Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 120: Mr. Xiao See You

Xiao Lang met the knife and the poisonous dragon as soon as he left the house. He didn't say a word and led everyone into the Mei's hall. The room was full of people, and Mrs. Mei's brows were frowned and her face was frosty. Xiao Lang swept away but didn't find Mrs. Mei's father. Why didn't his father show up for such a big event?

Seeing Xiao Lang coming in, Madam Mei smiled guiltily: "Xiao Lang, this time the demon gods are hurting them. Our family has always had grievances with the demon clan. Recently, the demon clan has married Miss Xiuyuer, and the demon clan has a reputation. There is a big earthquake, this is preparing to use Mei's family to make a living!

Xiao Lang's expression was gloomy, and he asked straightforwardly, "How is your family going to respond? Isn't your father here?"


Mrs. May nodded and said: "Father has gone to the family base camp. He has been sent back. This time, he has to... stand firm and never compromise. Aren't I embarrassed..."

Xiao Lang's expression became darker, and the Mei family's response could not be unexpected. A super big family, with businesses all over the entire God's Domain, and a few branches, the family Tianzun probably has at least three or four, right? How can you succumb? The devil and the others didn't fart in the eyes of Mrs. Mei's father. The ransom was a small matter and a big deal.

This time I lost the Purple Sacred Stone, and next time any family would dare to intercept the Mei's caravan. It is estimated that after the death of the demon gods, the Mei family will definitely start a counterattack against the demon family, and finally the Supreme God of Asura will come forward to mediate...

After thinking about things, Xiao Lang glanced at Madam Mei and asked in a deep voice: "I don't care how absolute your father is, I just want to know what you mean! Madam Mei."

Xiao Lang's words were very arrogant, Xiao Demon God and the others joined the Mei family, they were members of the Mei family. This is the internal affairs of the Mei family, and it is not yet Xiao Lang's turn to tell me about it, right?

The old faces of several Mei’s parents sank, but Mrs. Mei’s eyes flickered and hesitated.

Xiao Moshen and Wuhen couldn't die, but his father's decision couldn't be violated. This was also what the ancestors of the clan meant. Ten thousand steps back, the ransom can't be paid for the sake of Mei's face. But she... really didn't want to give up Xiao Lang as a friend. She vaguely felt that a good relationship with Xiao Lang would be of great help to the Mei family in the future.

In the end she stood up abruptly and said in a deep voice, "I will go to the Demon Clan for a personal trip, let them release the Demon God and Wuhen, and let the family handle the rest."

"Madam, no! It's too dangerous. If you are detained, how can we explain to the Patriarch?" An elder immediately got up and resolutely disagreed.

Another **** ancestor pinnacle elder also stood up and objected: "Yes, Mo Teng is now arrogant, thinking that marrying the great-granddaughter of the supreme **** of Shura is not a life? This family must teach him a blood lesson! There is a supremacy behind their family. God, don’t we have the Mei family? The Supreme God of Green Thorn has proclaimed the Dao for tens of thousands of years than the Supreme God of Shura."

Mrs. May shook her head and said decisively: "That's a family matter. I personally went there this time as a private person. I'm just going to save two friends and won't hurt the family."

Xiao Lang nodded secretly, and Madam May's behavior had successfully proved that this friend could be made. She went in this way, no matter what the ending, no matter what personal identity she emphasized, it would always have some bad influence on the Mei family.

Give it a peach, and repay it!

Xiao Lang has always been like this. He clasped his hand and said: "Madam, don't go. I will save the Devil God and Wuhen, but I hope that the Mei family will not make any noise for the time being. After I save the person, you will do the rest. I don't care what the family will do!"

A group of elders all sneered, Xiao Lang said so loudly, he went to save? Who does he think he is? This matter doesn't work even if Tianzun goes. The Heavenly Demon Race has a relationship with the Supreme God. This time it is obvious that something has come, can he save it?

Madam Mei also looked at Xiao Lang worriedly, and said, "Xiao Lang, you must not do anything brutal about this. Although the Supreme God of Asura may not take care of it, how can it be said that he is the son-in-law of his great-great granddaughter, if he is a member of the family. Speaking, no one dares to come forward in the land of destruction."

Xiao Lang nodded, and said to Dulong Xiaodao: "Let's go, let's go over and talk first."

He did not call Mo Qingqing, considering that Mo Qingqing belonged to the Celestial Demon clan. But Mo Qingqing followed, Xiao Lang frowned and saw her eyes firm, so he didn't say anything.

Xuanyuan Tiangang's expressions were a little sad. It wasn't that they were afraid of death. The main reason was that this matter involved the Supreme God of Asura. One of them couldn't handle it well, so it would be troublesome.

Xiao Lang walked out of the Mei's house and immediately turned his head and said to the two of them: "Big Brother Tiangang, you send the message to Uncle Xuanyuan, if you can't, you... don't follow, after all, your status will affect the Xuanyuan family."

Xuanyuan Tiangang gave Xiao Lang a blank look and said, "What are you talking about? The patriarch asked us to follow you, even if we die, we must die together. I am wondering whether to transfer people, you wait, and I will send the message to the patriarch. This time we are only going to save two people, not the entire caravan, nor the grievances between the two families of the cha hands, I guess there should be nothing wrong?"

Xiao Lang nodded, everyone quickly walked toward the city, Xuanyuan Tiangang began to send a message to Xuanyuan Tianzun. Before everyone could walk to the teleportation formation, Xuanyuan Tiangang’s message jade talisman lighted up. He swept his eyes bright and grinned and said: "Okay, this time the patriarch said, even if you don’t let go, you will make a big noise. , He will stand up if something happens!"

Xiao Lang's heart warmed. This Xuanyuan Tianzun was really kind to him, and he entered the teleportation formation without talking nonsense, and everyone teleported all the way.

The Heavenly Demon Ling was in the south of the Land of Destruction. The distance from south to north was very long, but it would take more than a day to teleport. Xuanyuan Tiangang continued to send messages during this period, and it is estimated that it should be mobilizing the strong, just in case.


When the crowd teleported to the Midnight Mansion in a straight line, Xuanyuan Tianxin happened to bring people there. There were not many people, but the last time they went to the peak of the gods in the Demon Region together. This time I didn't go to war with the Heavenly Demon Clan. It was enough to bring some people. With Xuanyuan Tian's heart in his hands, he would also consider Xuanyuan Tianzun's combat power when the opponent wanted to do it.

Xiao Lang didn't say anything, just nodded gratefully, and everyone began to teleport again.

The ten **** ancestor pinnacles, coupled with Xuanyuan Tianxin's face, are known to many people, and such a mighty teleportation to the south immediately attracted the attention of many families. When thinking about the things in the Southern Demon City, everyone is even more surprised. Are the Mei Family and Xuanyuan Family preparing to join forces to destroy the Demon Race? But the Mei's house is not moving...

A day later, Xiao Lang and others arrived at the Sky Demon City. Just standing on the square of the Sky Demon City, Xiao Lang found that Mo Qingqing’s face was full of excitement, and there was a gleam of tears in his eyes. Obviously he saw this growing up here. The city that made her extremely sad was touched.

Xiao Lang patted her on the shoulder and cast his eyes on the countless nervous guards on the square. He swept his gaze and said in a deep voice: "Go and report to your Master Moteng, just say Mr. Xiao to see you!"

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