Demon Becoming the Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 1: Good ambition

"call out!"

Over the city of Emperor Xiao, people were constantly flying and shooting, killing the emperor, tea wood, walking alone, Xiao Qingyi, red bean, Mu Xiaoyao...

All of them stood in the air. Looking at the two people flying from above, they felt that the wind was a bit strong today, making their eyes a little blurred. In the days without Xiao Lang, let alone the fear and fear of their entire Tianzhou, walking on thin ice.

Now Xiao Lang had finally returned, and the aura on his body was extremely strong, which gave them a strong sense of security. Especially Hongdou and the others, they couldn't sleep many times at night, and how many times they stared at the sky in a daze. Without Xiao Lang's days, they felt that what they did was meaningless. If it weren't for Xiao An, they didn't know how the days would continue...

Su Zhe took a child into the air, and when he saw Xiao Lang alone, his face turned pale. But soon there was a sound transmission in her ear: "Su Zhe, don't think about it! The devil is okay, I will send you to God's Domain after a while to reunite with him."

"call out!"

Xiao Lang flew down with a knife, his gaze swept across Xiao Qingyi and Du Guxing, and finally fell on four tear-eyed faces, looking at a few faces that were lingering in dreams, he nodded and revealed A brilliant smile said: "I'm back, don't cry, if there are guests coming back, Chamu will arrange the banquet immediately!"

"Mother, is he my father?"

A timid voice came from behind Mu Xiaoyao, a four or five year old child shyly showed half of his head, looking at Xiao Lang curiously.

Xiaoyao Mu turned around, picked up the child, and nodded heavily and said, "Yes, An'er, your father is back, call you father soon!"

Xiao An was only born shortly when Xiao Lang left, and he was just over four years old now. He was not too tall and looked like Xiao Lang, but rather like Mu Xiaoyao. He was extremely beautiful. If he was dressed up, he might be mistaken for a girl.

He glanced at Xiao Lang with a twist, and saw him quickly avoiding his gaze from his own eyes, and the voice of milk whispered, "Father..."


Xiao Lang laughed and flew over, and tremblingly hugged Xiao An with a displeased expression in Mu Xiaoyao's arms, and after looking at him carefully, he smiled at Mu Xiaoyao: "Fortunately, the child is like you. It would be too ugly if it was like me..."

Xiao Lang amused Hong Dou and the others with a word, and at the moment Xuanyuan Tianming and others in the sky also put away the Feiyun tray. A group of strong men in Tianzhou felt the strong aura that they couldn't hide, secretly aghast. And feeling that the aura of the poisonous dragon is also very strong, they are happy in their hearts, thinking that Xiao Lang's trip to God's Domain is not bad?

Xiao Lang led a group of people to fly towards the Divine Soul Pavilion. The teleportation array in the city kept shining. The powerhouses of Tianzhou teleported over. The emperor returned, how could he not come to hold his thighs?

Although facing a group of little warriors who weren't even a divine body, Xuanyuan Tianming still gave enough face. Hong Dou and the others went to the backyard obediently and sensibly. Xiao Lang accompanied Xuanyuan Tianming and the two to drink. After Xiao Lang hinted, the big figures in Xiao Emperor City began to toast. Although the wine in Tianzhou is not comparable to God's Domain, and the food does not have the effect of powerful body and soul, it is still delicious, Xuanyuan Tianming and the two are very happy.

After Xiao Lang sent a message, Cha Mu went to invite the reddest oiran in Xiao Emperor City to accompany them to serve them, and Xuanyuan Tianming was completely drunk.

Xiao Lang almost got up and toasted the cup, and said with a smile: "Two big brothers, eat and drink well. If you have any questions, please tell Chamu! Chamu treats the two big brothers well, I will withdraw first."

Xuanyuan Tianming and the two were stunned by a group of oirans who were professional to please men. How could they care about Xiao Lang? When he waved his hand, he continued to drink with everyone.

Xiao Lang confessed a few words to the tea tree, and quickly walked out of the hall and ran towards the backyard.

The backyard was very lively, and there was a small banquet. A group of women sat around, listening to the knife and everyone telling about what Xiao Lang had encountered in God's Domain. Two other children were also sitting on the knife from left to right, their eyes sparkling. They didn't know what the knife said, but they knew that Xiao Lang was very powerful in God's Domain.


Xiao Lang walked in with a long smile and looked around and said, "Don't worry, everyone, I won't be leaving in a short time. Even if I go to God's Domain, I will take you with you."

With Xiao Lang's words, everyone was completely relieved. Su Zhe also received certain news, and was content to leave. She waved a tiger-headed little guy and slipped off the knife, and Su Zhe faced him. Said: "Ping'er, isn't it called Uncle?"

Xiao Moshen’s son is about the same age as Xiao An, and he is very outstanding. He immediately grinned and said with a sweet smile: "Uncle Xiao Lang, you come back so long, why don't you give me a gift?"

Xiao Lang was startled, then laughed, and squatted down and said, "Xiao Ping, what kind of gift do you want? Speak boldly, uncle can give it to you!"

"Ping'er, why are you so rude?" Su Zhe immediately scolded him when he saw it, but was stopped by Xiao Lang faintly shaking his head.

Xiao Ping looked at Xiao Lang's loving gaze, a little bolder, and plucked up the courage to say: "Uncle, I think of a magic weapon. I want to be a great hero like your father, guarding our Tianzhou and fighting for the hegemony of the gods. "

"Good ambition!"

Xiao Lang laughed loudly, his divine consciousness swept away the space ring, took out a very beautiful dagger, and also took out ten thousand purple sacred stones and handed them to Xiao An, "Take it, this is a gift from uncle, this purple sage Don't refining the stone now, wait until your strength reaches the realm of beings before refining it."

Xiao Ping was overjoyed, his little face bloomed, Xiao An seemed to be infected by Xiao Ping, and he mustered up the courage to climb down from the knife, bounced over, looked at Xiao Lang and said, "Father, I want a gift too. !"

Xiao Lang could only turn over the space ring again, and also took out a dagger and handed it to him. As for the purple holy stone, he didn't give it. He was very guilty of this son, and would give him whatever he wanted, but giving too much rashly would make him feel arrogant.

Thinking of giving gifts, he immediately took out some Yanyan Pills from the Space Ring and gave them to Su Zhemu, the little demon Red Bean, Xiao Qingyi and others. Although these Yanyan Pills are not as good as the spirit fruit that Zi Meier gave him, they can also prolong life. Stay young.

A group of women were immediately happy when they heard that this was the Zhanyan Pill of God's Domain. Women's love for beauty is always natural, and it can keep them young forever. This is more happy than giving away any treasure.

"Okay, since Lang'er won't leave for a short time, I will talk about it later! I'll go back first."

Xiao Qingyi stood up very sensibly, and hugged Xiao An, lovingly said, "Xiao Anan, grandma will take you to play."

Xiaodao and the others also got up and left to leave space for Xiao Lang. They hadn't seen each other for four years. Hong Dou and others had too much lovesickness to talk to Xiao Lang.

When everyone left, Hong Dou and the others twisted. They hadn't seen each other for a few years, and they felt strange for a while. Look at me, I don’t see you talking.

Xiao Lang grinned and didn't say anything. He just said indifferently: "What are you still doing in a daze? Go take a bath..."

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