Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 129: Give gifts

The Black Sun Star Territory was still as prosperous as it used to be. When Xiao Lang's Feiyun Disk landed, he could see many Feiyun Disks flying in and out along the way.

"Two eldest brothers, can your aura be reduced? It's best to converge to the Divine Sovereign Realm, otherwise it won't be fun to wait!"

When he was approaching Black Sun City, Xiao Lang suddenly said. The two of them didn't react for a while, but soon he smiled and said, "This is easy to handle, we're bringing the relief pill."

The two took out a pill and swallowed it, and their aura was quickly controlled in the Divine Sovereign Realm. They didn't know what Xiao Lang was going to do, but guessed that the Black Sun Star Territory had offended Xiao Lang before.

If you have grudges, don't avenge non-gentlemen!

Xiao Lang has always believed in such words. Others can kill him. He is not comfortable if he has grudges and does not revenge him. If they don't understand their thoughts, they will affect their cultivation. They almost died in the Black Sun Star Territory back then, and Hei Yang sent Bai Mazi and others to chase him down. If it weren't for Wan Yan Ruo Shui, everyone would have died.

He took out the three masks from the space ring and put them on the knife and the poisonous dragon respectively. This made Xuanyuan Tianming take off the cloud disk and a group of people flew down.

"call out!"

A group of black Japanese soldiers flew up below, feeling that Tianming Tiangang was a god, and his attitude was better. A leader of the gods said to everyone: "Everyone, please show me your token, otherwise you will have to pay ten purple sacred stones today. Go in."

The two of Tianming Tiangang frowned, but Xiao Lang jumped out first, took out dozens of purple sacred stones, and gave some more, and said with a smile: "Is Young Master Yang here? I made a special trip to visit."

As soon as the team leader received the Purple Sacred Stone, his attitude improved, and he whispered: "Young Master Yang is here. I only accepted a concubine yesterday. Let's be at the mansion at this moment. Go and see you outside the mansion."

"Dog can't change eating shit!"

Xiao Lang sighed secretly, this Young Master Hei Yang was the most horny, and he didn't know how many girls had been ruined by him over the years. I don’t know if the concubine was succumbed or forced?

"call out!"

He immediately led everyone down and headed straight to a large manor north of the city. Along the way, you can see the city's very lively, people come and people, many warriors flying in the sky, and the warriors in the shops on the street below walk in and out, which is very prosperous.

Soon everyone arrived at the manor of the Hei family. From afar, they saw the lights and festoons in the manor, beaming with joy, and there were others walking towards the manor. Obviously, the son of Heiyang took a concubine, and the son of the family came to congratulate him.

"Go down!"

Xiao Lang greeted everyone and flew down. There were seven or eight guards at the door. The strongest was in the Divine Sovereign Realm. Seeing that the popularity of the crowd was extraordinary, and there were two God Sovereigns who naturally smiled from afar, he handed over, and said: "Welcome Who are you guys?"

"We are Daoxing Young Master Laiyang!"

Xiao Lang said indifferently, before he finished speaking, he led people to walk inside. Although the **** hesitated, why didn't Daoxi offer the gift first? However, due to the tolerance of Xiao Lang and the others, he didn't dare to ask more, just winked at one of the guards and motioned to the report.

The Hei Family is rich in wealth and grandeur in this Black Sun star field. Of course, Xiao Lang and the others were very knowledgeable, so naturally they didn't care about it and walked straight in. When they walked far away from the main courtyard, they saw a prince martial artist greeted him.

"In the next black fox, may I ask your surnames?"

It is easy to enter the manor, but it is obviously difficult to get inside, otherwise any enemy can get in and assassinate. Without a clear identity, naturally one cannot enter.

Xiao Lang stopped and said indifferently: "My surname is Hei, my name is Yang Ye!"

"Oh? It turned out to be from my own family. Could it be that several of them are from God's Domain own clan?" Xiao Lang's smile on the peak of God Sovereign was thickened, but when he turned his head, he was wrong.

"Master Heiyang? Heiyang's grandfather? Hey!"

This **** was furious immediately, but before he condensed his energy, Xiao Lang's eyes flashed black and white light and "despaired" was released. At this moment, his soul was about to transform into a purple house. Such a powerful soul power made the eyes of the gods peak be clouded. stand up. When he woke up, his neck was already pinched.


