Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 128: What is it to kill a few people?

In the vast chaotic world, countless star fields and territories stand in the sky, exuding an ancient and desolate atmosphere. These areas and star areas have existed since the birth of the Chaos World. I don't know how many years have passed, how much prosperity and fall, and the fight of warriors.

"call out!"

A flying cloud disk pierced the sky and came at a speed like lightning. This flying cloud disk is the most advanced and very fast. In addition, there were two strong ancestors on the Feiyun Disk, and the aura was very scary. The Feiyun Disk passing by was automatically avoided from far away and dared not approach.

This is not a chaotic sea of ​​stars, the warriors or pirates who mix here are basically not strong, and the territory here basically belongs to the big family of God's Domain, even if there are powerful pirates, they have long been cleaned up.

There are only four people in the Feiyun Pan Hall, and one person is boring in the room to practice cultivation. It is Xiao Lang and others who set off from God's Domain to Tianzhou.

Xiao Lang cooperated with Xuanyuan Tiangang and Tianming sitting in the hall chatting and drinking. The speed of the flying cloud disk was so fast that it only took a few months to arrive in Tianzhou. Xiao Lang didn't bother to retreat and practice. Tianming and the two escorted him back. Why was he embarrassed to go to practice alone?

"Xiao Lang, it is said that you are the boss of Tianzhou? How are you in Tianzhou?" Xuanyuan Tianming asked casually after a drink.

Xiao Lang blinked his eyes in surprise, and said in a daze, "In Tianzhou, what I said is pretty good, Tianzhou is still good, and of course it is incomparable with God's Domain."

Xuanyuan Tiangang spoke very directly: "Tianming, what are you doing so round and round? Xiao Lang is not an outsider, I said directly, let's go to Tianzhou, Xiao Lang, would you arrange some beautiful women to play?"


Xiao Lang laughed dumbly. Feelings are the matter. He laughed and said, "Two big brothers, I won't give this thing. And you don't want to force me. Of course, the identities and strengths of the two of you can be placed anywhere. , There must be countless beauties who will be delivered to the door."

"Haha, that's good!"

The two of them suddenly danced with joy, and Tian Gang came over and said, "Brother Xiao Lang, don't you know, adults are more dedicated and hate dudes the most. So we dare not mess in Xuanyuan Mountain. A wife or a concubine dare not marry. And we haven't had the chance to go outside yet. If we can come out this time, don't you know how much brothers envy us, hehe!"


Xiao Lang suddenly remembered something and laughed, and said with a smile: "I will take you to the Black Sun Star Territory in a while, and I will make sure you have fun."

The knife's eyes lit up when he heard it, and he grinned. They were almost killed by Young Master Heiyang in the Black Sun Star Territory that day. This time they were indeed going to the Black Sun Star Territory for fun. Isn’t the domain owner of the Black Sun Star Territory a **** ancestor? Even without Xuanyuan Tianming and the others, Xiao Lang alone would be enough.

"Xiao Lang is out of the land of destruction? Where is he going?"

In a small hall of the Tianmo Castle, Lord Moteng sat with a gloomy face. After hearing the return of a subordinate, he mumbled a few times and suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Did Xiao Lang bring a A woman of the Demon Race?"

The subordinate nodded and said: "Yes, that person's identity has been determined. It is the daughter of a collateral child of the family called Mo Kuang. Mo Kuang made a mistake and was demoted back to the face of the Demon Realm. This woman was also in heaven. Demon Yumian, but I don’t know why I got together with Xiao Lang."

"Devil domain face?"

Mo Teng stood up, walked a few times in the room, and burst into a shout: "You immediately send a message to the face of the Demon Realm, investigate the identity of this woman, and ask them to report back."

The servants went down, and a beautiful woman walked out of the small hall. She frowned and looked at her gloomy husband and said with some worry: "Husband, the ancestor has already spoken about this matter, I think it is better? Go down, let the ancestors know, we will all be punished."

"Forget it? How to calculate?"

Mo Teng suddenly turned his head and shouted: "I wanted to borrow the Mei family to make the Demon Race the third-ranked family in the Land of Destruction, but now all the families have seen a joke. Without this tone, I will still be there. How to ruin the land? Not to mention the outside, I can't hold my head up in the family now."

Xiu Yu'er was yelled at by Mo Teng, and suddenly became very aggrieved, and his eyes became red and would cry. Mo Teng took a look, his face eased, and he came and hugged Xiu Yu'er and said, "I'm sorry Yu'er, I didn't mean to lose my temper at you. I am very depressed inside, and I have been in a bad mood recently. Don't blame me.

Xiu Yu'er looked at the haggard Mo Teng, nodded and said: "My husband, I know, Yu'er just wants you to think twice."


Mo Teng's eyes flashed solemnly, and he nodded: "Okay, I remember the fish! I will do this very secretly, and I won't let people kill Xiao Lang. I will at most take other people out of my clan. . Don't worry, I won't make you embarrassed."

Xiu Yuer broke his tears and nodded his head with a smile. As long as Moteng didn't kill Xiao Lang, things wouldn't make a big deal. Killing several of his clansmen didn't do it themselves. What was that?


After Xiu Yu'er went down for a while, the people came in again, and said excitedly: "The investigation is clear. Mo Qingqing had gone to a nearby area called Tianzhou, and never returned to the area of ​​the sky. And I also got news that it seems that Xuanyuan Tianyu was also brought back by Xiao Lang from Tianzhou? Xiao Lang's hometown should be in the Tianzhou area! And this time it is very likely to go to the Tianzhou area."

Mo Teng’s eyes were full of radiance, and he immediately took out a complete map of the Chaos World and checked it out. After confirming that Tianzhou was indeed close to the surface of the Tian Demon Realm, a grin appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he was silent for a long time. Inspector Mo Li, tell him not to come forward, and first check if Xiao Lang has returned to Tianzhou. In addition, let him summon all the chaotic pirates nearby. Xuanyuan Tiangang will definitely not stay for too long. Once they immediately let The pirates razed the Tianzhou territory to the ground..."

"The wise man!"

Immediately after leaving the salute, Moteng went out to work, and suddenly said at the door: "Wait! You must remember that the magic plow must not come forward, and that the group of pirates cannot kill Xiao Lang and seriously injured anything. It's okay, and it can't be abolished. Otherwise, if Xuanyuan Xueji is investigated, it will be in trouble."

After the people left, Mo Teng sneered: "Aren't you very good, Xiao Lang? Do many people support you? How about this matter even if you know that I did it? Without evidence, the Supreme God would not care at all. , Xuanyuan Xueji didn't dare to come forward, do you dare to single-handedly kill the Devil City?"

Xiao Lang, who was far away in the chaotic space, suddenly felt cold at this moment. He had a bad premonition for some reason, but he didn't know what went wrong. He looked at the star field comparison map ahead, shook his head and ignored that much, stood up and said to the two Xuanyuan Tianming: "Okay, the most lively star field of this generation is here, let’s go. Two big brothers, I will accompany you down to play."

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