Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 130: Come back home

At the peak of the **** ancestor, two more appeared at once. Black hearts were in the middle stage of the ancestor, not to mention confronting the two, Xuanyuan Tianming and the two people let him die with just one move. The situation is stronger than that of people. This black heart is not a core child in the Hei Family, otherwise he will not be sent to the Black Sun Star Territory. Naturally, he will not be foolishly sent to death. If his son is dead, he can be born again...

Xuanyuan Tianming looked at Xiao Lang, asking if he wanted to cut the grass and root out? In their eyes, killing the Heiyang clan is really not a big deal, let alone Heiyang Heixin, even if he leads the murder in Black Mountain, the reputation of the Xuanyuan family is not a big deal at this moment.

Xiao Lang pondered for a moment, and still shook his head. If he kills indiscriminately, what is the difference from the warriors of the Demon Realm?

He cast his eyes on the black heart, and said coldly: "You can't kill you, you can compensate us for our losses!"


Hei Xin and the others were overjoyed, and immediately cursed inwardly. loss? You have lost money. The people who killed them were a waste of energy? Delayed the trip?

Xiao Lang glanced faintly, then sneered: "Why? Don't want to pay?"

"Pay, pay!" Black Heart nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, and the purple sacred stone is a bastard.

Xiao Lang nodded with satisfaction, "I count it. Last time you were chased by your son, we lost ten of our top flying cloud disks, eight top armors, sixteen swords, and various treasures. Three hundred and sixty-eight, my brother and I were injured, a variety of elixir, 1,680 elixir, plus our mental loss expenses, lost work expenses... Well, let me just calculate it. Even if you give a fifty million purple sacred stone, I won't even count the fraction."

"Fifty million!"


Hei Xin's eyes were black and fell directly to the ground. Even though the Black Sun star field made a lot of money in a year, he actually received millions of Purple Sacred Stones. He has to turn over half of the Hei family every year, and take care of nearby pirates, plus the expenses of the guards, his annual net income is nearly one million purple sacred stones. Over the years, he has been defeated by Heiyang's prodigal a lot. At this moment, he has six to seventy-eight million purple sacred stones. Xiao Lang needs fifty million when he speaks?

"Why? Feel too much? You don't have to give it." Xiao Lang sneered, his eyes shone with black light, stating that he would kill if he didn't give it.

Xuanyuan Tianming and the two also flashed their eyes, and the murderous intent came out, Black Heart quickly gritted his teeth and said, "Hey, I'll give it!"

"Go, go."

After Black Heart gave the Purple Sacred Stone enough, Xiao Lang lazily walked outside with Xuanyuan Tianming and the others. When he reached the door, he looked back and said: "Black Heart Domain Lord, if you want to get revenge, I'm always welcome, I It's Xiao Lang!"

Walking out, a group of people flew directly into the air, took out the flying cloud disk and continued to fly towards Tianzhou, and soon broke through the air, disappearing into the sight of everyone.


Thinking that it turned into powder and even the bones did not leave the black sun, a huge energy in Black Heart's hands whizzed out and slammed into the hall. Suddenly the whole hall burst and crashed and fell, raising a huge mushroom cloud.

"Xiao Lang, I want to kill you, I must kill you!"

The whole audience was silent, only the low roar suppressed by the black heart sounded, and the sound seemed to come from the depths of the throat, just like the low roar of a beast. His face became extremely ferocious, and the aura on his body was extremely terrifying, and the people of the Hei family were scared to crawl on the ground.

After Hei Xin let out a vent, he suddenly shouted: "Immediately send a message to Heicheng, check Xiao Lang's information, and report the matter here, Lord Heiyan!"

The guard commander Hei Fan immediately rushed towards a communication secret formation, and soon a communication light was illuminated. It didn't take long for the Hei Fan Divine Lord to return with a bitter expression on his face. He walked to the side of Heixin and said in a low voice, "Patriarch, Lord Heiyan has sent a message. Let's stop here! Xiao Lang...we can't afford it? Heiyan He can't provoke him either."

"What? What's his background?" Black Heart's eyes shrank and his body trembled and asked in shock.

Hei Fan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know what the specific origins are, but he took someone into the Devil City not long ago, and held the Great Master Moteng. Finally, he confronted the Xiu family, but he is still safe at the moment. Patriarch, you can Think about his background!"

"Sky Demon Race? Xiu Family..."

Hei Xin's body became soft, not to mention that Xiu's family is the Celestial Demon Clan, for Heishan collars, they are all behemoths. Xiao Lang provoked the Celestial Demon Clan, and he was still fine at the moment when he met the Xiu's family. Xiao Lang's background completely made him desperate. Up.

"Two eldest brothers, this is a 20 million purple sacred stone, Xiao Langqiong, don't laugh at you!"

Inside the Feiyun disk, Xiao Lang took out two spatial rings and handed them to Xuanyuan Tianming and Tiangang respectively. There were 20 million purple sacred stones inside.

Tianming Tiangang glanced at each other, Xuanyuan Tianming said: "Xiao Lang, do you look down on us? We are like people who lack the purple sacred stone?"

Xiao Lang smiled and said, "The two eldest brothers are naturally not lacking, but this is a bit of a touch. You sent me back all the way. I don't mean that I feel uneasy. If you don't accept it, you will look down on the younger brother."

Twenty million purple sacred stones, for Xuanyuan Tianming and two of them, are not huge wealth, of course, they are considered a lot of money. The two of them were actually quite moved. After all, many things in this world need to be purchased with Purple Sacred Stones, and they are not Xuanyuan Tianxin.

Seeing the sincerity in Xiao Lang's eyes, the two nodded secretly. In the end, Xuanyuan Tiangang took a space commandment: "Yes, Brother Xiao is so careful, we will accept half of it, you little brother, we recognize it."

Xuanyuan Tianming also nodded and said, "Brother Xiao is righteous, and the patriarch has already taken him as a nephew. In fact, we have climbed up high."


Xiao Lang laughed and said, "Xiao Lang was born in Tianzhou, and it is a blessing for Sansheng to be valued by Uncle Xuanyuan. If the two eldest brothers want to talk about their status, it is definitely me. Let the two big brothers return with satisfaction."

Xuanyuan Tianming and the two looked at each other, and smiled at each other and were even more satisfied with Xiao Lang. He had Xuanyuan Tianzun's explanation, even if they would not hesitate to do anything, the two of them really liked this little brother now.

The speed of Feiyun disk is very fast, and the black sun star field is not too far away from Tianzhou. After more than a month, Tianzhou is already in sight.

Looking at the small area floating in the air ahead, Xiao Lang and Xiao Dao were both excited. The two had left the Tianzhou area for nearly four years. Four years was a blink of an eye for a powerful warrior, but for Xiao Lang, it was extremely long.

"call out!"

Feiyunpan suddenly accelerated by one point, and quickly flew towards Tianzhou, only to slow down slowly when it approached Tianzhou.


Xiao Lang's spiritual consciousness spread out early, and he scanned Tianzhou. After he was sure that Tianzhou was safe and sound, the whole person became excited. He and the knife burst away, smelling a familiar smell in the air, and a trace of intoxication appeared on their faces.

"Hahaha! Tianzhou, we are finally back!"

Xiaodao Xingzi was anxious and roared, his strength at the moment had reached the peak of a great god, this roar was like a bolt from the blue, awakening all the warriors in Tianzhou.

"It's the emperor, the emperor is back!"

Countless warriors flew out of the air, and Ouyang Cuicui and Mu Shangui were the first to shoot into the air with speed, and they all laughed at a glance, and the entire Tianzhou quickly became boiling.

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