A fist suddenly slammed into his lower abdomen, and a powerful force poured out, instantly smashing his dantian, and Xiao Lang's low voice sounded: "If you don't want to die, don't cry!"

"Um! Come..."

There were two other servants at the door, and they wanted to scream immediately after a moment. Is it possible that Xuanyuan Tianming's two people were so capable that they could scream out? The two men poured out murderously and enveloped the two of them. They couldn't even move their bodies, let alone call for help.

"Let's go!"

Xiao Lang felt a sense of pleasure, holding the peak of the **** with one hand, the knife and the poisonous dragon caught the servant separately, and everyone strode toward the inside.

"Come on, drink!"

"Everyone, you didn't come yesterday, but today you must not be drunk or return!"

There was a laughter of heroic dry clouds in a hall inside, and there were many flattery flattering noises. The corner of Xiao Lang's mouth became cold and he threw the peak of the **** race directly into the hall.



The ancestor pinnacle directly smashed through the walls of the hall, and the servant maid who was guarding outside the hall immediately screamed and escaped everywhere. The poisonous dragon and the knife also learned Xiao Lang, and suddenly smashed the two servants.

"Hei Yang, my son is here to congratulate you for taking a concubine!"

Xiao Lang laughed and continued walking inside. The people inside wanted to rush out, but when they saw this, they all backed up and gathered together.

"call out!"

Countless warriors in the Heijia Manor burst out, rushing towards this side, and there is obviously a strong man with the breath of ancestors roaring: "Who dares to go wild in Hei Sun City?"

Xiao Lang ignored the divine ancestor, but walked into the hall and looked at countless horrified sons, as well as the extremely gloomy son of Heiyang. He smiled and took off his mask and said, "Master Yang, do you still know me?"

"It's you?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Hei Yang's eyes and then he woke up immediately, with murderous in his eyes, he swept through Xuanyuan Tianming's body with a sneer: "Good boy, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you break in. Didn’t kill you back then, you will definitely die today.”

"call out!"

Hei Yang’s father, the powerhouse of the mid-God Ancestor also whizzed over, his eyes swept over the two of Xuanyuan Tianming, and asked a little surprised: "Hei Xia Hei Xin, the person who leads the Hei Clan in Hei Shan, a few come to God’s Domain Why do you hurt someone when you come in directly?"

"Father, what do you say so much for? Kill first! The two gods dare to be so presumptuous, do our family still need to mix in the Black Sun Star Territory in the future?" Hei Yang sneered, before Xuanyuan Tianming and the others could speak. Drink it.

"Black Mountain collar?"

Xuanyuan Tianming murmured, he didn't bother to say what he wanted to say at the moment. This Black Mountain has a Heavenly Venerable, but his strength is pitiful, and he has cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years, which is nothing to the powerful Xuanyuan family.

Hei Xin was a little annoyed when the two of them did not speak, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Several people, there are also riots, right? Hei Xin asks himself to be a kind person, if today’s affairs don’t give an explanation, he will only I can offend it!"


Xiao Lang laughed, turned his head and looked at Black Heart and said: "How many girls your son has harmed these years, you dad don't know? A few years ago, I took a friend and was almost ruined by your young master. We He was almost killed. Is that enough?"

The corner of Black Heart's mouth was cold, and it seemed that he was a little warrior with no background. Otherwise, why did things that happened a few years ago come to revenge now? At the moment, his aura was wild, and he shouted, "Kill!"

"call out!"

Hundreds of gods flew in the yard, and countless people rushed up, Xiao Lang was too lazy to kill evil, and the black light in his eyes flashed sternly and released, and he flashed away at Young Master Heiyang.

"Be careful!"

When Sui Su killed the black heart, his face suddenly changed, and the warriors rushing around also stood in midair. Because the slaying aura was extremely powerful, and the space oscillated, such a powerful attack would never be issued by the ancestors.


Heiyang's body burst into powder, and at the same time Xuanyuan Tianming and Tiangang also released their auras, the aura of the **** ancestor's peak roared out, directly causing a group of gods to kneel on the ground, only the black heart was still struggling.


Hei Xin didn't hold on for a second. He awoke from the anger of Hei Yang's death. He knew that everyone in the Hei family who couldn't deal with it was going to die today, so he knelt on the ground and begged: "Several adults, forgive me. There is no way to discipline, please look at the face of Heitian ancestors, spare our lives!"

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