and he slammed down the wooden stick suddenly.


The Shura Axe was a weapon used by the Supreme God back then. It contains a trace of the will of the ultimate heaven. How powerful is it? The stick was split to shreds in an instant, leaving no powder behind.

The axe continued to carry the power of wind and thunder, and suddenly slashed towards the head of Yaozu Tianzun, and the surrounding space shook layer by layer. The aura of destruction made the faces of Xiao Lang and others in the distance pale as snow.

"Master War Demon is merciful!"

The great commander in the distance was secretly shocked, there are no avatars under the reputation! Xuanyuan Tianzun's strength is too fierce, and Tianzun can't handle a single move in the early stage.

"call out!"

The axe stopped in the air, but the Yaozu Tianzun was stunned by the air wave and flew out, his complexion turned blue, the blood slowly flowing out of his mouth, but the green eyes were still resentful.


Although Xuanyuan Tianzun didn't kill anyone, his expression was very bad, and he burst out with a murderous aura again. If he hadn't come to the Demon Realm this time to beg someone, he would have killed someone.

"Yinglong! Still not retreating?"

The big commander also burst into a drink, and a token in his hand raised, the monster clan glanced a few times, then glanced at everyone resentfully, and shot back into the mountain.

The commander flew over and handed over to Xuanyuan Tianzun apologized: "Sorry, Lord War Demon! Yinglong led his three sons through the chaotic Xinghai, and eventually the three sons were killed by the warriors of the gods, so he has always been resentful!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded indifferently, and took out a flying cloud disk to greet Xiao Lang and the others. Then he turned his head and said to the commander: "I promise you not to cause trouble, but I will not show mercy next time."

Seeing Xuanyuan Tianzun walked into the Feiyun Pan, the commander smiled bitterly but said nothing. If Xuanyuan Tianzun had dared to be so domineering before, they might not let him in. But seeing the strength of Xuanyuan Tianzun at this moment, he naturally didn't dare to say much.

The strong, no matter where they are, are worthy of respect.

Setting off again, the commander was more cautious this time. Passing through the city, he took a detour. He didn't dare to approach the place where the strong lived in seclusion.


When passing by a rugged mountain, a group of golden dragons with twelve wings on their backs stunned. Hundreds of dragons over 10,000 meters hovered up. The majestic aura frightened Xiao Lang and others. jump. However, if you carefully explore the breath, they are all gods, and the strongest is also the **** ancestors who can't help but look down.

"Go down, this is a guest of the Yaozu, don't be rude!"

The commander spoke in time and showed a token before the dragons flew down. Xiao Lang hesitated and said, "Uncle Xuanyuan, why do these golden dragons still retain beast bodies? Can the monster race be transformed into a semi-god state?"


Xuanyuan Tianzun swept away and everyone saw that they were very puzzled, and explained: "The monster race has two extremes. Either it transforms very early, or it transforms very late. Those who reach semi-god transformation are very strong races. And this Golden Dragon clan is also very powerful, if it doesn’t transform, after transforming, it’s all the gods!"

"Cattle fork!"

Xiao Lang and others all sighed, and Xuanyuan Tianzun said again: "The half-demon and half-human demon races you see are actually relatively low-level races. The more human beings are transformed, the stronger this race is. Because human physique is more perfect than any creature, it is the most suitable race for cultivation, so the strongest human race in the chaotic world is the most.

The pride in everyone's hearts spontaneously, but Xiao Lang thought of the human body line map secretly insight, it is no wonder that the monster race wants to transform people, and the human body has a large natural formation, and it is indeed the most suitable race for cultivation and combat.

After more than ten days, everyone arrived at the destination without any risk!

Purple Magic Vine Imperial City!

When they saw the giant city from a distance, everyone was shocked, because it was not strictly like a city, but like a garden in the sky.

A super giant tree with a diameter of more than half a mile and a height of hundreds of thousands of meters rose to the sky, supporting a giant city in the air. This city was quite the size of Xuanyuan City, and even if it was supported by the giant tree, it could not be suspended in the air without a large formation.

And there is a purple palace above the city, it is completely suspended in the air, the palace exudes a purple light, even if you leave thousands of miles, you can see the grandeur and grandeur of that palace.

"The purple vine royal family is really domineering!"

Xuanyuan Tianzun nodded, sincerely admiring him. This is the style and heritage of the super family. This is why there are so many powerful people who want to cultivate to become the Supreme God. Once you become the Supreme God, then future generations will be honored forever.

"call out!"

The two flying cloud disks whizzed away and flew tens of thousands of meters away from the sky garden. The leader appeared and stopped, and Xuanyuan Tianxin controlled the flying cloud disk to stop.

"call out!"

A group of strong men in the city flew up and flew toward this side quickly. There was actually a Tianzun leading the team in the front, and the Zimei Clan was really strong.

"Who? The Purple Magic Vine Imperial City prohibits outsiders from entering, and quickly retreat!"

A group of strong men stared at Xuanyuan Tianzun and the others, if it hadn't been for the leader to lead the team, it would have gone straight to war.

"Master Zi Qianchou!"

The commander bowed and bowed to that respect, then pointed to Xuanyuan Tianzun and the others and said, "This is Lord War Demon. He said there is something to meet with the Purple Charm Emperor!"

This Tianzun was only in the early stage, but the general commander told him to see the compliance of his status. He looks like a middle-aged man, his appearance is no different from a human, but his eyes are purple.

His icy gaze swept the crowd, and Leng Youyou said, "What kind of war demon bird demon are you? Go back to your divine realm. Unless your Supreme God is here, even if Xing Tian is here, you are not eligible to see the Purple Charm Emperor. !"

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