Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 121: Who do you think you are

Xiao Lang didn't cover his face this time, but he could sense it with a white hair and a godless body, and everyone immediately looked respectful. Of course, regardless of Xiao Lang's identity, at least Xuanyuan Tianxin was not underestimated by everyone. How could it be Xuanyuan Tianzun's son?

A strong ancestor came over and said, "It turns out that it is Mr. Xiao, Lord Tianxin is also here? Please come into the mansion to chat!"

Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianxin breathed a sigh of relief. The Heavenly Demon Clan seemed to have a good attitude. If they can let people go this time, then nothing will happen.

The two followed the ancestors all the way to an ancient castle. When they reached the ancient castle, Xuanyuan Tianxin's expression was a bit ugly, because outside the castle, only an elder greeted everyone, or an elder in the middle of the ancient ancestor.

The Xuanyuan family came to the peak of ten **** ancestors, and Xuanyuan Tianxin also came, but just sent an elder? Sure enough, the Heavenly Demon Family would be invincible if they hugged the Xiu Family's thighs.

This time it was here to save people, Xuanyuan Tianxin didn't get angry, and entered the hall in the ancient castle with the elder of the Tianmo Family.

As a result, I entered the hall, waited a full half an hour, and drank three cups of tea, but the Lord Moteng hadn't even appeared yet? But the elder kept playing haha, saying that the eldest son had gone outside and was rushing back.

Lie to children?

He detained the members of the Mei family and is waiting for the Mei family to recover. Could he not be in the Devil City?

After waiting for an hour again, when the faces of Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianxin were completely black, Lord Moteng came out with a yawn. He didn't even look at Xiao Lang when he came out to see. He just looked at Xuanyuan Tianxin and said lazily, "Tianxin Are you here? How good is the blood jealous?"


The people of the Xuanyuan family were all secretly angry. He was a **** ancestor in the early stage, but he dared to call Tianxin directly? Dare to call Xuanyuan Tianzun by name? Xuanyuan Tiangang immediately muttered secretly: "What is it! Isn't it just marrying a lady from the Xiu family?"

Xuanyuan Tianxin glanced at the crowd lightly, suppressing their anger, and then faintly said, "Father has been in a good mood recently, um... this time I went to Demon Realm and lived in the Purple Emperor Palace for a few days, and got a five-color lotus after a slight breakthrough. At the moment in the Shura Palace, please resurrect the little brother from the Supreme God!"

Xuanyuan Tianxin really likes to show off like his Lao Tzu. This time to show off was quite the occasion. Xuanyuan Tianzun was named for a breakthrough, and he was still with the Supreme God of Asura at the moment. If this Moteng was not a stupid, he would not be so arrogant.

Is Moteng an idiot?

Obviously not, but Xuanyuan Tianxin's somewhat ostentatious tone seemed to offend him. He smiled slightly and said, "Congratulations to Sir Xueji. A few days ago, I took Yuer to visit our ancestor. The ancestor was kind and heart-warming. , I really like fish and gave me a few words. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough savvy, so I am embarrassed!"

Xiao Lang and Xuanyuan Tianxin rolled their eyes secretly, Mo Teng, his ashamed ass, this is obviously a demonstration, and he wants to use the power of the Supreme God to crush all the families in the land of destruction.

Xiao Lang didn't care about these things. If things dragged on, I was afraid that the demon gods and the others would be more dangerous. They don't care about so many now. He stood up and solemnly said, "Master Moteng, this time we came here to ask for something. The son gives face."

Mo Teng glanced at Xiao Lang faintly, and said, "Oh? This is Mr. Xiao? He's very young, let's talk about it!"

Xiao Lang raised his brows, this Mo Teng actually knew his identity, and didn't even take a look when he came in just now? This person is indeed very arrogant. He patiently said, "That's it. I have two friends working in the Mei family caravan. They seem to have been taken by you? I don't care about the Mei family, but my two Friends, I care very much. They are called Xiao Moshen and Wuhen. I hope that the devil will show some face and let them go."

Everyone's expressions also became solemn, and Xuanyuan Tianxin nodded to indicate that this was what he meant. Everyone looked at Mo Teng, waiting for his decision.

"Devil Xiao? Wuhen?"

Moteng picked up a cup of tea and drank it slowly without looking at the crowd. When Xuanyuan Tianxin's face turned gloomy, he said, "I won't give you the face, Tianxin's face is still to be given!"

Xiao Lang's expression changed, and the anger in his heart was suppressed again when he heard the following sentence. Xuanyuan Tianxin's expression also improved a bit, but after Mo Teng finished the next sentence, everyone was instantly murderous.

"The dogs of the Mei family passed by the Celestial Demon collar, but they just asked them to pay a toll, so they dare to kill? Your friend is very embarrassed! Killing dozens of us, this time to see Tianxin face, you give 50 million Purple sacred stone, I let them both. Of have to hurry up. Otherwise I don’t guarantee that they will be intact later!"

When Xiao Lang heard the last sentence, his eyes became blood red. Although this matter was a grievance between the Mei family and the Celestial Demon Race, the Celestial Demon Race did nothing wrong. But thinking that Demon God and Wuhen were tortured unlike humans, he still couldn't hold back his anger.

He turned his eyes without saying a word, and looked at Xuanyuan Tianxin. The two exchanged eyes, and Xiao Lang suddenly burst into a shout: "Go, since we don't give face, then we don't ask for it."

Mo Teng's face sank, and the members of the Mo Family also mocked, and the secret way, the abandoned body of the god, really considered himself a character? What's wrong with not letting people go?

"Huh, what are you..."

Mo Teng watched everyone walking outside. He couldn't help but got up and scolded his mother, but his eyes suddenly shrank in the next second, because...Xiao Lang, Xuanyuan and others moved at the same time.

"call out!"

The three ancestor peaks flew to the left, and the three ancestor peaks rushed to the right. In addition, Xuanyuan Tianxin and Xuanyuan Tiangang rushed towards the elders of the Xuanyuan family, while Xiao Lang shot towards Master Moteng.

"Love Dying"

"Kirin Phantom Claw!"

Xiao Lang's body flew like a mad dragon. First, he released the soul attack from Qing Mie, and then successfully smashed the shield that the Great Master Demon Teng had just released with his slaying. God of Splitting easily pinched his neck. The hand still grabbed his waist, and powerful energy rushed into his body, pressing his energy back into the dantian.

"call out!"

There are several **** ancestor peaks lurking near the hall, as well as some **** ancestor powerhouses. These are to protect Lord Moteng and prevent Xuanyuan family from chaos. But when they rushed out, they were greeted by the powerful deterrence of the ancestor of the Xuanyuan Family. But Xiao Lang moved extremely fast, and he took down Master Moteng with one move, and no one dared to move.

"Xuanyuan Tianxin, are you going to go to war with my clan? Let the eldest son go immediately, otherwise none of you will want to live."

An old man with a gloomy face had killing intent in his eyes, staring at Xuanyuan Tianxin. Xiao Lang and the others just said they were leaving. They relaxed for a while, but they didn't expect to be restrained by Mo Teng under their noses.

Xuanyuan Tian smiled coldly, his eyes turned, and finally he looked at Young Master Moteng and said, "It depends on your demon clan if you can't start a war! Anyway, my father asked me to come this time, everything listens to Xiao Lang, if Xiao Lang says to start a war. , Then fight!"

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